Self-love is very important. You can be the person that makes you happy. You can be your own best friend. You can comfort yourself when no one else is there. The right person will come into your life when the time is right.

•ᥫ᭡• @LightzOfLife
One day you will look back and understand why everything happened the way it did.

It is all in Allah's perfect timing.

You may not see it now, but Allah always plans in your favour. Keep reminding yourself of this, for He is the best of planners.

•ᥫ᭡• @LightzOfLife
The best feeling ever is having someone who appreciates you in the smallest things. Accepts you in times of hardships. Comforts you when you're troubled. Loves you no matter what. Stay with you and feel happy for having you in their life.

•ᥫ᭡• @LightzOfLife
Girl move on easily, boy move on easily.

reality :

people who never loved, move on easily.

•ᥫ᭡• @LightzOfLife
Have you ever been so bogged down by your problems that you think you’re the only one facing them. Remember, there’s a reason why things happen the way they do. The Almighty has a plan for everything that you experience. Sooner or later, you’ll see the light of day & thank Him.

•ᥫ᭡• @LightzOfLife
If you want to be happy, have low to zero expectations. Only depend on the Almighty, your Creator.

•ᥫ᭡• @LightzOfLife
Nothing good comes easy. Persevere. Strive to do your best. You’ll get there.

•ᥫ᭡• @LightzOfLife
Trust yourself. You’ve survived a lot, and you’ll survive whatever is coming.

•ᥫ᭡• @LightzOfLife
Don’t rush.
Take your time.

It doesn’t matter how old you are or where you are in life.

Don't look at others and worry.
Your journey is different.

Trust Allah and focus on improving yourself each day.

•ᥫ᭡• @LightzOfLife
لَا يُكَلِّفُ ٱللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا

“La yukallifullahu nafsan illa wus’aha”

Once you believe in this, you'll pass strongly through anything in life ♥️

•ᥫ᭡• @LightzOfLife
Always remember that you can never find a perfect partner to love you the way you wanted. Only a person who's willing to love you more than what you're.

•ᥫ᭡• @LightzOfLife
Don’t fall into this trap. Don’t dwell on how privileged you are. It’s how you end the journey that matters. Strive to live a life that endears you to your Creator. Everything else is secondary. Keep asking for a good end. May He take us when He’s most pleased with us. Ameen

•ᥫ᭡• @LightzOfLife
Don’t waste the most blessed days. Ten days will go quickly so be sure to fill them with as much good as possible. The Almighty gives us these periods of spiritual boosts throughout the year. Purify your intent, make a plan and you’re on the way to accomplish much.

•ᥫ᭡• @LightzOfLife
Deleting pictures is one of my hardest decision in life because i'm such a memory keeper.

•ᥫ᭡• @LightzOfLife
If you are reading this, may Allah remove your pain, worries, problems

and replace them with health, happiness and peace.

•ᥫ᭡• @LightzOfLife
Before you sleep tonight, let me remind you that Allah loves you. He has a plan for you. And, it’s better than you think. Rest well for tonight and knowing that your better days are coming. Be patient and keep on praying. Goodnight everyone, sleep tight.

•ᥫ᭡• @LightzOfLife

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Perkongsian hafis,kalam ulama', tafsir Quran

📌 @dapur_bonda
Resepi pelbagai citarasa

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Dakwah dari sekeping nota

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English quotes it's here

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Tenang - kamu mampu!

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📌 @sentaplaatuu
XsentapKew ?

💞 Group Discussion @quotephotovideochat

Stop worrying. Stop overthinking. Stop being pessimistic. If you trust the Almighty as you say you do, then put in your best effort and leave the rest to Him. He will work it out for you according to His timing. Not yours.

•ᥫ᭡• @LightzOfLife
The hardships you go through, make you value everything good that comes after it even more.

•ᥫ᭡• @LightzOfLife
I’m in the process of becoming a better version of myself.

•ᥫ᭡• @LightzOfLife
2024/06/16 22:05:39
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