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you know in life,
there’s time where you don’t even know why all of this things happening .

you want to give up,
you want to turn the time back,
you want to choose the other way,
so you’re not gonna be here .

but here, I’ll tell you something,
Allah has written everything,
every single thing,
that has happened,
or is happening in your life,
it’s fate, takdir .

It may be hard to deal with,
It may be hurt to face,
but remember that, He said,
He’ll never burden us,
with things we can’t handle .

So trust yourselves,
and trust Him,
you know you got this,
you know you can handle this,
you know you’re strong enough,
to face all of this .

Don’t ever regret for choosing this way,
Don’t ever regret with your decision,
Always trust that;
Something special is waiting for you,
here or in hereafter .

so, be strong okyh ?
it’s hard, but that’s how life works,
I know you can handle this!
May Allah ease everythings, aamiin

letting go is better,
than holding on .

yes, it does hurt you,
but you know what;

life is a process of learning,
learn to let go,
learn to walk away,

learn to accept that;
there’s thing you hope it’s yours,
but the fate says it’s not .

it can be a bit hard but,
give yourselves a lil time,
to learn, and accept .

Okyh ?
jaga hati elok elok

I used to ask Him why,
why did this happen,
why it has to be me,
why things so tough,
why everything’s so hard,
and I know you did too .

but then;
I realized that in life,
we shouldn’t be asking why,
cause’ sometimes,
we don’t need explanation,
of what has happened .

we don’t need to know why,
just go with it,
without asking,
just face it,
without wondering,
cause’ He knows everything,
He knows that you can,
He knows what’s best for you,
He knows what you need the most .

I stop to ask,
but just trust .

it’s not that hard,
you’ll be just fine,
okyh ? stay strong!

try to look back,
see throughout the years,

how you have survived,
how far you’ve came,
how great you are now,

you have gone through them,
you will go through more,
so just trust yourselves,
trust that you can .

whatever your hardship is,
you will always survive,
okyh ? 😊

May He eases everything

Life maybe hard,
your past may hurt you,
the abandoned promises,
the unhealed wounds,
they left scars inside you .

but, that’s past,
what matter is now,
just keep going,
keep on stepping,
keep walking,
everything gonna be fine,
you’ll always be alright,
i promise you . ☺️

So just.,
lead a happy life, okyh ?
may Allah ease everything, aamiin .

Haengbogha! (be happy) ❤️
you know what, I hold this things when I met someone new and they became part of my memories .

“hadir manusia dalam hidup kita, sama ada dua;

1. beri pengajaran
2. tinggalkan kenangan

dan di akhirnya, kau akan berterima kasih pada keduanya”

so just, don’t ever regret for knowing them, Allah tu takkan hadirkan manusia dalam hidup kita tanpa sebab .

life is about learning, experience . mungkin boleh jadi if you don’t meet them, you’ll not become who you are now . they built who are you rn .

jangan regret, you should be thankful . ada beberapa perkara yang mereka ajar kita, ada beberapa kenangan yang mereka tinggalkan untuk kita .

dua benda tu, it’s part of your most precious things in life . so appreciate the experience, the memories, and learn from it . to become the better version of you . to become the best version of you . okyh ? 🙋🏻‍♀️

love, Catt🎈

p/s; salam Jumaat, don’t forget to selawat❤️
dear 2020,
thanks for all memories,
scars and wounds,
abandoned promises,
useless hopes,
and precious lessons .

goodbye and,
take care,
I wish you happiness

Hey, assalamualaikum .

less than 2hours, you will end this chapter and start another chapter . some words;

This year might not be the best year, if it hurts you so much, if it leaves you scars inside,

hey, it’s okay, it’s really okay . you’ll be alright, you’ll always be okay . time moves, same goes to you; you will heal, soon or later .

so don’t be worry, start your new chapter with happiness, okyh ?

May there’s sun that gonna shine through your upcoming days, through your ups and downs in your new chapter .

I wish you happiness, stay strong stay bright and haengbogha! ❤️ (be happy)

Happy New Year 🎊🎆
and Happy New You ☃️💌

with love, Catt🎈
Page 1 of 365 .
starting a new chapter .

it’s new life,
it’s new day,
it’s new you .

don’t let the past breaks you,
don’t let the scars hurt you,
don’t let negativity turns you down,
don’t be worry, okyh ?

look back, you’ve survived them,
you’re gonna survive more,
you’re capable more than you think,
so trust yourselves .

May He eases everything
Haengbogha! ❤️ (be happy)

with love, catt🎈
Page 2 of 365 .
beginning of a chapter .

