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This is regarding Writing subtest of OET

Here is a list of some commonly used abbreviations in OET case notes which are often found difficult to interpret by students:

ACL: Anterior cruciate ligament
ADR: Adverse drug reaction
AIDS : Acquired Immune deficiency
ARF : Acute Renal failure
Wt : Weight
VSS : Vital signs and stable
UTI : Urinary Tract Infection
UA : Urinalysis
THR : Total Hip Replacement
TKR : Total Knee Replacement
TMJ : Tempomendibular Joint
tab : Tablet
TAH : Total abdominal hysterectomy
T&A : Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
SOB: Shortness of breath
S/P : Status post
R/O : Rule out
RDS : Respiratory distress syndrome
RA : Rheumatoid arthritis
ADR : Adrenal drug reaction
H&P : History and physical examination
OA : Osteoarthritis
PT : physiotherapy
ASAP : As soon as possible
ADM : Admission/Admitted
BMI : Body mass index
D/C : Discharge
C/O : Complaining of
DOA : Date of admission
Vs : Vital signs
A&E : Accident and emergency
BWt: Birth weight
C/O : complains of
D&V : diarrhea and vomiting
DVT : Deep vein thrombosis
DX : Diagnosis
ED : Emergency department
FBC : Full blood count
FBE : Full blood examination
GA : General anaesthetic
GIS : Gastrointestinal system
HBP : High blood pressure
NKA : No known allergies
O/E : on examination
OT : Occupational therapist
Pm: in the afternoon
Prn : when necessary
R/V : Review
Yo : years old
BP : blood pressure
Dx : Diagnosis
BC : Birth control
IV : Intravenous
IA : iIntra Artrial
SW : social worker
Hb : Haemoglobin
DO : Disorder
CxR : chest X ray
PE : pulmonary embolism
UTI : Urinary tract infection
TPR : Temperature ,pulse,and respiration
RN : Registered Nurse
Ix : Investigation
H/O : history of
HCA : health care assistant.
GA : general anesthetic
FBC : full blood count
Dx : diagnosis
HRT : hormone replacement therapy
Ht : height
Hx : history
HDL : high-density lipoprotein
LDL : low_density lipoprotein
O/E : On examination
OT : occupational therapist
UCC : urgent care centre
2024/06/18 21:20:15
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