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Salam all, apologies for the hiatus- recently have been working on revamping the Ma’ruf website to be more accessible, still a work in progress but please feel free to take a look and share.

Any feedback is welcome.
From Imam Khalid Latif:
“All of the aid is getting to the people in Gaza alhamdulilah so please do give as much as you can at and [share] the link with others to encourage them to give as well.”
“If the kings and their sons knew what we experience [of pleasure and happiness in Islam], they would fight us for it with their swords.”

Ibrahim ibn Adham
^a very balanced and insightful conversation with Imam Tom Facchine
^new YouTube upload!
“Perennialism is not just antithetical to orthodox Islamic teachings in the Qur’an, Sunnah and Sunni theology, but it is an imposition from those who believe - knowingly or not - that a Western universalist interpretation of religion is superior to what Muslims have believed in for all of Islamic History.”

—Ustadh Samir Hussain
New Blog Post:
Forwarded from Hamzah Raza
We should fear looking down at people more than we fear sins. The reasons are:

1) Sins are easily identifiable, whereas arrogance is in the heart and cannot always be seen. We can go years until we realize we're smug.

2) Sins are forgiven by tawba and good deeds, which are not that hard to do. Arrogance, however, is only broken by failure and humiliation, which are much more painful.

3) Allah says He loves the penitent, who are essentially sinners who always repent right away. But He "does not love the arrogant."

4) Everyone except Prophets fall into mistakes yet can still enter Paradise. But "nobody with an atoms weight of arrogance can enter heaven."

-Dr Shadee Elmasry
2024/06/12 21:40:51
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