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πŸ†•ζ–°ε¦Ύι€Ÿιžθ³‡θ¨Š Telegram | DID YOU KNOW?

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At a time when the Indian stock market is peaking and has rallied immensely compared to global markets, there are companies that have not performed in the last 10 years. These are definitely a minor portion of the market considering there are hundreds of stocks that have turned multibagger since 2020. What went wrong with these stocks? Reasons vary from corporate governance, sectoral weakness, company specific and so on. But the more important question is, are these stocks worth buying?

NEWS: Telegram supports Facetime video calls NOW!

Secure video calling is in high demand. As an alternative to Zoom, many people are using end-to-end encrypted apps such as WhatsApp, FaceTime or Signal to speak to friends and family face-to-face since coronavirus lockdowns started to take place across the world. There’s another optionβ€”secure communications app Telegram just added video calling to its feature set, available on both iOS and Android. The new feature is also super secureβ€”like Signal and WhatsApp and unlike Zoom (yet), video calls will be end-to-end encrypted.

πŸ†•ζ–°ε¦Ύι€Ÿιžθ³‡θ¨Š from HK

香港羀硄 HK telegram Group & telegram Channel 10

Telegram πŸ†•ζ–°ε¦Ύι€Ÿιžθ³‡θ¨Š

Created: 2021-04-16

From: 香港羀硄 and Россия

Telegram πŸ†•ζ–°ε¦Ύι€Ÿιžθ³‡θ¨Š, 539330 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel 香港羀硄, HK

Telegram πŸ†•ζ–°ε¦Ύι€Ÿιžθ³‡θ¨Š, 539330 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel, Россия, RU

TG πŸ†•ζ–°ε¦Ύι€Ÿιžθ³‡θ¨Š

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