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🟣have on

✍ To wear clothing, cosmetics, perfume, etc.

⭕️For example:

"I Bella had a ring on her finger last night, but now it's missing."
🟣make for

✍ to go in a certain direction, typically in a hurry.

⭕️For example:

"When we heard the news about the floor, we immediately made for the hills."
🟣screw on

✍ to connect parts together, typically parts with a spiral groove or with a screw.

⭕️For example:

"Linda screwed on the knobs to the cabinets after installed them."
🟣go for

✍ to try to obtain.

⭕️For example:

"My dad always told me to go for the gold."
🟣freak out

✍ when someone becomes irrationally upset or angry, sometimes to the point of confusion.

⭕️For example:

"Stephanie nearly freaked out when she found out that her dad dating an eighteen years old."
🟣hang around

✍ to spend time in a place or an area

⭕️For example:

"They hung around the house the whole afternoon."
🟣go with

✍ to be combined together as one set.

⭕️For example:

"This sheet set goes with a comforter."
🟣Float around

✍ when an object or a person is near, but you cannot pinpoint the exact location.

⭕️For example:

"I can't find my slippers, but I know they must be floating around here somewhere."
🟣Flip out

✍ to become very mad or lose control over your emotions

⭕️For example:

"I need to leave before I flip out on someone."
🟣cut down

✍ to do less of something or to use something in smaller amounts.

⭕️For example:

"I need to really cut down on sweets."
🟣cut back

✍ when you spend less money on something.

⭕️For example:

"If I don't cut my spending back, I'll be out of money by next week."
🟣catch up

✍ to move faster to reach someone or something that is ahead of you.

⭕️For example:

"If you don't catch, you'll get left behind.
So hurry up!"
🟣cross off

✍ to remove or delete someone or something from a list.

⭕️For example:

"The teacher crossed the student's name off the roster when he hadn't showed up for class in four days."
🟣crack down

✍ to take more action than usual against wrongdoing.

⭕️For example:

"The teacher started to crack down on student tardiness by making them write 100sentences for each minute they are late."
🟣con out of

✍ to persuade someone to give or do something through lies and deception

⭕️For example:

"Jack is trying to con his dad out of more allowance by telling him that he had never received it."
🟣luck out

✍ to have exceptional good luck.

⭕️For example:

"Wow, she really lucked out by finding that apartment."
🟣Look over

✍ to examine or inspect something or someone

⭕️For example:

"Can you look over the manuscript and tell me what you think?"
🟣fall for

✍ when someone is deceived

⭕️For example:

"Lots of people are falling for scams that trick them into sending money to strangers they meet online."
🟣fall behind

✍ to make less progress or to not do something on time.

⭕️For example:

"I hate falling behind in my bills."
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