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πŸ”†How low cost MRI Machine can improve access to diagnostic in India

Scientists have designed a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner that costs a fraction of existing machines, setting the stage for improving access to this widely used diagnostic tool.4

πŸ“What is MRI?

βœ…MRI, is a noninvasive medical imaging test that produces detailed images of almost every internal structure in the human body, including the organs, bones, muscles and blood vessels

βœ…MRI scanners create images of the body using a large magnet and radio waves.

βœ…Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is used to obtain images of soft tissues within the body.

βœ…Soft tissue is any tissue that hasn’t become harder through calcification.
Use of MRI is particularly important in the observation and treatment of certain cancers, including prostate and rectal cancer, and to track neurological conditions including Alzheimer’s, dementia, epilepsy, and stroke.


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πŸ”†What is Cold Lava?

βœ…Mt. Kanlaon Natural Park on Negros Island, Philippines, witnessed rivers of cold lava following an explosive eruption recently.

πŸ“Cold Lava:

βœ…It is called β€œlahar” in Indonesia. It is a phenomenon that occurs when rain mixes with volcanic materials like ash, sand, and pebbles.
βœ…The mixture forms a concrete-like substance that destroys everything in its path.
βœ…Rain can carry cold lava down the slopes of a volcano during an eruption and into the paths of nearby towns or villages. 
βœ…Unlike traditional lava flows, which move slowly and give residents time to evacuate, cold lava can advance rapidly, at a speed of hundreds of kilometres per hour, and spread as far away as 60 km from the volcano.
βœ…One of the defining characteristics of cold lava is its ability to pick up additional debris and sediment as it travels downhill.
βœ…This mixture can rapidly increase in volume and destructive potential, transforming from a relatively innocuous flow into a powerful force.
βœ…It is considered more destructive and deadlier compared to regular lava flows.
βœ…Its high density and abrasive nature mean that it can cause significant damage to buildings, bridges, and roads, posing a serious threat to human life and property.
βœ…Cold lava remains hot internally due to chemical reactions within the volcanic material, but its external appearance and behaviour are more akin to wet concrete.
βœ…While it is commonly associated with volcanic eruptions, lahars can also occur when no eruption takes place.


πŸ€— Assurance of 60+ Marks in Just 3 Hours..EXAM KO CHALTE CHALTE..

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β€’ Fees : 299/- β‚Ή Only

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Havisure : Vaccine for Hepatitis A
List of DNA and RNA viruses and disease caused
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βœ…Kala-azar, also known as visceral leishmaniasis (VL), is a severe form of leishmaniasis caused by the protozoan parasite Leishmania donovani.
βœ…It is transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected female sandfly, primarily Phlebotomus argentipes in India.
βœ…Symptoms: The disease is characterized by irregular bouts of fever, substantial weight loss, swelling of the spleen and liver, and severe anemia if left untreated, which can lead to death within two years.
βœ…Diagnosis: Diagnosis is made by combining clinical signs with parasitological or serological tests, such as the rK39 diagnostic kit.
βœ…Kala-azar is endemic in 75 countries across Asia, Africa, and the Americas, with India accounting for 18% of the global burden in 2020


πŸ”†Liquid Improvised Explosive Device

πŸ“Why in news?

βœ…Liquid explosives seem to have made a comeback in Jammu and Kashmir militancy theatre after 17 years as a recent raid by police in the Union territory led to the recovery of such "difficult-to-detect (d2d)" Improvised Explosive Devices.
βœ…Forensic examination indicated that it could be trinitrotoluene (TNT) or nitroglycerine, generally used in dynamites.

πŸ“Improvised Explosive Device (IED):

βœ…It is a type of unconventional explosive weapon that can take any form and be activated in a variety of ways.
βœ…They are used by criminals, vandals, terrorists, suicide bombers and insurgents.
βœ…Because they are improvised, IEDs can come in many forms, ranging from a small pipe bomb to a sophisticated device capable of causing massive damage and loss of life.
βœ…The extent of damage caused by an IED depends on its size, construction, and placement, and whether it incorporates a high explosive or propellant.
βœ…The term IED came into common usage during the Iraq War that began in 2003.

πŸ“Components of an IED:
βœ…All IEDs consist of an initiating mechanism: a detonator, an explosive charge and a casing or collection of projectiles (such as ball bearings or nails) that produces lethal fragments upon detonation.

πŸ“Materials used as explosives in IEDs:

βœ…In practice, IEDs can be made of many different kinds of objects and materials, including artillery or mortar rounds, aerial bombs, certain types of fertilizers, TNT and other explosives.
βœ…IEDs can also contain radiological, chemical or biological components to increase their lethal and psychological effects.


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Answer key credits to ShankarIAS. Shared for larger community benefits only.

Some 1-2 questions are wrong in this. I can attest that. Rest is fine.

Unlike last year,
This year paper was factual. CoachingKeys will be more or less 97% correct vis-a-vis UPSC keys.

Still if you are strong enough to not calculate marks, congratulations on achieving Stithapragya, immediately move to Himalayas.

CSAT is also doable this year. GS is on easier side than last year. Cutoff will shoot. I will not be available till 25th. Won’t be able to interact with aspirants and hence delay in cutoff speculations.

My two cents:
Irrespective of your calculated marks and ALL RANDOM FARZI cutoffs in market (including mine), immediately start with MAINS. You have less time for mains this year as prelims was postponed.

See you around.
2024/06/17 05:18:51
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