Sometimes the people we love don't love us back. But the worst part is they can't even let us go. They can love whoever they want while we stand beside them as their friend taking their side in their relationship troubles. When we tell them we want to leave them, they pull us back in and start questioning our friendship. What a waste of us... right? Some people give us just enough light that they can make us stick through a lot of darkness. So unfair.

"I don't understand why are you doing these things for me"

"It's simple because I want to make you feel special, silly"

"But we are not even dating"

"Oh I didn't know there has to be a tag attached to this thing"

"No it's just that I don't trust anyone easily"

"Oh I understand that thing very deeply"

"So you too have gone through some shit"

"Yeah we all have gone or going through something"

"You know it's kind of poetic, not knowing anything about someone but still hoping for them to notice that click. The click that has you thinking of them for a whole day. Which keeps your bad, depressing thoughts at bay, because they occupy your each and every thought. And then you start to pray"

"Pray for them to notice you, and the urge to make them feel how they make you too, feel anti-introvert to follow through. And for me it's you. That's why I am doing what I am doing, only for you"

I wish I can be smile happily everytime but in my heart I feel like rollercoaster inside 😌

It's been a while but
I don't want to lose the sound of your voice so, can we talk?
Would it sound like I care too much if I asked how life is going?
I don't want to sound desperate but do you ever think of me?
I hope it doesn't sound like I miss you too much if I ask, do you miss me?
It's been a while and I'm afraid I'll forget your face so, can we have a second first date?

Bila tengok ramai antara kawan aku dah ada pasangan masing-masing aku anggap rezeki diaorang kahwin awal, dan bila orang tanya aku "bila nak kahwin? " aku dah hadap soalan ni banyak kali dah 😆 , so jawapan yang senang "rezeki Allah datang pada waktu yang tepat" 😄

Klau hati kosong, start balik dengan amalkan Qur'an satu hari satu muka, Insya-Allah tenang 😊

Fully recovery and success move on after 2 year try to let it go. Proud of you dearself 😊 now I letting you go.

Some people memang akan ambik masa lama nak move on. So jangan laa push even everyday selalu kata kat close cirle cakap dah move on tapi actually gagal hahhaa. Lagipon I follow him tips "jangan paksa diri kau nak move on dari aku nanti kau sakit" so kepada semua yang nak move on dari mantan mantan anda, take your time ya. Tak perlu paksa diri, kadang bila kita terlalu sayangkan orang tu memang susah sangat nak lepaskan. Tapi cuba slowly okay. Ok sekian selamat malam semua.

Not everyone deserves a second chance so appreciate them before you lose them completely.

I'd rather save our friendship than fall in love with you because we don't know where our love story will go. I'm afraid that one day our friendship will turn from being lovers to opposites and we'll lose our feelings. We not only lost our love story but our precious friendship that we built long ago. So please stay by my side as a friend forever.

How to stop being someone pleaser?

God, the feeling tired of being kind but still want help them. Oh to be someone pleaser.

Terkadang tu bila kat lowest stage and the urge to do something looking back at scar yang pernah ada dulu. Cuba pujuk diri "dulu kau pernah buat camni, kau penat, kau 'mati' tapi kau bangkit juga lepastu. Percaya la ada perkara baik akan datang nanti. Tiada perjalanan yang jalannya lurus tanpa ada halangan, semuanya ada cabaran dan marilah redah bersama"

Tiada kisah yang semuanya indah. Kita bukan di dunia fantasi. Ah nah dunia fantasi juga ada kejahatan. Jadi dimana sahaja ada saja perkara berlaku. Terus melakar di dalam dunia cerita anda sehingga kamu menemui penamatnya nanti.

I wonder why but still what it is it's.

No one
I don't think I'm someone's crush
Or a reason to blush
I don't think I've ever been on someone's mind
I'm just a character on the side
I'm not the one someone wants to be with
I'm last on that list
I'm a puzzle no one wants to make
I'm an option left unticked
Before you tell me to love myself
Or to wait for someone right
Let me tell you
I'm trying
I'm trying to love my vulnerable side
I'm trying to live this lonely life
It might take some time
But I'll manage
And be the love of my life


"Why lately you look so tired"
"I don't have enough time to sleep"
"Why? You dreaming again about that guy?"
"Yeah, and I'm tired"

When you ask me how I'm doing
I will respond with one of two answers:
I am well, or I am okay
But the last thing I'll ever do, is tell you the truth

And it's not that I don't trust you
Or that I think you won't do everything you can to make me feel better
Because for what it's worth, I know you would

It's just that, I don't want to be a burden
By telling you the truth

I'd rather closet my grief, scream in the car, cry in the shower, and into my pillow
Rather than get your shoulder wet with a stream of tears so constant
I don't think it would ever be dry

I would hate to know that everyday would be a rainy day for you too
Because you've always been the sun

So I'd rather just lie
And tell you I'm well
Tell you I'm okay

Because the last thing I want to do
Is to have you feel responsible
For fixing everything you didn't break

Oh to be pretty like you ☺️ so you can easily judge that person just because you think they are not pretty like you.

Mencuba untuk 'self appreciate' tapi sebab orang sekeliling rasa dia terpaling cantik makanya kita terus menerus melihat kebawah 🥰 ya udah, kita sedar diri kok, ngak apa apa. Dah biasa dishaming dari zaman sekolah until now masa hadap. Kalau jadi batu yang kena hempas ngan air pon boleh berkecai lelama apa lagi kita kan 🥰 penatnya

2024/05/19 03:41:56
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