A recent study found that people who cycled one hour per week were about 22% less likely to die prematurely.

Regular cyclists are 21% less likely to develop osteoarthritis and knee pain compared to those who did not have a history of cycling.

The study, published in May 2024 in the American College of Sports Medicine's journal, included 2,600 men and women, with an average age of 64.

Professor Matt Harkey, a co-author of the study, explained that cycling is a low impact exercise that helps to build strength in the muscles around the knee, which can then help protect the joint. In addition, the rhythmic motion of pedalling on a bicycle helps to circulate the synovial fluid throughout the joints reducing friction and absorbing shock.

'On our bikes' then, dear friends! ๐Ÿšดโ€โ™€๏ธ



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BREAKING: FDA loses its war on Ivermectin and agrees to remove all social media posts and consumer directives regarding ivermectin and COVID, including its most popular tweet in FDA history.

โ€œYouโ€™re more likely to die from taking Aspirin or Tylenol than taking Ivermectin.โ€
- Dr. Paul Marik

Join โžฃ @The_Storm_Q17

A campaign by the Central Office of Public Interest (COPI) to increase public awareness on the fact that, 2023 witnessed the highest levels of raw sewage discharged, ever recorded in England and Wales. In fact, 75% of UK rivers now pose a risk to human health.

The worst part is that UK Parliament allows it to continue by rejecting an amendment to the environment bill to make water companies reduce raw sewage dumps.

To watch the video, CLICK HERE
Visit the COPI website
and sign the petition here

Join us at:

A water technology company, has developed a Bavarian-style beer, made in Germany. This 'eco-friendly' beer is brewed using wastewater!

Considering all the processes they have to go through, to make sure that beer won't kill them, the resulting brew is neither eco or consumer-friendly.

Myself, I will stick to wine ๐Ÿท for now!


๐Ÿ“Œ NHS to give patients personalised cancer vaccines!

A world-first trial for people who already have had traditional treatments...

mRNA based vaccines... Hhm... Where did I hear that before? ๐Ÿค”

Anyway, here is the link to the article in Telegraph


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Chronotypes are natural preferences of the body for wakefulness and sleep. They are influenced by genetics and driven by the circadian rhythm. Chronotypes affect sleep as well as performance and activity throughout the day. Adapting to oneโ€™s natural chronotype can improve sleep quality, energy and mood.

There are four kinds of chronotypes:

Lion - Lions prefer to wake up early. They are very diligent and are most productive in the morning but may have trouble following a social schedule in the evenings.

Bear - Bears tend to follow the sun. They do well with traditional office hours but can also maintain a social life in the evenings.

Wolf - The wolf chronotype is equivalent to the classic night owl. They are most productive in the afternoon and like to go to bed late.

Dolphin - Human dolphins are best described as insomniacs; sensitive sleepers with fragmented sleep patterns, rarely keep a regular sleep schedule.


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I would laugh with the obvious attempt to create more health alerts, if I could not sense Mr Tedros and his bosses stretching WHO's newly extended 'muscles' in anticipation of the next pandemic.

They probably tested for the bird flu using the infamous PCR test, you know, the one that 'can find anything' if you adjust its cycles.

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With Fatherโ€™s Day around the corner, you may be thinking to buy him the latest 'smart' gadget... headphones, fitness trackers, wireless ear buds, the list is endless.

Please remember, that Bluetooth devices emit the same kind of radiation that cell phones, 5G towers and microwaves do.

According to Dr. Joel Moskowitz:

โ€œWireless devices make the energy more biologically active, which interferes with our cellular mechanisms, opening up calcium channels, for example, and allowing calcium to flow into the cell and into the mitochondria within the cell, interfering with out natural cellular processes and leading to the creation of stress proteins and free radicals and, possibly, DNA damageโ€.

What is the alternative? We suggest that you gift your time! Spend time together doing things you both love and making memories.


