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Открытый Дальний Восток Telegram
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Открытый Дальний Восток Telegram | DID YOU KNOW?

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Can I mute a Telegram group?

In recent times, Telegram has gained a lot of popularity because of the controversy over WhatsApp’s new privacy policy. In January 2021, Telegram was the most downloaded app worldwide and crossed 500 million monthly active users. And with so many active users on the app, people might get messages in bulk from a group or a channel that can be a little irritating. So to get rid of the same, you can mute groups, chats, and channels on Telegram just like WhatsApp. You can mute notifications for one hour, eight hours, or two days, or you can disable notifications forever.

Telegram hopes to raise $1bn with a convertible bond private placement

The super secure UAE-based Telegram messenger service, developed by Russian-born software icon Pavel Durov, is looking to raise $1bn through a bond placement to a limited number of investors from Russia, Europe, Asia and the Middle East, the Kommersant daily reported citing unnamed sources on February 18, 2021.The issue reportedly comprises exchange bonds that could be converted into equity in the messaging service that is currently 100% owned by Durov and his brother Nikolai.Kommersant reports that the price of the conversion would be at a 10% discount to a potential IPO should it happen within five years.The minimum bond placement is said to be set at $50mn, but could be lowered to $10mn. Five-year bonds could carry an annual coupon of 7-8%.

Открытый Дальний Восток from SG

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Telegram Открытый Дальний Восток

Created: 2020-03-05

From: SINGAPORE and Singapore

Telegram Открытый Дальний Восток, 70931 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel SINGAPORE, US

Telegram Открытый Дальний Восток, 70931 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel, Singapore, SG

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