Forwarded from Moon Crook
Forwarded from Mandra
Advanced Institute of Esoteric Studies
For this to be more accurate there should be 5 different demons fighting over the controller while an angel watches from a distance.
Forwarded from David
"I am the light of the world"
Can anyone translate?
Кабалістична анатомія Душі. Частина 2

У цій статті:
- Принцип кабалістичної реінкарнації
- Коли в людину вселяється чужа Душа та як її вигнати
- Руах га-Кодеш – Святий Дух та Просвітлений Розум
- Спільні методи йоги та кабали
- Унікальні ілюстрації та не тільки!

Час читання: ~15 хвилин

Підтримати існування Ukrainian Esoteric Studies🧙🏻‍♂️🙏😇

#кабала #лонгрід #автор_радій
Forwarded from David
Forwarded from The Black Lodge
Empty Mind, artwork by Welderwings
Forwarded from Occult of Personality
"(Objectless awareness) is a tensile field of vibratory awareness, within which you can be conscious of the whole without having to split the field into the usual subject/object polarity. . . The Tibetan Buddhists call it rigpa: ‘pure awareness.’ And I have come to suspect that the contemplative masters of our own Christian lineage were also well aware of this state and that this is actually what is intended by the word ‘vigilance’ in the Eastern Orthodox tradition and ‘recollection’ in the West. It doesn’t mean thinking deeply about something, recalling it. Rather, it means that you yourself are gathered – ‘re-collected’ – within that deeper inner attentiveness whose much more powerful energetic vibrancy allows a different mode of perception to unfold.”

~ Cynthia Bourgeault
2024/05/22 08:52:13
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