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هوه الروح Telegram | DID YOU KNOW?
Pinterest (PINS) Stock Sinks As Market Gains
Pinterest (PINS) closed at $71.75 in the latest trading session, marking a -0.18% move from the prior day. This change lagged the S&P 500's daily gain of 0.1%. Meanwhile, the Dow gained 0.9%, and the Nasdaq, a tech-heavy index, lost 0.59%. Heading into today, shares of the digital pinboard and shopping tool company had lost 17.41% over the past month, lagging the Computer and Technology sector's loss of 5.38% and the S&P 500's gain of 0.71% in that time. Investors will be hoping for strength from PINS as it approaches its next earnings release. The company is expected to report EPS of $0.07, up 170% from the prior-year quarter. Our most recent consensus estimate is calling for quarterly revenue of $467.87 million, up 72.05% from the year-ago period.
Launched in 2013, Telegram allows users to broadcast messages to a following via “channels”, or create public and private groups that are simple for others to access. Users can also send and receive large data files, including text and zip files, directly via the app.The platform said it has more than 500m active users, and topped 1bn downloads in August, according to data from SensorTower.هوه الروح from IQ
العراق IQ telegram Group & telegram Channel 10
From: العراق and La France
Telegram هوه الروح 🍂, 84343 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel العراق, IQTelegram هوه الروح 🍂, 84343 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel, La France, FR