Gs-2- IR- Indian ocean region-Effect of Policies and Politics of Developed and Developing Countries on India’s Interests: India- Maldives

🅾️Context :The influence of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and its implications for India’s security and strategic interests. China's Geo-Encirclement and string of pearls theory and What is the Necklace of Diamonds Strategy to counter china?-
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➡️My conclusion on this issue ( you can use in mains/Interview)
: the revocation of the hydrographic survey MoU by the Maldives must be seen not as an isolated incident but as a part of the greater strategic narrative in the IOR, where India must reassess and recalibrate its diplomatic and security approaches. She should ensure that she remains a preferred partner while respecting the sovereignty and choices of its neighbors.

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Gs-2 : IR- Election outcomes and trends- impact on India's foreign policy

🅾️Context : What are India's foreign policy challenges and objectives?-
The India pole in international relations

🔰Important countries due for elections in 2024

⚜️1. Bangladesh--largest opposition party considering boycott of elections
⚜️2. Taiwan- Read this article on Semiconductor diplomacy and importance of Taiwan-
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⚜️3. EU-Why imp?-India-EU Bilateral Trade and Investment Agreement.
⚜️4. France ( No elections)-but imp due to the right-wing resurgence and immigration policies.
⚜️5. United States: particularly the actions of former President Donald Trump and the potential inability of President Joe Biden to visit India.
⚜️6. "Global South's big powers- emerging economies like Brazil, Indonesia,Mexico, Nigeria etc

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Gs-2 : IR- Red sea issue

🅾️This is very important for interview as well as prelims- The article discusses the maritime security crisis in the Red Sea region, where international shipping lanes are threatened by attacks from Houthi rebels in Yemen. The situation has significant implications for global trade and India's economy, as India relies on these routes for energy supplies and commercial trade.

🅾️For India to address this challenge, the article suggests a proactive naval strategy, highlighting the need for continued naval presence and possibly international cooperation to secure shipping lanes.
The need for National Maritime awareness strategy :
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🅾️Though not related something imp is happening in panama canal area as well-
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Gs-2 : IR

🅾️The need for an international law

➡️This is a very niche topic more relevant for PSIR students than strictly for GS- but let me try to simplify things.

🅾️Context : Why do we need law at global level?- because international law shapes behaviors and policies

🅾️Issue : International law lacks a global police force, which hampers its enforceability. Despite the establishment of international courts, enforcement remains an issue. Other issue is even if we enforce, are we brave enough in holding powerful entities accountable? international law has a role in managing power dynamics and preventing abuses.

🅾️Conclusion : despite its imperfections, international law is essential and the world would be worse without it.

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Gs-2 : IR- West Asia

🅾️various theaters of conflict in West Asia

⚜️1. Israel-Hamas Conflict:
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⚜️2. Israel-Hezbollah/Lebanon

⚜️3. Syria-
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⚜️4. Yemen - Reasons: Houthi rebellion, Saudi-led coalition intervention, and Iran's alleged support for Houthis.

⚜️5. Iran-U.S. Tensions-
Nuclear program of Iran, sanctions by the U.S., and military skirmishes.

⚜️6. Iraq-Reasons: Post-U.S. invasion power struggles, ISIS, and sectarian conflict.

⚜️7. Turkey-Kurdish Conflict:
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Afghanistan (Post-U.S. Withdrawal):

⚜️9. India-Pakistan Tensions: Reasons: Kashmir dispute, cross-border terrorism, historical animosity.

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Gs-2 : IR- India- France Relations

🅾️Enhancing collaboration in defense production, joint military exercises, and defense technology transfers can serve as effective means to strengthen the robust defense relationship between India and France-
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⚠️Gs2-IR/PSIR channel link : International relations by Vikas Kanukollu/com.UPSC_PSIR_IR

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Gs3- Defence

Gs-2 : IR-
Russia- Anti satellite weapon-Recent news about Russia testing a new ASAT weapon raises international concerns due to potential violation of OST and risks associated with space debris-can disrupt the strategic balance by introducing new threats

🛑Keywords to note
: ASAT, OST, Space Debris, Kessler Syndrome, Strategic Stability, Space Governance, Russia's ASAT Test, Space Weaponization.

🅾️Anti-satellite weapons (ASAT) are designed to destroy or incapacitate satellites-signify a nation's ability to execute space warfare,

🅾️Outer Space Treaty (OST): The treaty prohibits the placement of weapons of mass destruction in Earth's orbit and mandates peaceful exploration of outer space

✴️Technological Aspects: Modern ASAT systems include direct-ascent missiles, co-orbital systems, and possibly cyber or electronic countermeasures against satellites.

🅾️For prelims- Read about - Anti-satellite (ASAT) System- Mission shakti- Click here
Gs-2 : IR

Why does India need International Engagement and Intelligence Diplomacy?

🅾️In IR- Biggest concern?- Security concerns- Security concerns are no longer just about traditional military affairs but encompass economic, technological, and political aspects- Ex : Munich Security Conference and Shangri-La Dialogue highlighted this.

🅾️Emergence of "intelligence diplomacy" as a key component of international relations.Involves sharing intelligence among trusted allies to enhance security measures and tackle global challenges.Ex: India's intelligence sharing with Anglo-Saxon allies and other democracies.

