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βœ… Examples:

πŸ”· It is crucial that we meet the deadline for this project to be successful.

πŸ”Ά Water is essential for all living beings to survive.

πŸ”·The doctors' timely intervention was critical in saving the patient's life.

πŸ”ΆGood communication skills are vital for a successful career in any field.

πŸ”·The discovery of penicillin was a significant breakthrough in the field of medicine.

πŸ”ΆTeamwork is indispensable for achieving goals in a collaborative setting.

πŸ”·The CEO's decision to expand into new markets was pivotal for the company's growth.

πŸ”ΆTime management is a key factor in balancing work and personal life effectively.

πŸ”·The safety of the passengers is of paramount importance for the airline industry.

πŸ”Ά It is imperative that we address climate change to ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

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Prepositions of Time

at β€” on β€” in❓

1. .... 1996
2. .... 5.30
3. .... May
4. .... Tuesday
5. .... winter
6. .... 2 o'clock
7. ... June 15, 2024

The answers will be sent a little later in the comments. Please show your support with a ❀️,πŸ‘, or πŸ”₯.

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Common pairs of opposite genders:

1. Man πŸ‘¨ - Woman πŸ‘©
2. Boy πŸ‘¦ - Girl πŸ‘§
3. Father πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘¦β€πŸ‘¦ - Mother πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘§
4. Son πŸ‘¦ - Daughter πŸ‘§
5. Uncle πŸ‘¨ - Aunt πŸ‘©
6. Nephew πŸ‘¦ - Niece πŸ‘§
7. Grandfather πŸ‘΄ - Grandmother πŸ‘΅
8. Brother πŸ‘¨ - Sister πŸ‘©
9. Husband 🀡 - Wife πŸ‘°
10. King πŸ‘‘ - Queen πŸ‘Έ
11. Actor 🎭 - Actress 🎭
12. Bull πŸ‚ - Cow πŸ„
13. Bridegroom 🀡 - Bride πŸ‘°
14. Buck 🦌 - Doe 🦌
15. Drake πŸ¦† - Duck πŸ¦†
16. Gander πŸ¦† - Goose πŸ¦…
17. Gentleman 🎩 - Lady πŸ‘’
18. Grandson πŸ‘¦ - Granddaughter πŸ‘§
19. He 🚹 - She 🚺
20. Hero πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ - Heroine πŸ¦Έβ€β™€οΈ
21. Host πŸŽ™οΈ - Hostess πŸŽ™οΈ
22. King πŸ‘‘ - Queen πŸ‘Έ
23. Nephew πŸ‘¦ - Niece πŸ‘§
24. Rooster πŸ“ - Hen πŸ”
25. Son πŸ‘¦ - Daughter πŸ‘§
Forwarded from The Noble Quran (@🌹@)
I should have done more. I shouldn’t have wasted my time. These are regrets we are all familiar with. However, we still have precious hours remaining. Let us make the most of them. The Prophet ο·Ί said, β€œIndeed, deeds are only judged by their endings” (BukhārΔ«). Let us not waste these last precious moments doing Eid preparations.
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Some words that only natives understand and use in spoken English:

πŸ”΄backseat driver
πŸ”΄Jack of all trade

βœ… Dear Know-it-alls, would you mind tell the meaning of the words in comments.

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When it comes to creating a CV (Curriculum Vitae) or resume, using the right vocabulary is crucial to effectively highlight your skills, experience, and achievements. Here are some key vocabulary terms and phrases you may consider using in your CV:

1. Professional Experience:
- Managed
- Developed
- Spearheaded
- Led
- Implemented
- Coordinated
- Executed
- Oversaw

2. Skills and Abilities:
- Proficient in
- Skilled at
- Proficiency in
- Strong understanding of
- Familiar with
- Expertise in
- Competent with

3. Achievements:
- Increased
- Improved
- Achieved
- Exceeded
- Streamlined
- Enhanced
- Awarded
- Recognized

4. Education:
- Bachelor's Degree in
- Master's Degree in
- Major in
- Graduated with honors
- Relevant coursework in
- Certified in
- Training in

5. Languages:
- Fluent in
- Proficient in
- Conversational in
- Basic knowledge of
- Bilingual in

6. Technical Skills:
- Programming languages
- Software proficiency
- Database management
- Web development
- IT skills
- Graphic design software

7. Soft Skills:
- Communication
- Leadership
- Time management
- Problem-solving
- Teamwork
- Adaptability
- Creativity


Dears we need ur reaction to the posts. They really help us what to post in the future

if you like press πŸ‘
if you dislike press πŸ‘

Go (not usually get) is used before adjectives in some expressions that refer to changes for the worse. 

