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TRUTH is divisive.

TRUTH divides us between those who see it and believe it and those who do not see it or see it but refuse to believe it.

Lin 🙏🙏🙏
Which do you believe motivates most people in our country (if not the world):

The love of Jesus Christ


The love of money???

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

A stroll down Memory Lane with my Telegram message of February 20, 2021 below.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Forwarded from Lin Wood
Who controls Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, GA Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan, and GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (other than his Deputy Secretary Jordy Fuchs)?

Certainly not the People of Georgia. These officials ignored the People and trampled on our right to an honest November 3 election. They denied us the President We The People elected.

Maybe ask Nick Ayers. Or Kelly Loeffler’a husband who owns, among other things, the New York Stock Exchange.

As I am often prone to say, “follow the money.” See to whom it leads.

Happy Hunting.
Birds of a feather flock together.

Political figures whose political careers are dead in the water endorse political candidates whose political careers are dead in the water.

Just sayin.’

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Starting shortly after the November 2020 debacle, I posted my 2-prong litmus test for determining whether a “Republican” public official or political candidate was a RINO or a REAL Patriot:

1. Was the person taking REAL action to FIX 2020 (as opposed to mere lip service)???


2. Was the person taking REAL action to end child sex trafficking and modern day human slavery (as opposed to mere lip service)???

I think that “litmus” test remains as accurate today as I believe it was starting in December of 2020.

What do you think???

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

So many are speculating on who President Trump will pick as his VP running mate.

Let’s go at it a different way:

Who do you believe President Trump will NOT pick as his VP running mate???

To save space, last names will suffice.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Like you, I have NO idea who President Trump will select to be his VP running mate.

I do have my own criteria for the person I hope he selects:

1. A man who loves Jesus Christ.

2. A man who loves America.

3. A man who is totally loyal to him.

4. A man who believes in his policies of Save America, America First, and Make America Great Again.

5. A man who has never held political office and is indebted to no one in “The Club.”

6. A man who does not seek wealth, power, or fame.

7. A man who truly loves We the People.

Ha! Under my criteria, it sounds like President Trump should pick himself as his VP running mate!!!

But you cannot split the baby!!!

Who will he pick???

Time will tell.

It always does.

Pray for President Trump as he makes decisions and takes actions which will impact the future of our republic and generations to come.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

When you are being wrongfully persecuted, seek counsel from someone who has himself been wrongly persecuted.

That person will understand your persecution and be able to offer advice on how to handle it.

Seek counsel from Jesus Christ.

He understands persecution.

Lin 🙏🙏🙏
I personally have always placed a high value on loyalty.

Especially from those to whom I have been loyal.

In the flesh, Jesus Christ must have been devastated by the disloyalty of Judas.

Because He is God, Jesus Christ knew that Judas would betray him.

Judas loved him, loved him, loved him until he did not love him at all.

Judas was disloyal and betrayed Jesus Christ for money.

In earth, Jesus Christ was 100% human and is 100% God.

In the flesh, He was betrayed for money.

Because He is God, He allowed it to happen.

What lesson, among many, do we learn from Judas???

Money is the root of ALL evil.

Jesus Christ is God.

Lin 🙏🙏🙏
Simple truths are simple TRUTH.

Simple TRUTH:

“Give your enemy enough rope and he will eventually hang himself.”

Until that time, be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove.

Lin 🙏🙏🙏
2024/06/25 01:45:21
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