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The guy on the left has about 35% facial fat, the one on the right has about 10% (it is not the same person!).

The level of facial fat is one of the main factors that determines facial attractiveness.

Parts of facial fat are sensitive to cardio and low calorie diet (such as the double chin fat), and can be removed rather easily by these methods.
However, mobilizing the cheek fat is much more complicated.
That is why you might see many athletes with low body fat that have preserved their round cheeks.

Cheek fat is mobilized during long « fasting » periods. If the person does not eat during several hours (16h for example) he starts to loose cheek fat (more than 24h fasting causes facial muscle loss and is not recommended).

In order to enhance the effect of fasting on cheek fat, one must do exercise during the fasting hours.
Doing cardio in the first hours of fasting (the optimal time is 6 hours after starting your fasting) or bodybuilding at the last hour of fasting enhances fat loss from the cheeks.

On the contrary, if you eat « frequently » during the day (even if the amount of calories that you take is low) your insulin level would be constantly high and you will preserve your chubby cheeks.

Sometimes people ask me « I am not overweight, should I still do fasting? »

The answer is that « Fasting is not used to lose weight! » it is used to mobilize fat from certain areas of your body such as your cheeks, to give you the testosterone face appearance.

You do not lose weight by intermittent fasting, you lose facial fat especially the cheek fat which is otherwise impossible to lose.

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With free p*rn available to all, we have started to see even 16 year old boys experiencing male pattern baldness.

Excess masturbation and oversexualization is very hard on the kidney system.
Life is meant to be lived in balance.

Doing anything in excess is going to harm your body.

When society was more staunchly religious, young people were warned about masturbation - "it'll make you go blind!" they used to say.

It sounds crazy but there is truth to this old warning! The kidneys control our aging process. When kidneys are healthy, we age slowly.

When kidneys are weak, we deteriorate rapidly - eyes get dim, hair grays/falls out and knees start aching.
P*rn is one of the worst, yet most unsuspecting weapons used by the enemy today. It has turned innocent boys into monsters, serving life sentences in prison for evil crimes normalized to them through p*rn addiction.

Delusion and mental derangement are symptoms of weakened kidneys.
Just look up what Ted Bundy said about p*rn. It has destroyed interpersonal relationships and our health.

Do you think many women would be getting implants if they had never watched p*rn? Now we have a large portion of women with breast implant illness (BIl).

The female body image has become so objectified, twisted and distorted. So many women today are looking more like cartoon characters than natural women.
I believe this is coming from p*rn programming.

There are a few things we must do to win the war against humanity, completely boycotting the p*rn industry is one of them. If you can't do it for the future of man, at least do it for your hair.

By nutrition.elements

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Is soy messing up your hormones?

Soy milk does contain estrogen mimicking molecules called isoflavenes.

Three soybean isoflavones are genistein, daidzein, and glycitein.

These non-steroidal compounds are naturally present in the soybean and non-fermented soyfoods.

It may explain why most traditional consumptions of soy is fermented, to rid any potential hormone interference.

It has long been discussed that eating soy may interfere with thyroid function, possibly inducing hypothyroidism (low thyroid function).

Soy falls into a category of foods known as goitrogens
-foods, and supplements that prevent proper thyroid hormone production and cause the thyroid gland to enlarge.

Many studies have investigated the effect that soy may have on thyroid health. Yet currently, soy isn't directly stated to cause thyroid disease.

However, other indications show that soy can have a negative effect on the thyroid. For those on thyroid medications for hypothyroidism, managing soy intake may be helpful.

Soy may interfere with the medication's function. The Mayo Clinic suggests avoiding soy at least 4 hours after taking your medication is recommended.

Experts have raised concerns about the potential hormonal effects of the phytoestrogens in soy protein formula. These formulas are often used as alternatives to cow's milk-based formulas, and estimates are between 20 to 25% of formula-fed infants are given a soy-based baby formula.

The phytoestrogens in soy formulas are absorbed by infants and may lead to proportionally high levels in their relatively small bodies. Questions exist over whether this may affect reproductive development during this critical time, binding to estrogen receptors.

Some studies have indicated that soy formula during infancy led to heavier or longer duration menstrual bleeding during young adulthood in females.

Small studies have demonstrated that soy protein can decrease serum testosterone in men. However, the evidence is mixed.
Considering how prevalent hormone issues are today, I don't recommend people drink soy milk. to cow's milk-based formulas, and estimates are between 20 to 25% of formula-fed infants are given a soy-based baby formula.

The phytoestrogens in soy formulas are absorbed by infants and may lead to proportionally high levels in their relatively small bodies. Questions exist over whether this may affect reproductive development during this critical time, binding to estrogen receptors.

Some studies have indicated that soy formula during infancy led to heavier or longer duration menstrual bleeding during young adulthood in females.

Small studies have demonstrated that soy protein can decrease serum testosterone in men. However, the evidence is mixed.

Considering how prevalent hormone issues are today, I don't recommend people drink soy milk.

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You are not ugly. Bad posture and a lack of tongue posture will leave your facial features undefined. Get your mewing right and bag your baddie.

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