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Please consider subscribing to Dr Anne McCloskey’s new Substack account.

She’s a heroic example in that she kept doctoring and used her brain. The medical hierarchy has been ghastly to her and even jailed her for non payment of a fine, levied for “breach of lockdown rules”. A third party paid it for her, against her wishes, so she’s been released.

Best wishes
We must take this seriously.
Snigger 🤭
Forwarded from Mike Yeadon
Just say it as deserves:

The sky is falling in!

Chicken influenza threatens civilization!

The food supply must be destroyed in order to preserve the food supply!

If a cow gets the ‘flu, we cannot risk the devastating numbers of other cows who’ll get the ‘flu!

Give them a hot lemon and sympathy?!? Nooo! The food supply must be destroyed in order to preserve the food supply!
I’ve often said that I knew that we were being intentionally misled when the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists enthusiastically supported 91-divoc jabs, because there’s the firmest of red lines: do not give novel medical products to pregnant women. Have they forgotten the lessons of Thalidomide?
This from my knowledge of toxicology; I am not a medical doctor.

Here, a doctor who’s speciality is in this field. He’s saying exactly the same things. Thank you Dr Thorp.

Best wishes
Forwarded from SLOBODNI podcast
733 KB
The Deliberate Targeting of Pregnancy:

Transcript of a presentation by Celia Farber and Dr James (Jim) Thorp MD

Link to the talk

Link to book out Sept 2024: “Sacrifice: How the Deadliest Vaccine in History Targeted the Most Vulnerable”

Celia Farber:

"One thing that Jim always hammered home...The Golden Rule of obstetrical medicine we all know it – give absolutely no untested substance to a pregnant woman ever, ever, ever. So how did they do it? "

Dr James Thorp MD:

" The results are..catastrophic...not only pregnancy complications, miscarriages, chromosomal abnormalities, foetal death, severe foetal growth restrictions, severe placental abnormalities..placental infarcts, placental blood clots, severe bleeding .. malformations, new born seizures, horrible complications"

"Well I will tell you there is only 4 totally irrefutable, undeniable (pieces of) evidence, four sources of data that can never ever be refuted...because they are all open source...and heavily biased towards pushing the vaccine"
I often find the OffGuardian is sharply on the issue.
Here, definitely.
Remember: pandemics cannot happen.
They cannot happen because of fundamental theoretical immunological reasons, even if there was a novel pathogen (which there isn’t).
Pandemics have NEVER happened & where it’s claimed that they have, every one of them has involved fraud.
Recently, it’s been testing fraud and concurrently lying about what is happening.
Previously, such as in 1918, it involved mass poisoning fraud(s) and retroactively lying about what happened.
For a year or more, iirc, I’ve also been telling you that, however hard it might be to accept, acute respiratory illnesses aren’t caused by viruses and they’re not contagious.
Per a recently post, they also cannot even start, because no virus has ever been shown to exist. All the published papers claiming “isolation” of an alleged virus have involved invalid methods, specifically, there never are proper “control” experiments. That these papers even get published in the so-called learned journals tells you that the editorial team is complicit in the frauds. It also tells you to disregard the peer review process, because their failure to pick up on the fatal absence of proper controls is also fraud.
See a rather persistent theme?
There is no “bird flu” aka “chicken influenza”. They are lying to us all. They’re trying to frighten us. Don’t be.
Best wishes,
Forwarded from OffGuardian (official)
How (and why) Bird Flu is About to Enter the “Mass Testing” Phase

Hello everyone and welcome to the latest edition of Bird Flu Digest, formerly known as OffGuardian.

The wall-to-wall coverage of Bird Flu is getting wallier-to-wallier with each passing week, to the point it’s almost hard to keep up with the waves of hot takes and chilling insights. But if you’re going to try, the best place to do it is right here, where I spend a good portion of my time reading very similar articles in very similar papers all about the danger of a pandemic they’re about to pretend is happening.

Not a dream of mine growing up,…...

Read full article ...

I am proud to be considered a friend and ally to the courageous and determined people of Costa Rica and the Interest of Justice organization.

They have been working extraordinarily hard for an open ended period, not only to involve themselves in official WHO procedures, exposing wrongdoing as they go along, but also in local campaigns in their home country of Costa Rica.

Peaceful, noisy attendance at weekly meetings of their town’s political activities has so far prevented certain laws & regulations being installed, which are enabling of UN’s Agenda 21 and UN2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

This, the UN, is the paper tiger being used to attempt to strip the freedoms of citizens everywhere.

Once you see it, you cannot unsee it.

