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The Singapore stock market has alternated between positive and negative finishes through the last five trading days since the end of the two-day winning streak in which it had added more than a dozen points or 0.4 percent. The Straits Times Index now sits just above the 3,060-point plateau and it's likely to see a narrow trading range on Monday.
Pinterest (PINS) Stock Sinks As Market Gains
Pinterest (PINS) closed at $71.75 in the latest trading session, marking a -0.18% move from the prior day. This change lagged the S&P 500's daily gain of 0.1%. Meanwhile, the Dow gained 0.9%, and the Nasdaq, a tech-heavy index, lost 0.59%. Heading into today, shares of the digital pinboard and shopping tool company had lost 17.41% over the past month, lagging the Computer and Technology sector's loss of 5.38% and the S&P 500's gain of 0.71% in that time. Investors will be hoping for strength from PINS as it approaches its next earnings release. The company is expected to report EPS of $0.07, up 170% from the prior-year quarter. Our most recent consensus estimate is calling for quarterly revenue of $467.87 million, up 72.05% from the year-ago period.
狐狸窝-没错在油管发asmr的就是我 from CA电报群组 cn telegram Group & telegram Channel 10

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