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Patriotic Alternative North West

Patriotic Alternative North West were out in Leigh Town Centre today, campaigning on behalf of PA-backed MP candidate Craig Buckley.

Craig is standing in the Leigh & Atherton constituency for the English Democrats. He was joined by fellow PA activist and MP candidate for Makerfield Thomas Bryer, along with other activists from PA North West.

We had a great time speaking to locals who were delighted to share their concerns and support with Craig and the rest of the group. Many locals assured us that they would be voting for Craig in the upcoming election on 4 July. We aim to provide a voice for those who are concerned with the rising levels of immigration and see that net-zero migration is not enough to stop our replacement.

We finished the day with a well-deserved pint in a local pub.

Write to us at [email protected]

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I spoke to Laura Towler a couple of weeks ago, and our conversation has just been published. As I have said several times, whether or not you agree with the views of Sam Melia, there can be no doubt that he has not been treated fairly by the criminal justice system.

Restricting all contact with his children was an oppressive measure and demonstrates a flagrant abuse of the Ministry of Justice guidance.

Forwarded from MODERN POLITICS 🇺🇸

Governors & Billionaires

What will it take to win? Emily and Warren look for clues from the biggest challengers to the American system in the past 100 years.
Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful dads out there 🤍
What a time to be alive
Forwarded from Tollahgram
British police - the people who kneel to black terrorists, arrest English men trying to prevent the rape of their daughter by Muslim paedophile gangs, arrest autistic 16 year-old English girls and slam them to the ground for saying that a lesbian looks like a lesbian, pursue "terrorism" charges against White men making stickers, run calves over, and shoot white stags dead.

There are going to be a lot of people with a lot of crimes to answer for if things ever get put right.
It’s been really great going down to the chicken coop each day and getting the eggs now that our hens are laying. We’ve been getting 1-2 eggs each day from our two chickens. Wish I could tell you what they taste like but Catherine has adopted them and calls them her “baby chichis”.
Just been speaking with Sam about the conversations he’s been having with probation and this term keeps coming up: “serious harm” - as in, they have to make sure he doesn’t cause any more serious harm when he gets released.

How exactly does a sticker on a lamppost cause serious harm? How does it cause any harm at all? How are they even entertaining this notion? Is it like The Emperors New Clothes where they all know it’s bollocks but they pretend to agree to keep their jobs?

It sometimes feels so surreal to be dragged along with this situation. The System is full of cowards and traitors. Pathetic, spineless, weak men and dumb shitlib women. I despise every single one of the people who goes along with this narrative and allows it to continue.
Forwarded from Justice-Initiative
👀 Support for Rob Rundo spotted in Upstate NY.

🫡 Nationalists and people of conscience all over the country are appalled at the treatment Mr. Rundo is receiving from the DOJ and 9th Circuit.

⚖️ Information on how to keep in contact with Mr. Rundo is available here.
😌Some information about his case here.
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Hey all. We are really close to hitting our goal for the Free Sam Melia petition.

As explained previously, I don't expect the government to let him out but this petition is a great way for Sam to show his probation team how much public support he has. They said they were monitoring the public response to his sentence and had to be careful about the decisions they made.

If you haven't signed it yet, please can you do so. And thank you to everybody who has signed it so far.

Sign the petition
Just read through the Reform manifesto and it’s really quite good. I’d like to take a moment to appreciate two things:

1. The move to the right that a group like Reform has been forced to make. This is in no small part thanks to every single nationalist who has worked tirelessly at moving the Overton window over the last few years and who has pushed for tougher conversations on topics like demographics, repatriation and “grooming gangs”. Sometimes success is seen in ways which aren’t so clear, and this is success.

2. Considering the polls, a massive percentage of the public are on our side and want the same things we want.

I’m not saying I trust Reform and Farage, and I’m not saying all our problems are now solved. Genuine nationalists have to keep doing what we’re doing. We have to keep pushing for more. But I think it’s ok to celebrate these little wins when we get them.
Shoutout to PA Yorkshire’s resident baker who brings us fresh, home baked bread on the regular. I traded him for two eggs yesterday. I don’t think he wanted them but I was like YOU’RE TAKING THE EGGS OK 😁
“Meanwhile, Mr Buckley is unashamed of the English Democrats’ links to Patriotic Alternative. “I’m a member myself,” he said. When asked whether he is concerned about being associated with a far-right organisation, he said: “Can you define far right? These words ‘far right, extreme, neo-nazi, white supremacy’ these are slanderous terms. I don’t agree with them.”

Go Craig! 👏🏻
Just Stop Oil vandalising Stonehenge is a worse case of criminal damage than any sticker on a lamppost.
Forwarded from Mark Collett
VIDEO: Farage Adopts a Nationalist Re-migration Policy
Nigel Farage and the Reform Party have taken on an ethno-nationalist policy of re-migration. But is this genuine, can you trust Nigel Farage, or is he just controlled opposition? We examine what Nigel REALLY thinks about ethno-nationalist politics and non-migration into Britain.
I’ve been banned from contacting James Costello who is currently serving 5 years in HMP Manchester for “stirring up racial hatred”. I’ve never spoken to James about politics, we only spoke about family and lighthearted things. I believe I’ve been banned because of my politics as 7 other people have been banned from contacting him, including Mark Collett and David Clews!

This is completely unacceptable and is an attempt to cut him off from his friends and other nationalists. I phoned the prison and they said I need to contact their security department by post, so I’ve written them a letter asking them to explain why they’ve banned me and telling them I hadn’t broken any rules and I’d like to appeal the ban. I’m hoping they get back to me soon and I’ll let you know what they say.

In the meantime, please consider writing James a letter to let him know we haven’t forgotten about him. I can’t imagine what it must be like knowing you’re serving multiple years behind bars. I know we all have busy lives but it takes 10 minutes to write a quick letter. Remember, James was out week in, week out campaigning for our people. He was such a dedicated activist and I have no doubt he’ll continue to be throughout his life.

NAME: James Costello
DATE OF BIRTH: 08.01.1985
ADDRESS: HMP Manchester, 1 Southall Street, Manchester, M60 9AH
Forwarded from Grandma Towler's
Loose leaf tea is back in stock at 🫖
2024/06/25 09:40:55
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