Best wishes
Media is too big
I missed this when first posted, though it is quite recent.
It’s a remarkable commentary from Reiner Fuellmich, still in jail more than six months after being more or less kidnapped in Mexico and flown to Germany & imprisoned.
Recall the allegations of wrongdoing relate to a sum less than the value of his house, money which he never even received. The magnitude of the alleged crime, coupled with there never having been offences against the public nor any threat of ongoing criminal activity, render the decision to imprison Reiner obviously disproportionate.
It’s not even necessary to assume he’s entirely innocent (though I think he probably is) nor that he has an unblemished past (I don’t say he does, while also saying I cannot distinguish between disinformation against him is as likely a reason for things said about his past as much as him actually having an unusual past), in order to recognise he’s being punished way beyond anything justified by such stories.
It’s “white collar crime” that’s alleged & not, by the standards of wealth to those involved, a particularly large amount.
From a judicial as well as evidentiary standpoint, what’s happening to Reiner Fuellmich cannot be stood up.
Accordingly, there must be other reasons why they’re shutting him up substantially, isolating him from his family and friends, while being unable to silence him completely, because it is so obviously illegal to do so.
Will he ever be released? Why is a trial, presumably on prima facie criminal charges so solid that the German government involved itself in issuing warrants for his apprehension in Mexico, how can it possibly have taken this long not to complete due process in court?
Please listen to his summation of what he is seeing from around the world.
I do not baulk at the description of those who organized this systematic assault on innocent people in many or most countries of the world as “evil monsters & psychopaths”. These attributes it seems to me are minimally required in order even to conceive the plan we see unfolding all around us.
Best wishes
Ps: tongue in cheek perhaps, but I don’t think Reiner is aware of the work of Mark Devlin & others. “No one’s father’s a plumber”.

Not faintly new to those on this channel, but possibly useful to those you know who aren’t.

People wake up about different things at widely varying rates. Once a person realises they’re being lied to about something really important, I think the seed is sown and it’s just a question of 🕰️

Best wishes

This article features an astonishing coincidence.

Hannah Fry runs a simulated “pandemic” broadcast in 2018, with a mobile app representing a “virus”. Patient Zero was discovered to be in Haslemere.

In early 2020, during the “covid pandemic”, the claimed Patient Zero was… Haslemere.

What are the chances?

There’s much more to it than that, but I hope this tidbit is interesting!

Best wishes

A comment about this video, painstakingly dissecting the BBC “pandemic simulation”, broadcast in 2018 & fronted by Hannah Fry.

The researcher / presenter strikes me as extremely thorough, objective yet imaginative. Furthermore, relentless. Wholly admirable qualities. Oh, for more such people! Thank you to Pighooey!

So, why Haslemere in both the TV simulation of a pandemic and the alleged actual pandemic?

There is often more than one reason why things happen as they do. In fact, my growing appreciation of the “coincidences that never are” is that it’s the rule, not the exception, that results in there being multiple reasons for a certain thing happening as it does.

It’s definitely not coincidence that Jeremy Hunt’s constituency is, or contains, Haslemere.

Hunt was Health Secretary for the majority of the decade prior to the faked covid pandemic.

Planning for how the NHS & especially the staff would be manipulated to respond would mostly have happened under Hunt’s leadership.

Best wishes
Hat tip to the person who came up with this. Smile.
I’m in touch with Professor Richard Werner, who understands better than most what central banks are & how they operate.
This was a central theme of his book Princes of the Yen (banned by amazon, available at – it was a number 1 bestseller in Japan.
If you don’t know the history, you will find it incredible. There is also a documentary:

Richard has recently learned that his university department is to close, so he’s seeking to find alternatives.
It you are willing and able to consider a paid subscription to his Substack then, based on my knowledge of Richard’s high level expertise, I think you would find it very valuable.

Best wishes
A very interesting 15 minute talk by a Slovenian economist and one-term politician in his country.

I agree with him that any protest, warning or forward planning which does not recognise the threat posed by the UN in the form of their UN2030 Sustainable Development Goals, is not sincere.

For avoidance of doubt, I am confident that what we’ve recently experienced in terms of the “covid19 pandemic” & numerous matters coming to the fore now, all tie back to the aims of the self-entitled “elites”, expressed through the anti-human & anti-life objectives summarised in the UN2030 SDGs.

I find it distressing that, even deep into Year 5, there are no really viable options to resist these diabolical lunatics & to prevent the installation of these SDGs. We’re relying, it seems, on there being sufficient numbers of peoqqple willing to resist. Certainly that’s been what I’ve been doing for over four years: trying to warn people in the reasonable hope that some will tell others, some will resist, some will develop survival plans, others will emigrate to what they hope will be less immediately impacted societies & yet other possibilities.

Best wishes
I find this article a little bewildering.
There are certainly straw man arguments in it, for example, the demand made by some people not to use cell cultures in virology.
I haven’t personally encountered this argument. What I have understood recently is crystal clear, that cell cultures used in claimed virus isolation experiments always lack “uninfected controls”.
Michael’s rebuttal to a very large body of such work, lacking controls, is simply that he’s never seen a cell culture experiment which lacked appropriate controls. I must say, I haven’t either. But then I’ve not worked in a virology lab.
Does Michael not know that it’s not a minor technicality, this lack of uninfected controls in alleged virus isolation experiments?
And that it has been shown independently by more than one lab, that uninfected control cultures can result in exactly the same outcomes as are seen in the alleged infected cells, with the same extent of cytopathic effect, the effect which is claimed is due to the presence of the alleged virus?

Is he further not aware that, in a hundred years of clinical attempts to demonstrate symptomatic transmission of acute respiratory Illnesses, there are only failures so to demonstrate?

I’d be happy to focus discussion initially to just these two points.

Best wishes
2024/06/21 04:08:06
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