Join us for up to date health news and research, tips and common sense ideas: Telegram Group/com.Health_with_Evie

We are electromagnetic beings - our body runs on electrical impulses, which manmade radiation can disrupt.

According to Dr Pall PhD, Professor of Biochemistry and Medical Science at Washington State University and one of the leading EMF researchers in the world...

The problem with EMFs is that they โ€œturn onโ€ a process that floods your cells with excess calcium. This creates a whole host of possible problems that can include:

๐Ÿ”บ Mitochondrial damage which lowers energy levels within cells

๐Ÿ”บ Free radical damage which can accelerate aging at the DNA level

๐Ÿ”บ Decreased white blood cell count which can compromise immunity

๐Ÿ”บ Issues with normal cellular development in brain which can lead to brain fog and low mood

๐Ÿ”บ Disrupted hormone activity, including melatonin which can affect sleep

... and many more potential problems still being discovered.

IMAGE: Cell energy depleted by EMFs

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The World Council for Health now offer a range of products that protect the user/ wearer from EMFs.
They can make great Fathers' Day presents whilst supporting a very worthy organisation fighting for our Health.

Items on sale include:
- EMF Protection Binnie
- EMF Shielding for the phone
- Anti-Radiation Earphones
- Faraday Backpack
- Faraday Tote Bag
- Radiation Protector Router Bag
- Trifield EMF meter

Have a look at:


Join us for up to date health news and research, tips and common sense ideas: Telegram Group/com.Health_with_Evie
CALL TO ACTION - Government Public Consultation | Community Water Fluoridation Expansion in the North East of England

We were deeply concerned to hear of a proposal to fluoridate drinking water in the North East. If this goes ahead it is likely that other parts of the UK will be next so EVERYONE needs to push back against this forced medication through our drinking water.

We have made our own submission and would strongly encourage all our supporters to put in submissions to the public consultation before the deadline of Monday 17th June

Please visit our Stop Water Fluoridation Campaign page for links and resources to help you quickly and easily put in a submission.
Forwarded from Rosie
Fluorine is the smallest of the halogens and, as such, is the most reactive. Here is a GCSE Chemistry page explaining this: As thyroid function is dependent on iodine, I am concerned that adding fluoride to the drinking water will effect thyroid function. Here is a review looking at the phenomenon in two populations in the UK: As you can see from its findings they found: ..that higher levels of fluoride in drinking water provide a useful contribution for predicting prevalence of hypothyroidism. We found that practices located in the West Midlands (a wholly fluoridated area) are nearly twice as likely to report high hypothyroidism prevalence in comparison to Greater Manchester (non-fluoridated area). I was also concerned about the impact on IQ and, again, there is robust research to support this here: Their findings state: The recent epidemiological results support the notion that elevated fluoride intake during early development can result in IQ deficits that may be considerable. Recognition of neurotoxic risks is necessary when determining the safety of fluoride-contaminated drinking water and fluoride uses for preventive dentistry purposes. Finally, dental fluorosis is a pathologic condition characterized by hypomineralization of the enamel due to excessive exposure to fluoride during enamel mineralization. This makes teeth weaker and is caused by exposure to fluoride. We all know what harms teeth - eating lots of refined sugar. Please don't mass dose populations. Not everyone can afford a good water filter.

This is Barbara O'Neill of course, giving a talk in London, yesterday 11th June 2024.
The event was arranged by Philly Lay of the Wellness Way and it had sold out. The large room at the Ibis hotel was full, with more than 1000 people attending.

For those that are not familiar with Barbara O'Neill, she is a renowned naturopath, nutritionist, author and presenter.

What I personally love about her is the fact that she has researched and understood and tried out anything she teaches. Her uncompromised pursuit of truth during the con-vid years, resulted in her getting exiled from her native Australia and she is now touring the world bringing hope and empowerment to ordinary people.

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This is Barbara's latest book, launched yesterday. It outlines her "Nine Foundational Pillars for Health".
340 pages, illustrated throughout, fully worth the ยฃ40 price tag!
2024/06/13 10:17:10
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