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NEU โ€“ Klaus Schwab wird als geschรคftsfรผhrender Vorsitzender des Weltwirtschaftsforums zurรผcktreten.


โ˜€๏ธ๐Ÿท๐Ÿฟ Lust auf Gute Laune?

โ™Ÿ๏ธ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ“• Lust auf Wissen?
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Kommentar von Dr. Christof Miserรฉ
vom 21. Mai 2024 in FB

๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช Unfassbarer Angriff auf die Verteidigung im Verfahren Landgericht Gรถttingen

๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ Inconceivable attack on the defense in the Gรถttingen Regional Court proceedings

๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ซ Attaque inouรฏe contre la dรฉfense dans le cadre du procรจs devant le
Tribunal de Grande Instance de Goettingen

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น Incredibile attacco alla difesa nel procedimento contro il Dr. Reiner Fuฬˆllmich
presso il tribunale regionale di Gottinga.

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Media is too big
Eklat im US-Kongress
๐Ÿคฅ Fauci-Berater wird gegrillt wie kein Zweiter nachdem er beim Lรผgen erwischt wurde!
(๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ชdt. Untertitel)

(Anm.: "PS - I forgot to say - there is no reason to worry about FOIAs!" FOIA = Freedom of Information Act / Informationsfreiheitsgesetz - er regte an, das Gesprรคch auf private Emails zu verlegen, damit im Nachhinein die Kommunikation per FOIA nicht offengelegt werden muss)

Drama im US-Kongress: Dr. David Morens, ein hochrangiger Berater von Anthony Fauci, wurde beim Lรผgen ertappt! Vor dem Kongress behauptete er, private Gmail-Adressen "nicht absichtlich" genutzt zu haben. Doch Congresswoman Debbie Lesko lieรŸ nicht locker und entlarvte seine gezielten E-Mail-Manรถver, um sensible COVID-19-Daten vor FOIA-Anfragen zu verstecken. Jetzt steht Dr. Morens im Kreuzfeuer und muss sich fรผr seine Tรคuschungsmanรถver verantworten. Ein Lehrstรผck in Sachen Transparenz und Demokratie!


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Forwarded from Isaac kappy
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Are you sure what you see is real? Many of the characters we see no longer exist or never existed, but thanks to this system, they make them appear "where they are not", by taking their photos or video clips from a bygone era, but which seems current. Using green screen and chroma key. You shoot a scene with a compact, uniform background color so that the foreground subject can be easily separated in post-production and the background can be replaced with any color...
Forwarded from Dr Mike Yeadon solo channel (Mike Yeadon)

Regular readers will be aware that the Federal Reserve Bank is neither federal (itโ€™s a private institution) nor possesses reserves (it brings money into existence at will).

What are the limits to the powers of the Fed in an undefined emergency?

It appears there are no limits. They do whatever they want and if subject to legal challenges, a judge finds no fault.

Imagine how useful this is to the Uber elites (aka Useless Eliters) whoโ€™s assets are undoubtedly preserved by whatever is needed.

A couple of well placed devices in the offices of the NY Fed and the BIS in Switzerland would hobble the New World Order.

Best wishes
Forwarded from
Russia and China have had enough โ€” Strategic Culture

Both have had enough of being โ€œpoliteโ€. You want confrontation? Confrontation is what youโ€™re gonna get.

(...) the head of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, being more than explicit at a CIS summit in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, on what the Empire of Chaos and its vassals are up to next.

The four main takeaways:

1.The U.S., UK and NATO are now on Full Hybrid War mode against Russia.

2.NATO is facilitating a massive transfer of terrorists/jihadis from several latitudes to Ukraine, with some of these, especially branded ISIS-K, instrumentalized all across the Heartland. Call it a Terror Foreign Legion โ€“ which should be regarded as the SCOโ€™s number one enemy. Bortnikov referred to โ€œthe constant rotation of militants in the Syria-Iraqi and Afghan-Pakistani zones, and the emergence of new militant training camps near the southern borders of the commonwealth.โ€

3.Ukraine has turned to Total Terror โ€“ complete with non-stop sabotage raids across Russiaโ€™s borders.

4.On a positive note, the Global Majority is on the move: Russia is closely cooperating, increasingly, with scores of nations in West Asia, wider Asia, Africa and Latin America.