🅾️New type of threats : need to safeguard intellectual property and counter cyber threats+Recognition of non-traditional threats like cross-border crime

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China's global initiatives

🅾️Global Development Initiative (GDI)- aims to support the United Nations' 2030 SDGs-China sees that this is a way for China to break Western hegemony over global human-rights governance and project soft power by leading the conversation about global governance- fear of BRI like debt trap diplomacy

🅾️Global Security Initiative (GSI)- Click here

🅾️Global Civilisation Initiative (GCI)-to promote respect for the diversity of civilizations and drive towards realizing the common aspirations of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy, and freedom-Critics of the GCI assert that, when combined with the GDI and GSI, these programs represent only China's substitute for the Liberal International Order (LIO), which is dominated by the West. They argue that China just wants to take the place of the West and establish its own power globally


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Gs-3 : Internal security/ Gs-2 : IR- Grey zone warfare

⚜️Understanding grey zone warfare is critical for civil service aspirants who will potentially shape or respond to national security and foreign policy strategies. It requires a comprehensive approach to national security, combining military readiness with economic, cyber, and diplomatic tools

⚡️We already discussed these Imp dimensions :

🅾️1. Grey zone operations (GZOs)-Demands for a cyber command, in line of Integrated Theatre Commands (ITCs) by the Indian military-
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🅾️2. Law fare-The need for an international law

Also read this-

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Gs-2 : IR- India-china

🅾️Why south china sea is an important region for India?-
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🅾️Present article context : Sudden skirmishes between the Chinese guard vessels and the Philippines.Ongoing international wrangle over the Spratly Islands and China’s territorial claims.
China’s persistent assertion of territorial rights despite other countries' claims.

🅾️United States reacted to the developments in the SCS-Increasing Chinese claims seen as a threat to US allies and regional stability-US sent military ships and aircraft to ensure freedom of navigation.

🅾️China's Claims violate international treaties, such as UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea).

🅾️Economic impact : Threat to $3.37 trillion worth of global trade passing through SCS.
Escalating tensions may disrupt this crucial economic corridor.

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Gs3- Economic growth- exports driven growth- 2 world views regarding free trade.

🅾️Present context : India's FTA with the European Free Trade Association (EFTA)

Examples :

1. Swiss Exports: Precision Instruments-Signifies Switzerland’s expertise in high-quality, precise manufacturing, including watches, medical devices, and machinery. Reflects Switzerland's competitive advantage and the potential increase in market access through the India-EFTA TEPA.

2. Norwegian Exports: Seafood-Highlights Norway's robust seafood industry, a major part of its economy, with a focus on sustainable fishing practices.Indicates Norway's interest in exporting seafood to India’s large consumer market.

3. Indian Exports to EFTA: India's potential to increase textile exports to EFTA countries as a result of lower tariffs and better market access negotiated in the TEPA.

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Gs-2 : IR- UNSC resolutions on GAZA

The Israel-Palestine Conflict

⚡️Mains question : Role of the UN: Are UN mechanisms effective in resolving complex conflicts with powerful players involved? What alternative approaches could be explored?


1. International Law vs. Realpolitik- UN Security Council resolutions are legally binding on member states (including Israel and Palestine). However, the Council has limited power to enforce these resolutions. Powerful nations within the Council (like the US) can block or weaken action, undermining international law.

2. The Limitations of the Resolution: The resolution focuses on humanitarian aid, not core issues fueling the conflict. Israel may use loopholes in the wording to continue restricting aid access.

⚠️Problems with India- Israel- Dehyphenation policy- Read this

Gs2-IR/PSIR channel link : International relations by Vikas Kanukollu/com.UPSC_PSIR_IR

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Gs-2 : IR- India- EFTA

🅾️Context : India-European Free Trade Association signed a Trade and Economic Partnership Agreement (TEPA)on 10th March 2024-EFTA countries = Switzerland, Iceland, Norway & Liechtenstein

⚡️For the first time in history of FTAs, binding commitment of $100 bn investment and 1 million direct jobs in the next 15 years has been given. The agreement will give a boost to Make in India and provide opportunities to young & talented workforce. The FTA will provide a window to Indian exporters to access large European and global markets

🅾️What are the lessons that we can learn here?- This article is a very important one for this mains!

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Gs-2 : IR

🔰Question : Examine the evolution and significance of India's defence diplomacy in the context of contemporary global geopolitics. Discuss how it aligns with the broader objectives of India's national security and foreign policy, particularly in relation to emerging challenges and opportunities on the international stage.

🅾️Context : Historical development of India's defense diplomacy since the early years of independence.

🅾️Strategic Importance: Defense diplomacy is crucial for safeguarding Indian interests abroad, particularly in volatile geopolitical environments.

🅾️These diplomatic endeavors are aligned with broader national security objectives, aiming to protect and promote India's interests on the global stage

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Gs-2- IR : India- Iran relations- Explainer

Chabahar port issue

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Gs-2 : IR- IMEC- Issues and solution.

🅾️During the course of Gazar war, the Houthis in Yemen have blocked the ships of Israel and its western allies from accessing the Red Sea, despite naval deployment by the U.S. Navy and Europe. As a result, Israel and its western allies have been forced to take the longer route across the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa, increasing shipping time and costs.- Click here

🅾️What is the point made here?- Overcoming missing links and insulating IMEC from regional conflicts is essential for its success as a trade facilitator across regions- For this Oman provides an alternative route, with its ports accessible from the Arabian Sea, avoiding the Persian Gulf region. Read about India Oman relations-
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