The same people who told us there was Russian collusion also told us that the Hunter Biden laptop was fake.

They were wrong both times.

Why does anyone listen to them?

How many Democrats and “experts” will retract their criticism of the Hunter Biden laptop now that:

-The physical laptop was introduced as evidence at Hunter’s trial.

-The laptop was authenticated.

-The FBI corroborated it.

The Lima Tank Plant in Ohio has been working to keep Americans safe for years.

In a closed-off section of sprawling Building 147, Lima workers labored on a top-secret project: amphibious tanks for D-Day.

Called Duplex Drive (DD) tanks, the Sherman tanks’ upper parts were…

Democrats say:

- Hunter Biden's laptop is Russian disinformation.

- Dr. Fauci is honest.

- The southern border is secure.

- Bidenomics is working.

- And President Trump isn't being politically prosecuted.

No one's buying it!

Under Joe Biden's leadership:

- Police officers are assaulted by illegal aliens.

- Neighborhoods and communities are targeted by violent criminal gangs.

- Democrat DAs won't prosecute real criminals.

- And pro-Hamas "protestors" are seemingly let off the hook.

-If you burn down cities, they won’t do anything to you.

-If you deface public parks with pro-Hamas propaganda, they won’t do anything to you.

-But if you’re a President from the opposite party, they’ll throw the book at you — even if you did nothing wrong.

Double standard!

2024/06/12 12:44:28
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