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If you try anything, if you try to lose weight, or to improve yourself, or to love, or to make the world a better place, you have already achieved something wonderful, before you even begin. Forget failure. If things don't work out the way you want, hold your head up high and be proud. And try again. And again. And again!
― Sarah Dessen, Keeping the Moon

A person I have learned to admire
and to cohabit. Together we have built a deep relationship
full of complicities. Sometimes, we disagree but
it's a temporary thing.

We like listening to the silence and nature is our biggest
inspiration. We know one should live one day
at a time. Every morning we receive a blank sheet to write another chapter of our lives on it.

We have already written many pages, some are better
forgetten and others should just be turned, the most special ones
are stored in our memories and many others are still
to be written. And like this we are leaving our marks.

Every day we try to do what we think is
right, we do our best and avoid shortcuts.
Our motto is to be a little bit better every day
and never give up dreaming. We live intensely!

We have the Universe as our spiritual guide and with it
we have learned that the best gift one has ever received was
the divine breath that allows us to wake up every day,
breathe, celebrate life, and thank for another day.

We reborn every morning as the sun rises
on the horizon, majestic and determined to shine, even
when the clouds hide its brightness. It never backs up.
December 25 will be no different, just a new rebirth.


Celebrate your Christmas and CELEBRATE LIFE every day!


Forwarded from LIFE QUOTES🎯

One year or should I say twelve months? Whichever, they are
just two of the multiple units of time. Through the marks
of the sun and the behavior of the moon in their movements
around the Earth, humans defined them. Thereby arises the timekeeping systems which are known as calendars. They are
solar, lunar, or solilunar, all of them delimit time.

Calendars, as well as units of time, are nothing but
some of the infinite symbols, humans have created to allow themselves to set their messages, to communicate, and to
understand each other, and even to talk to their own minds.
Every word that we learn is just a symbol of something
real or imaginary that has a specific meaning for each one.

Why shall we believe that everything learned is true? Why
live submitted to any units of time as if they were absolute?
Like the sun, the moon, as well as life itself, people have their
own cycles. Time is single and runs differently for each person.
The best would be to become a master of our own time. Each
moment is unique and exclusive. Don't let it pass in vain.

Clocks, calendars, dates, everything is simply imperfect
recreations of a gadget everyone carries inside the chest.
The same way that our eyes can gaze at the sky and our ears
can hear the birds singing, our heart senses the time. So, all
the time that is unnoticed is as fleeting as a snowflake, as unnoticeable as the colors of the rainbow for a blind.

Unfortunately, there are so many blind and deaf hearts around us
that, although they are beating, they are unable to perceive anything. Hearts striking such as instruments out of tune in total disaccord
with one's body and mind. Thus, be sure that your heart is beating for the right causes and in its own rhythm. Be conscious of the power of the time, lived with love and faith. Time is as fleeting as life. Be alert.

I wish you the best in 2021!

Forwarded from LIFE QUOTES🎯
Two things define you; Your patience when you have nothing, and your attitude when you have everything.
Forwarded from LIFE QUOTES🎯
So, from now on I will speak every night. To myself. To the moon. I will walk, as I did tonight, jealous of my loneliness, in the livid silver of the cold moon, which shines, ripping a myriad of sparks from the mounds of freshly fallen snow. I speak to myself and look at the dark, blissfully neutral trees. Much easier than facing others and having to appear happy, invulnerable, intelligent. Without any more mask, I walk talking to the moon, to the neutral and impersonal force that does not feel, but limits itself to accepting my existence. And that doesn't strike me down.

Forwarded from AnonForward
"Male friends" do not exist.

Men don't talk to girls they don't find attractive.
As soon as the time is right, they'll make a move.

She shouldn't even want to talk to other men.

If she insists on keeping her "friends"...

Leave her before she leaves you.
Forwarded from LIFE QUOTES🎯
It's a beautiful moment when you become your own hero, when you do whatever it takes to show up to save yourself. When you become the person your wounded inner child was looking for when they needed someone too see, hear, support and love them.
Forwarded from LIFE QUOTES🎯
“Only if you could love the other without insecurity, without possessiveness, without reward, then you could taste the real infinite sweetness of life.
― Abhijit Naskar, askanjali sufi sermon
Forwarded from LIFE QUOTES🎯
Only those people who are capable of being alone are capable of love, of sharing, of going into the deepest core of another person--without possessing the other, without becoming dependent on the other, without reducing the other to a thing, and without becoming addicted to the other. They allow the other absolute freedom, because they know that if the other leaves, they will be as happy as they are now. Their happiness cannot be taken by the other, because it is not given by the other.
― Osho
Forwarded from LIFE QUOTES🎯
A story can always break into pieces while it sits inside a book on a shelf; and, decades after we have read it even twenty times, it can open us up, by cut or caress, to a new truth.

Andre Dubus, Meditations from a Movable Chair

2024/06/10 20:43:29
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