Chestnut Sparrow
Passer eminibey

Breeding male is all deep chestnut gradually blending to darker face with blackish wings and tail.Locally common in wide variety of bushland and open woodland with good ground cover, mainly in Rift Valley of Et at 500–1900m. Rare visitor (or perhaps local resident) in SSo. Wanders widely,sometimes in large flocks, particularly after rains.

Photo by:HenuPhotography
ziway / Batu
Black Crowned Crane
Balearica pavonina

Pairs, family groups and larger flocks are widespread in W&CEt up to 2000m in wide range of wetter habitats, including swamps, inundated grasslands and moister agricultural land, but will range well away from wetter areas to feed. Makes local seasonal movements.

Photo by HenuPhotography
Liben Lodge&Resort
Black-billed Barbet
Lybius guifsobalito

Pairs and small parties are common and widespread in Er and Et (except E andSE) in wide range of bush and woodland with fruiting trees, at 400–2400m

Photo by:HenuPhotography
Haile Resort Ziway
May 2023
Egyptian Vulture
Neophron percnopterus

Solitary birds, pairs and family groups are widespread and common throughout most of region, inhabiting arid, semi-arid and bush country from sea-level to 2500m. Resident birds rarely stray far from nesting cliffs, but some birds are migrants from Arabia (arriving Oct–Nov across Bab-el-Mandeb). Attends kills but feeds after more numerous larger vultures. Specialist tool-user, breaking open ostrich eggs by repeatedly dropping stones on them.

Photo by: HenuPhotography
Afar Ethiopia
June 2022
African Silverbill
Euodice cantans

Uncommon to locally common in semi-arid bush and dry wooded grasslands throughout much of region, from sea-level to 2400m.

Photo by HenuPhotography
Addis Ababa
March 24 2024
A recommendation for wildlife documentary lovers 😊 it has 6 episodes hope you will enjoy this one as I did 😊😊😊
Greyish Eagle-Owl
[Alt: Vermiculated Eagle-Owl]
Bubo cinerascens

Pairs are widespread and fairly common throughout, from sea-level to 2500m in wide variety of bushed and wooded country, often with cliffs and rocky hills.

Photo By HenuPhotography
Wollo region
Rüppell’s Starling
Lamprotornis purpuroptera

[Alt: Rüppell’s Long-tailed Starling]
Large, dark-looking, purplish-blue starling with long graduated tail, black mask and conspicuous creamy-white eye; lacks black wing-spots.Pairs are common, wide-ranging, and often on ground in woodlands, bush country and around cultivation from sea-level to 2400m.

photo by HenuPhotography
Abijatta-shalla national park
Black-billed Wood-hoopoe
Phoeniculus somaliensis

Singles, pairs or family groups are common and widespread throughout region, occupying semi-arid bushed and wooded areas, often in larger acacias and riverine woodland, from sea-level up to 2100m.

Photo by:HenuPhotography
ziway / Batu
Long-tailed Cormorant
Phalacrocorax africanus
[Alt: Reed Cormorant]

Singles, small groups and flocks are common on a wider range of waters than Great Cormorant, often dispersing to temporary floods, and preferring waterside
vegetation and trees for perches. Largely absent from NSo; vagrant Dj and Soc.Non-breeding adult lacks crest and is dull brown-black with white chin, dirty white throat and dull off-white underparts.

Photo by:HenuPhotography
Lake ziway / Batu
Black Crake
Amaurornis flavirostra

Pairs and small groups are widespread and often common in Et on virtually any lake or small pool with fringing and floating vegetation, especially in Rift Valley;g locally fairly common in SSo but only one record in NSo. Occurs from sea-level to 1800m. Often walks in open at any time of day.

Photo by:HenuPhotography
Haile Resort Ziway
May 2023
Blue-headed Coucal
Centropus monachus

Common resident (but rare in Er) usually close to water in marshes, papyrus swamps and other dense wet areas at 500–2700m but also in forest edges,
thickets and bushed areas.

Photo by HenuPhotography

Liben Lodge&Resort
Rüppell’s Robin-Chat
Cossypha semirufa
A common highland forest bird, including juniper and Podocarpus, but also in overgrown gardens and thickets, at 1200–3100m.

Photo by HenuPhotography
Addis Ababa
Red-faced Crombec
Sylvietta whytii

Fairly common resident in C&SEt, in wide variety of woodland and bush country at 400–1800m.

Photo by:HenuPhotography
Lake ziway / Batu
Grey-headed Batis
Batis orientalis

Two races occur,Adult Female has similar grey crown and supercilium, but breast band fairly broad and chestnut.Frequent to common in acacia woodland and subdesert steppe throughout most lowland Er and Et, up to 2100m; also in Dj and N&SESo.

Photo by:HenuPhotography
Lake ziway / Batu
Swainson’s Sparrow
Passer swainsonii

Near-endemic to Horn of Africa. Occupies most habitats except forest, including towns and villages. Common throughout most of Er, Et (except SE), Dj and NSo from sea-level to 3000m.

Photo by HenuPhotography
Addis Ababa
Blue-winged Goose
Cyanochen cyanoptera
ENDEMIC to highlands of Et. Locally common on moorlands, marshes, meadows and grasslands near water, at2100–4100m, usually in pairs or small groups. Mainly sedentary.

Photo by HenuPhotography
Addis Ababa
Bole Lami
2024/04/28 05:16:07
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