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โ€” @GenshinImpactExtra โ€”
Questionable Leaks

Sigewinne: Heal+Main DPS (Similar to Kokomi)
Clorinde: Main DPS, create a gun

โ€” @GenshinImpactExtra โ€”
"Originally my sources told me about the Clorinde Arlecchino combo, which will be completed in this patch. At that time, I thought Arlecchino on-field and Clorinde off-field is very reasonable, but now It seems that the combo is Arlecchino's E applying pyro, stacking up BoL in the back, and then it turns out Arlecchino just Es, applies pyro and stacks, Clorinde becomes on-field main DPS, and then swaps off after 3 stacks.

There's gonna be a support for bond of life later on, idk what element, makes sense if its pyro or electro

Ofc people are gonna talk about this like its too far into the future, just don't take it that seriously. Consider everything based on what we have atm"

โ€” @GenshinImpactExtra โ€”
"About Sigewinne being an onfield healing dps: RN the hydro characters are all broken powerful, so its hard to not think she's a standard character, but we don't know for sure, we only know what she is supposed to be"

โ€” @GenshinImpactExtra โ€”
Question to Uncle K:
So is Clorinde a quickswap dps? Also what does Sethos do? Is he on Clorinde's banner?
She's onfield, she also has bond of life, plays with her pistol. Idk much about her weapon's stats, her gun definitely comes with her tho.
As for 4 stars, I don't really care about their data, so I don't even know if he's a BoL support or not.
If Sethos is a BoL support, then Arle-rinde teamcomps will be complete, if not, then we still have to wait and it will get awkward. So it's best that you wait for the testing servers and not verify what I say is right, and only think about meta strength AFTER "

โ€” @GenshinImpactExtra โ€”
Questionable banner

โ€” @GenshinImpactExtra โ€”
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Forwarded from Chalice Leaks
4.7 ้—ด็ซ 
Interlude in 4.7

edit: Mr.Dain coming.
Forwarded from Chalice Leaks
4.7 ๆ–ฐๆทฑๆธŠ

4.7 New Abyss
8 Floors
Total 600 primos
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4.7 ๅ…‹ๆด›็ณๅพท
-ๆ— ๆ•Œๅธง๏ผŒ้ซ˜ไผคๅฎณ

4.7 Clorinde
- Holds a gun and performs stabs
- Duration of dodge and stab with E
- Invincibility frames, high damage
- Doesn't snapshotting Electro and Pyro, same three-layer electro reaction as Neuvillette
- C1: 100% chance for an additional attack, each normal attack triggers it
- C2: "Resistance"
็‡ผ็ซ (ไผดๅฅ็‰ˆ)
Art ufficiale per la Fiera di Siviglia

โ€” @GenshinImpactExtra โ€”
Forwarded from Chalice Leaks
4.7 ๅธŒๆ ผ้›ฏ

4.7 Sigewinne
- E Bubble Pop, Pop, Pop, the bubbles get smaller each time, c1 size wont reduce
- Water bubbles will drop water droplets; collecting these grants Bond of Life
- Bond of Life affects healing amount
- Signature weapon: bow, with 66% HP, Q multiplier
- Q sprays water
Storia 4.7

Dainsleif viene brutalmente sconfitto dal protagonista "cattivo" (Aether/Lumine).

โ€” @GenshinImpactExtra โ€”
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2024/04/20 01:51:32
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