I want you to know what;

you’re worth beyond what you think,
you’re more than you think you could be,
you’re way better than what you expected,

so don’t put limit on yourself,
walk more, experience more,
keep your step forward,
day by day, keep on walking,
you’re gonna find the real you .

don’t you ever give up, okyh ?

May He eases everything
Haengbogha! (be happy) ❤️

with love, catt🎈
page 3 of 365 .
beginning of a chapter .

if you feel hard thru this journey,
if you feel like you wanna give up,
if you feel that quit is better,

hey, wait.,
you’re already here,
wanna waste your time,
and get to the starting line ?
wanna feel the same pain,
that you’ve survived ?

you’re way farther than yesterday,
you’re definitely doing great,
you’re doing just fine .
don’t quit, don’t give up,
your journey is too precious to stop .

May He eases everything,
Haenbogha! ❤️ (be happy)

with love, Catt🎈
4 of 365 .

you know what,
when it comes to journey,
you will find different paths,
different ways, different roads,
there’s so much unexpected things that are waiting for you,
you can’t predict what’s happening if you go further .

life, is a journey,
you won’t know what will you face after this,
you might take other ways,
you might have to change your path,
you might use the road that you don’t want to choose,

but hey, it’s okay,
you will survive,
the storm will pass,
so don’t worry, okyh ?

journey is always like that,
soon or later,
you’ll reach your destination,
and everything gonna be fine .

May He eases everything,
haengbogha! ❤️ (be happy)

with love, catt🎈
7 of 365 .

pernah dalam kehidupan,
kau persoal kenapa pada Tuhan?

Kau minta pada Tuhan,
berikan yang terbaik dalam kehidupan,
kau minta kejayaan,
kau minta kekuatan,
kau minta keimanan,
bila Dia bagi sesuatu,
kau persoalkan .

sini, aku ceritakan,
semoga dapat jawapan,
atas setiap satu soalan .

Tuhan tu,
sentiasa bagi apa yang kau perlu,
dan bukan apa yang kau mahu,

jalan yang Dia bagi,
mungkin berbeza dari apa yang kau minta,
tapi hasil di hujung nanti,
kau sendiri yang akan berterima kasih pada Dia .

cuba percaya dengan setiap ketentuan,
ini semua kan takdir dari Tuhan,
mana mungkin Pencipta tidak tahu soal ciptaan,
mana mungkin Dia tidak tahu apa yang kita perlukan,

cerita kita,
Dia cipta .

Dia tahu segalanya,
setiap rahsia, setiap bicara,
Dia tahu setiap satunya .

Cuba berhenti menyoalkan,
dan percaya pada Tuhan,
Jalan cerita kamu dan aku,
indahnya tepat pada waktu .

dan terus berjalan, ya ?

it’s okay,
you’ll get better soon,
Everything will be better soon .

Time heals you,
so don’t worry, okyh ?

Fighting, be happy❤️
The little things around,
that you appreciate,

that’s happiness
Hai assalaamualaikum!
Salam Ramadhan Al Mubarak🤍

*Rasulullah saw bersabda;*
*"Telah datang kepadamu Ramadhan, bulan berkah, Allah mewajibkan kamu berpuasa, pada bulan ini pintu-pintu syurga dibuka dan pintu-pintu Neraka ditutup, syaitan diikat, dan di dalamnya terdapat malam yang lebih baik dari seribu bulan."*

*(HR Imam Ahmad dan Imam Nasa’i)*

Semoga Ramadhan kita pada kali ini, lebih baik daripada yang sebelumnya, aamiinn~

Selamat beribadah semua!
Oh and, maafkan saya kalau ada tersalah kata and terkasar bahasa ya ?

May in this Ramadhan,
we could be the better version of us,
and istiqomah .

aamiinn! ❤️
Hari ini aku selangkah ke hadapan,
menuju kebaikan,
menuju perubahan,
Langkahan demi langkahan,
menuju cintanya Tuhan .

Ramadhan, satu 🤍

⚔️ T H E V I L S


boy - EV・NAME女
girl - EV・NAMEを

♡ umur 14 ke atas
♡ kd bebas (boys and girls)
♡ Rename in 3 weeks
♡ active/tak active scrim tak ada masalah
♡ taknak scrim pun boleh
♡ boleh nak bawak satu lineup, nak masuk solo pun tak ada masalah
♡ respect each others and terima teguran
♡ sportrim
♡ stay clan AT LEAST sebulan
♡ nak keluar clan, inform leader dulu

♡ no toxic/ kurang ajar
♡ no katak clan
♡ no lucah lucah

tumpang yaa eheee
2024/06/04 07:37:16
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