After a series of extraordinary โ€œcoincidencesโ€ these past few weeks, from โ€œlone gunmanโ€ assassination attempts to engineered coups, outright threats and mysterious disappearances, the whole BRICS-SCO ecosystem has to be on very high alert.

After the epic Putin-Xi summit in Beijing and the stranger than fiction Raisi helicopter drama, the renewed solidity of the interlocked Russia-China-Iran strategic partnerships is pointing to Russia-China about to take their velvet gloves off.

Putin and Xi, each in their own way, have already warned the collectively imbecilized West: if you want confrontation, youโ€™re gonna get confrontation. In spades. And at your own peril.

The impeding Mother of All Tests, coming this summer, is how far NATO will go when it comes to directly attacking the Russian Federation. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban warns that โ€œEurope is preparing to start a war with Russiaโ€.

Uncultured, uneducated political-military Eurotrash โ€œelitesโ€ of course are completely incapable of understanding reality outside of their bubble. Moreover, they interpret Russian patience and legalistic approach as weakness. Well: intel sources in Moscow are now making it very clear โ€“ off the record; the response, if they try anything stupid, will be devastating.

On a BRICS level, there is a sort of last-minute attempt to defuse the incandescence. Wang Yi and President Lulaโ€™s top foreign policy advisor, Celso Amorim, have released a statement outlining a โ€œcommon understandingโ€ over an endgame in Ukraine.

Essentially, the statement reads that โ€œChina and Brazil support holding an international peace conference at an appropriate time, recognized by both Russia and Ukraine, with equal participation by all parties, and fair discussion of all peace plans.โ€ The Empire of Chaos will obviously reject it.

Beijing has all its attention focusing on Empire of Chaos provocations in Taiwan while Moscow focuses on NATO provocations in Ukraine. Both have had enough of being โ€œpoliteโ€. You want confrontation? Confrontation is what youโ€™re gonna get.
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Senator Ron Johnson (๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ชUntertitel):

โ€žDurch die Dokumente per FOIA haben wir etwa 4.000 seiner E-Mails erhalten.
Sie waren unglaublich belastend ... Wir haben 400 davon ungeschwรคrzt angefordert, und wir haben 350 Seiten davon erhalten.
Wir sind bei den letzten 50 Seiten fรผr die letzten zwei Jahre angelangt. Sie geben uns einfach nicht die letzten 50 Seiten von Anthony Faucis E-Mails, welche wirklich belastende Informationen enthalten mรผssen.โ€œ

โ€žEs kommen immer mehr Beweise fรผr die vรถllige Korruption unserer bundesstaatlichen Gesundheitsรคmter ans Licht.
Sie sind vรถllig undurchsichtig und weigern sich, die Transparenz zu bieten, die die amerikanische ร–ffentlichkeit verdient.โ€œ

Quelle: @SenRonJohnson - 26.05.2024
Real Superheros walk like this ... ๐Ÿ˜Ž



Forwarded from Mike Yeadon
Iโ€™m absolutely of like mind with Chris on vaccines. Avoid all of them.

Ever noticed that, of all categories of product of the pharmaceutical industry, only vaccines may not be questioned, let alone criticised?

You can take a pop at cholesterol lowering drugs or antidepressants, as a class or individual drugs.

Try it with any vaccine & see what happens to you. If youโ€™re a medical professional, itโ€™s all over. If youโ€™re a professional in any other field, your professional body will come down on you like a ton of bricks. If youโ€™re not a professional, youโ€™ll be socially ostracised.

Why is this, do you think?

Obviously i donโ€™t really know, but I can have a very good & informed guess.

Itโ€™s because the perpetrators of the many things going on that, together, constitute a global coup dโ€™etat, always planned to use injections for control and to accomplish depopulation.

Iโ€™m reasonably confident that this is the reason why such immense effort has been put into defending the reputation of vaccines by so many people, institutions and countries, for so long.

Truly diabolical.

None of them work, because the pathogens against which they are purported to act do not exist.

If you still believe selectively in some vaccines, please do more work. Theyโ€™re wholly bad, without a single redeeming feature.

Best wishes
EVA VLAARDINGERBROEK Describes the current state of population exchange in the EU and asks: What would other cultures and nations say if their leaders were looking forward to them disappearing soon?


2024/05/29 05:11:35
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