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Newsflash on the 16th day of proceedings in the Reiner Fรผllmich case at Gรถttingen Regional Court on June 10, 2024

Life jacket

Today's 16th day of proceedings in the Reiner Fรผllmich case at Gรถttingen Regional Court has so far been characterized by a large contingent of police and security forces and precautions.

During Reiner Fรผllmich's transport from the prison to the court building, which was accompanied by armed security officers and escorted by several large vehicles, he was also shackled.

According to the defense, a bulletproof vest was also discussed.
We can only speculate as to why this happened and why the large contingent was deployed at Gรถttingen District Court.

The trial began with the defense reading out a 15-page motion of bias against, correction: the presiding judge (not as originally written: โ€œthe chamberโ€).

This was followed by motions for evidence by lawyer Dr. Christof Miserรฉ and a statement of his own which he read out. We will see how things develop after the lunch break.

The auditorium is full and interest is high. If further information is available from the courtroom, we will use it and share it with you.

The motion to recuse the defense lawyer Katja Wรถrmer will be made available to us for publication, as well as the other attachments.

TRANSLATION TRIAL REPORT ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ/๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง/๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡ฒ Part 2

On the 16th day of proceedings in the Reiner Fรผllmich case at Gรถttingen Regional Court on June 10, 2024

Will to live

After the lunch break on the 16th day of the trial in the case of Dr. Reiner Fรผllmich before the Gรถttingen Regional Court, the motions to extend the deadline for the motions for evidence were initially rejected with reservations.

Lawyer Katja Wรถrmer had requested a short break due to illness and had to leave the session after the lunch break.

No further motions or statements were then made by the defense.

Dr. Reiner Fรผllmich filed a motion for clarification on the background of the increased and massive security precautions for today's trial, including transport under supervision, officers armed with machine guns and additional ankle cuffs, plus the mention that a bulletproof vest might also have to be considered for a possible exchange of fire.
He expects the chamber to answer his questions and he also expressly stated that he was not suicidal.

The next day of the hearing will take place - subject to reservation - on 12.06.2024.

Forwarded from Azazel News (RoosveltTerriers)
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Hospitals Murdered Patients 'In Cold Blood' To Meet 'Covid Targets,' Whistleblowers Testify

Big Pharma, governments, and hospitals around the world are scrambling to cover up the crimes they committed during the Covid pandemic, as the truth finally begins catching up with those who took the opportunity to play god and begin culling the herd.

As body bags continue to mount people around the world are finally waking up to the harsh reality, the mainstream media has never been less relevant.
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Dr. Patrick Moore warnt: Nur Milliardรคre kรถnnen sich Nahrungsmittel leisten

โ€žNur Milliardรคre werden sich Lebensmittel leisten kรถnnen, alle anderen werden sterbenโ€œ.

Greenpeace-Mitbegrรผnder Dr. Patrick Moore รผber die katastrophalen Folgen der Netto-Null-Politik.

โ€žJetzt greifen sie in die Landwirtschaft ein und drohen, die Lebensmittelversorgung zu kappen, weil Lebensmittel angeblich die globale Erwรคrmung verursachen.โ€œ

โ€žSie werden eine Zerstรถrung anrichten, wie sie die Erde noch nie gesehen hat, denn es gibt รผber acht Milliarden von uns, und vier Milliarden von uns sind auf Stickstoffdรผnger angewiesen, der jetzt als schlecht gilt, weil er ein Treibhausgas ist oder was auch immer... Das ist alles vรถllig erfunden. Und das Gleiche gilt fรผr die Kampagne gegen CO2.
Media is too big
A new statement by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on the latest events in the court proceedings before the Gรถttingen Regional Court and on current world events. ๐ŸŒŽ๐Ÿ’ก๐Ÿ“ฎ๐Ÿ’ฌ๐Ÿ“ฃ



Media is too big
After 20 years in law and business in Australia, Charles Kovess left his legal career in 1993 to share success strategies as an author, professional speaker, educator, facilitator and coach. Together with Dr. Stephen Frost he conducts the influential twice weekly Doctors for Medical Ethics podcast, where international guests from an array of professions are interviewed in depth. He also has his own weekly show on TNT live broadcast from Australia.



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Der Generalstaatsanwalt des US-Bundesstaates Kansas
Kris Kobach hat gestern am 17.06.2024 eine Klage gegen Pfizer aufgrund irrefรผhrender Angaben zu ihrem Corona-Impfstoff eingereicht.

