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Deno 1.34 released

- deno compile now supports npm: imports
- you can now use globs (**/*.ts) in deno.json files
- Deno.serve now returns a Server instance instead of a promise to be able to shutdown the server
- Improvements to npm and Node compatibility
Sprae — progressive enhancement framework

A tiny alternative to Alpine, petite-vue and others with better ergonomics

Uses Vue-like templates and supports Attributes and Events

It's also sandboxed (globals aren't accessibleby default) but can be extended

#javascript #library #webdev
Deno 1.35 Released

— Stabilized Deno.serve() API, ~2x faster than Node.js
— Improved comparability with npm modules, such as aws-sdk, redis ans discord.js
— Support for new Web APIs: Headers.getSetCookie() and ReadableStream.from()
— Auto-complete support for npm modules and import maps
— New std modules: html/entities to escape and unescape characters in HTML and http/user_agent for parsing UserAgent string

#deno #release
Hwy - a simple, lightweight, and flexible web framework, built on Hono and HTMX.

- Uses HTMX instead of React but still gives an option to write JSX
- Next.js-like File-based routing
- CSS inlining
- Data loaders like in Remix
- Hono middleware support

#htmx #nodejs #backend #webdev #fullstack
ESLint Stylistic - Stylistic Formatting for ESLint

- no more need to install Prettier
- Supports most of ESLint built-in stylistic rules (like semi / indent)
- Supports JS, TS and JSX
Deno 1.39: The Return of WebGPU

— WebGPU API is brought back (Deno Deploy isn't supported yet)
— New coverage reporters (html & summary)
— New "bring your own nodemodules" mode for deno compile
— Enhanced LSP
— "Sloppy" imports support (extension-less)
— Support for running npm binaries in Deno tasks
— Better compatibility with CommonJS packages
— Unstable flag to support deprecated
— Added more missing Node.js APIs
— Some Deno I/O interfaces were deprecated in favor of Web Streams API
— Added ImageData Web API
— Better performance for URLPattern
— TypeScript was upgraded to 5.3

std changes:

— std/webgpu with additional methods for WebGPU
— std/expect: same expect matchers as in Jest, though not 100% implemented
— std/ini: parse INI files
— std/data
structures: common DS like BinarySearchTree
— std/text: utility functions for text match and search
— std/cli: Argument parsing & secret prompts
— std/net: added getAvailablePort function
2024/06/19 01:15:36
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