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"I care not Which God You Call Your Own, But if He comes bearing shackles I shall fight to vanquish him to my dying day". -I.M.Knosp
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Ever wonder how things got as far as they have? "Mind your own business", "Just let them", "Be nice", "Don't say anything", "Don't rock the boat", "They can if they want too", "Who's it hurting?". All of these and more are why. One step at a time and the next thing you know hundreds of leagues have flown by in the blink of an eye.
The truth is we represent our kind at every moment of every day, through every action and every inaction. Standards of behavior must be upheld at all costs, at all times. Ignobility is unacceptable.

Strength, Courage, Wisdom. The traditional, native and most importantly inherent compass of our people which guide us to honor and nobility of action. These invisible forces become tangible in the world through us, through our actions, our attitudes, through our hands.

What happened to the world we once knew? What happened to accountability? Quite simply we started being nice.

Be Kind. NEVER be Nice.
Photo Credit: Brendon Burton
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Even trying to explain was a misstep, that implies that there is even a legitimate argument to justify our intentional extinction.

There is not.

Anyone arguing over that simply wants you dead.

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This Weeks Episode - Godkin:
Many of Our People Have Forgotten Who We Are, But We Here At Hyperborean Radio and You Listening to Us Know that we are Godkin. The Scions of An Indomitable Will unrivaled across this realm.

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From the Archives - Tales of the Frauen: German Goddesses and Their Stories

When I first started writing and researching Paganism it was with the purpose of making information that was rather obscure or spread out easier to access for our people, especially admittedly Germans. We are often dependent on the works of those who never bothered to look into German folklore far enough to see the complex lore present there. Gods, Spirits, Heroes and their intricately spun tapestries. My crowning achivement and one of my most beloved articles from this early period is this piece on German Mythology focusing on Five Female Deities: Holle, Frick, Perchta, Harke and Gode. Alongside their roles and relations to the rest of German Mythos and Lore. Originally published in our second Periodical Tales of the Frauen serves as a concise (as concise as could be) introduction to German Myth, much of which one may be surprised we already knew. I hope that my work has aided people in finding their true roots. Thank you. -Ike
"Once Upon a Time, there was a woman who deeply wanted a child, a ferry man that heard a shout, an old oak forest, a small black dog, a wicked witch, and a story.
In fact, many stories populate the woods and wells, the mountains and caverns throughout a land you may have heard of, its name is Germany. Where they speak of loving sisters, big bad wolves, spirits atop red and white mushrooms, glass mountains cursed long ago, and much much more. These stories never stopped, they are still there and in them are the Frauen, the Goddesses of Germany, the mistresses of the mountains, the wild huntresses, who dwell in old oak woods, who keep small black dogs, who call to ferrymen, who dwell in gingerbread cottages, and who give the gift of a darling babe. To this day, these ladies of their people give boons and happy memories. Still Mother Holle makes the snow, still Perchta leads the ghost children, still Harke hurls her stones, still Gode rides with her hounds atop the clouds, still Frick flies with dragons. To this day; there are still so many tales to tell. Where to start…"
-Excerpt From Tales of the Frauen: Read the Rest Here

For More Articles, Gods and Conversations
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The Fruits of the Earth by Alexander Rothaug
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The Return of the Crusader by Karl Friedrich Lessing 1835
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Looks like hard work eh?

Well it was, all three months of it.

You had a whole team of guys, heavy equipment, cranes, ropes, horses, tractors, a decent paycheck and then a good chunk of the year off of the job.

We are working the whole year around in jobs we don't like, with people we don't trust, for bosses that don't care about us, with the effort and energy that people once put into seasonal work that could cover them all year.

We are KILLING ourselves. For what?

πŸ„Hyperborean Radio (Uncensored)🌲
Many people in the past by modern standards would be "Unemployed".

They would work three to six months sometimes a few years in a larger town or area and then go back home and use the money to enrich their community. Funding festivals, niceties and often bringing trades and skills that they had learnt in the larger more affluent areas.

The Goal was Never to devote their life to a career or a job. Such things were a means to an end and were done only as long as they were needed. Thus on their ancestral land they were able to be part of their community, growing much of their own food, maintaining their own homes, spending time with family and resting. Most people in truth don't wish to be rich, they simply wish for the kind of freedom we had before we were supposedly released from daily drudgery.

Many may decry such a lifestyle, as lazy, or mention we may lack certain modern amenities. To them I point and ask "Which has more value? The miles of 'car graveyards', government contracts to generate goods which will be tossed into the trash one year after manufacture, or time? The time with family, the time with a clan well built, time with communities and the ties which bind.

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Everyone talks about bringing industry back to our lands, our people. Well my friends this is what true industry looks like.
Bring back craftsmanship.
Not Industrialization.

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Anybody else realize how weird reading a book is?

You stare at slices of trees and skin inscribed with runes and symbols and hallucinate vividly.

A Little Girl Reading by Johan Gudmundsen-Holmgreen 1900

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New Broadcast! -Hyperborean Radio (Uncensored)-
This thing on?... Ah Let's See..... There We Go 369 kHz Jeff and Ike in The Morning. Your Roughneck Pagan Uncles, You Wish You Had and are Glad You Don’t! Speaking of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Homeland. As well as perhaps most importantly; the truths we all know but others fear to whisper.

Runes! How are they created? How are they used? AND! How much does they influence your everyday life? For they are everywhere and more powerful than you might think.

New Episodes Wednesday's at 6 AM EST
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The Importance of Runestones

Runestones are some of the most iconic objects in all of Europe. Their depictions of Knotwork, Wyrms, Gods and Men decorated with those mysterious letters known as Runes; which inspire art and speculation among academics and the average populace to this day.

Yet most Runestones, if not all, serve a rather familiar and heartwarming purpose. They are memorials to the dead, what are sometimes called a Wayside Shrine. -For example the one pictured above reads :β€œSandar raised the stone in memory of Joar, his kinsman. No one will bear a more able son. May Tor safeguard.”- Many of the Runestones are attributed specifically to the commissioners beloved dead whether they be Fathers, Mothers, Siblings or other Kinsmen or Companions. Due to many of the extant stones being from the Viking Age they are often Christian in reference invoking the The Christian God, though a fallen one photographed in 1899 specifically calls on Thor/Tor to safeguard the soul of the dead.

Some of the most famous Runestones have depictions of deities, the Jelling Stones depict a Crucified Jesus Christ entwined in knotwork, while the Hunnestad Monument is often thought to depict Hyrrokin, a Norse Giantess and speculated funerary deity. Both monumental sets of Runestones were placed as a way to honor the raisers dead loved ones.

These days we don't commonly raise Runestones in honor of our loved ones, or even the standing stones of Pre-Christian Europe... Yet... We still perform this treasured act of honoring the dead. Park Benches, Street Signs, Crosses at the side of the Road and Grand Statues show the names and faces of loved ones that have passed on to the Realms Beyond. For never has something been more treasured to our people and our Gods, than our family and friends.
Image: A Fallen Runestone at Korpbron in Juresta, Sweden 1899

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Media is too big
Our Nature's Mark

A Video Ike Created Years Ago (2019) to Bring pride to the diversity of our tribes, pelts, iris' and builds.

Our "Mark of the North".

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2024/06/13 20:32:25
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