It was already known Plato was buried in Athens but now we know he was buried specifically in the garden of the Platonic academy next to a shrine. The academy area is now a public park and already has a statue of Plato there which has been vandalised by the scum that inhabit that city.

They should make a proper shrine for Plato there and also locate his skeleton and retrieve some DNA so we can clone him and have him rule Greece properly.
Highly based WAINE (Woden avatar) depicting a mask-helmet face with two raven heads above.

Forwarded from Harrowman Ealdham
This is an exciting new find from Kent, England. It is a 6th-7th century copper alloy patrix bearing an odinic spear dancer like those found across other Germanic countries.
Forwarded from The Jolly Reiver
If this isn’t an omen, literally nothing is 👀
Forwarded from Þórr siðr
An instance of note that gets overlooked in the history of Snorri Sturluson, is that during his childhood his father Sturla Þórðarson was actually accused of worshipping Odin during a lawsuit (which would have been rare in Iceland, even in the heathen period).

Þorbjörg, the wife of Páll Sölvason who was involved in this lawsuit, came at Sturla with a knife and attempted to stab his eye out while exclaiming:

“Why don’t I make you like the one you most want to be — that is, Odin!”

After this, a settlement occurred and Sturla’s young son Snorri was to be educated by Jón Loftsson, who was said to be descended from Sæmundr fróði Sigfússon, and had blood ties to the Norwegian royal family through King Magnús berfættur.

This connection to Odin and the Norwegian royal family colored much of Snorri Sturluson’s life, as he was the one to document the lineages and histories of the Norwegian kings in Heimskringla, and the later Eddic literature, and collected praise poetry of the Norwegian kingship.

He made ties to the Norwegian royal family at the time of Hákon gamli, and attempted to dissolve the Icelandic commonwealth and was tasked by the king to bring Iceland under the Norwegian crown, which he failed to do and it eventually caused his death as it displeased Hákon, who had Snorri killed.

Photo is a depiction of the encounter between Þorbjörg and Sturla from an Icelandic newspaper.
Forwarded from ᛉ Sagnamaðr Stark ᛉ
Bledsian Ēostre! ❁
Góðan Sigrblót! ⴲ
Covered a lot of ground with that stream. Such an amazing topic. will edit it and reupload on podcast as well
Forwarded from Sveahuldra
The Krogsta-stone, the oldest known runestone in Uppland, Sweden. The date is estimated to somewhere around 550. It is one of the few runestones we have in Uppland that are from the vendel era, and one of few runestones written in elder futhark.
It's hard to tell what it says, but one interpretation of the stone reads: "Sven vilar här. Stör ej hans griftero, ty skräck föds ur talet nio."
"Sven rests here. Don't disturb his eternal rest, for terror is born from the number nine."
A European origin for the PIE language was first suggested by Heinrich Schulz in 1826. Most people still thought it was in Asia because Sanskrit is so archaic. In 1851 Robert Gordon Latham, in a prologue for Germania by Tacitus, argues again for a European urheimat on the basis that most linguistic diversity of IE languages is inside Europe.

Latham suggested Lithuania as a possible origin, but significantly, he also identified the Pontic-Caspian steppe as of likely significance to the PIE speakers, mentioning the Volga and the Dnieper.

The South-Russian/Ukrainian homeland was properly considered by Otto Schrader in 1890, who cites a paper from 1875 by Theodor Benfey. It is to these men that a great deal of credit is therefore due. However Latham did some of the groundwork
An edited podcast version of my stream from last night explaining the latest genetic evidence for a European homeland of Indo-European languages is now up and ready.
Which periods of history my content focuses on do you enjoy?
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Neolithic 5000-2500 BC
Bronze age 2500-1000 BC
Iron Age 1000Bc - 0
Heathen period 0-1000AD
Forwarded from TheBeakerLady
I am no poet 😆 but I wrote this little piece in honor of Sredny Stog which thanks to the latest paper, we now have several dna samples.

Sredny Stog is not only the ancestor of CWC and Yamnaya but are what I consider the first widespread steppe culture since they covered a vast range across the Pontic Steppe.

They were involved in trade routes with both the EEF in the Balkans and the cultures of the North Caucasus and this trade involved various metal objects. Evidence of horse domestication was seen as well as evidence for more complex social organization than their predecessors. They and their offshoots are also responsible for some of the earliest kurgans.
2024/04/27 02:44:59
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