πŸ”ΉPeople go mad (BrE), crazy, deaf, blind grey or bald;
πŸ”Ήhorses go lame; 
πŸ”Ήmachines go wrong; 
πŸ”Ήmeat, fish or vegetables go bad; 
πŸ”Ήmilk goes sour;
πŸ”Ή bread goes stale; 
πŸ”Ήbeer, lemonade, musical instruments and car tyres go flat.

✍️He went bald in his twenties.

✍️The car keeps going wrong.

βœ…Note that we use get, not go, with old, tired and ill.


❓What is a "flat beer" ? 


Present simple:
Active: She teaches English.
Passive: English is taught by her.

Present continuous:
Active: He is eating a sandwich.
Passive: A sandwich is being eaten by him.

Past simple:
Active: They opened the door.
Passive: The door was opened by them.

Past continuous:
Active: I was writing a letter.
Passive: A letter was being written by me.

Present perfect:
Active: They have fixed the car.
Passive: The car has been fixed by them.

Future simple:
Active: She will cook dinner.
Passive: Dinner will be cooked by her.

Modal verbs:
Active: He should finish his homework.
Passive: His homework should be finished.

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Go (not usually get) is used before adjectives in some expressions that refer to changes for the worse. 

πŸ”ΉPeople go mad (BrE), crazy, deaf, blind grey or bald;
πŸ”Ήhorses go lame; 
πŸ”Ήmachines go wrong; 
πŸ”Ήmeat, fish or vegetables go bad; 
πŸ”Ήmilk goes sour;
πŸ”Ή bread goes stale; 
πŸ”Ήbeer, lemonade, musical instruments and car tyres go flat.

✍He went bald in his twenties.

✍The car keeps going wrong.

βœ…Note that we use get, not go, with old, tired and ill.


❓What is a "flat beer" ? 

πŸ”₯ β€˜ChatGPT 4 Turbo’ in Telegram

πŸ’°Monthly payment is 20$.

βœ… But now it is πŸ”€πŸ”€πŸ”€πŸ”€

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πŸŽ“ Vocabulary πŸŽ“

⚑️ Annual -- once a year, yearly
✍ For example -- birthday is an annual event

⚑️ Average -- Synonyms: Norm, normal .
✍ example -- The average cost of making a movie has risen by 15%.

⚑️ Domestic -- living near or about human habitations
✍ For example -- Nowadays there is more sharing of domestic chores.

⚑️ Consider -- to think about carefully
✍ For example --Have you considered the possibility of retraining?

⚑️ Ignore --- pay no attention to something

✍ For example --- You can’t ignore the fact that many criminals never go to prison.


πŸ‘‰ @max_englishπŸ‘ˆ


πŸ’  Telegram:

Whenever you type 241543903 in google, you got number of results which show pictures of people with their Heads inside the Freezer

Did you check?

Hello everyone! 🌟

Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of English idioms! πŸŽ‰ Understanding idioms can significantly improve your fluency and comprehension. Let's start with a classic:

"Break the ice" – This means to initiate conversation in a social setting, making people feel more comfortable.

Example: "At the party, Sarah broke the ice by asking everyone about their favorite movies."

Share your favorite idioms or ask questions in the comments below! Let's learn together! πŸš€

Join the discussion here!

#LearnEnglish #EnglishIdioms #Fluency #LanguageLearning
πŸ“š Grammar Tip of the Day!

Hello learners! 🌟

Today, we're focusing on the difference between "affect" and "effect"β€”a common confusion for many English speakers.

1. Affect (verb): To influence something.
- Example: "The weather can affect your mood."

2. Effect (noun): The result of a change.
- Example: "The new law had a positive effect on the community."

Try creating your own sentences using these words and share them in the comments! Let's master English together! πŸš€

Join the discussion here!

#LearnEnglish #Grammar #LanguageTips #EnglishLearning

Keep your reactions tight
Media is too big
What happens If everyone falls asleep at the same time?

πŸ¦‹Comparative idioms🐣

🐦free as a bird
🐦skinny as a rail
🐦dead as a dodo
🐦happy as a lark
🐦crazy as a loon
🐦graceful as a swan
🐦proud as a peacock

Task : Try to create sentence by using these idioms, challenge yourself πŸ’ͺ

List of parts of speech along with 5 of the most commonly used words for each:

1. Noun:
   - person
   - place
   - thing
   - idea
   - time

2. Verb:
   - be
   - have
   - do
   - say
   - get

3. Adjective:
   - good
   - new
   - first
   - last
   - long

4. Adverb:
   - very
   - really
   - so
   - too
   - well

5. Pronoun:
   - I
   - you
   - he
   - she
   - it

6. Preposition:
   - in
   - on
   - at
   - with
   - by

7. Conjunction:
   - and
   - but
   - or
   - so
   - because

8. Interjection:
   - wow
   - hey
   - oh
   - oops
   - hooray
2024/06/03 09:44:40
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