Sollte das Gericht die Klage zulassen beginnt die sogenannte Discovery-Phase, bei der Pfizer verpflichtet ist, alle von Kobachs Team angeforderte Unterlagen zu รผbergeben.

Wรผrden sie in nur einem Fall etwas unterschlagen und es kรคme heraus gilt der Prozess als verloren.

Es ist zu erwarten, dass dort eine Menge ans Tageslicht kommt.

Pfizer dรผrfte sich nach der Ankรผndigung gestern im hektischen Schadensbegrenzungs-Modus befinden.

Denn ist Kansas vor Gericht erfolgreich, ist der logische nรคchste Schritt Sammelklagen gegen den Pharma-Konzern.

Video: Englisch mit deutschen Untertiteln (3:28 Min)

Dokument der Zeitgeschichte


No more words are needed!

Thanks to Elke for the new banner for the vigil for Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, which takes place every Thursday at 11 a.m. in front of the prison in Rosdorf. ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ฅโœ…โค๏ธ



How (and why) Bird Flu is About to Enter the โ€œMass Testingโ€ Phase

"Hello everyone and welcome to the latest edition of Bird Flu Digest, formerly known as OffGuardian.

The wall-to-wall coverage of Bird Flu is getting wallier-to-wallier with each passing week, to the point itโ€™s almost hard to keep up with the waves of hot takes and chilling insights. But if youโ€™re going to try, the best place to do it is right here, where I spend a good portion of my time reading very similar articles in very similar papers all about the danger of a pandemic theyโ€™re about to pretend is happening.

Not a dream of mine growing up,โ€ฆ...

Read full article ... "


I often find the OffGuardian is sharply on the issue.
Here, definitely.
Remember: pandemics cannot happen.
They cannot happen because of fundamental theoretical immunological reasons, even if there was a novel pathogen (which there isnโ€™t).
Pandemics have NEVER happened & where itโ€™s claimed that they have, every one of them has involved fraud.
Recently, itโ€™s been testing fraud and concurrently lying about what is happening.
Previously, such as in 1918, it involved mass poisoning fraud(s) and retroactively lying about what happened.
For a year or more, iirc, Iโ€™ve also been telling you that, however hard it might be to accept, acute respiratory illnesses arenโ€™t caused by viruses and theyโ€™re not contagious.
Per a recently post, they also cannot even start, because no virus has ever been shown to exist. All the published papers claiming โ€œisolationโ€ of an alleged virus have involved invalid methods, specifically, there never are proper โ€œcontrolโ€ experiments. That these papers even get published in the so-called learned journals tells you that the editorial team is complicit in the frauds. It also tells you to disregard the peer review process, because their failure to pick up on the fatal absence of proper controls is also fraud.
See a rather persistent theme?
Itโ€™s FRAUD.
There is no โ€œbird fluโ€ aka โ€œchicken influenzaโ€. They are lying to us all. Theyโ€™re trying to frighten us. Donโ€™t be.
Best wishes,

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โšก๏ธTHE GREAT RESET ist nach hinten losgegangen

Der jรผngste Gast von Tucker Carlson erklรคrt brillant, warum.

Hoppla. Die Mรคchte der Finsternis wollten die Menschheit versklaven. Stattdessen haben sie ein groรŸes Erwachen ausgelรถst. Es scheint, als hรคtten sie den Ball "verloren", als sie sich zu weit aus dem Fenster lehnten und den Menschen NICHTS zurรผckgaben.

Neil Oliver, ein bekannter schottischer Radiomoderator, hat dies in einem Interview mit Tucker Carlson treffend erklรคrt. Jetzt, da die COVID-ร„ra vorbei ist, gibt es eine weit verbreitete Skepsis in Bezug auf eine Reihe von Themen:

โ–ช๏ธDigitale Zentralbankwรคhrungen (CBDCs)
โ–ช๏ธDigitale IDs
โ–ช๏ธDie vorherrschende Darstellung des Klimawandels
โ–ช๏ธKonventionelle Medizin
โ–ช๏ธAlle Impfstoffe
โ–ช๏ธDie Integritรคt des Wahlprozesses

"Ich glaube, sie haben sich selbst entlarvt, als sie die letzten Schritte in Richtung dieser Art von Neo-Feudalismus unternahmen. Sie sind zu frรผh und auf die falsche Weise auf die Ziellinie zugaloppiert, und zu viele Menschen haben das gesehen. Komplettes Video hier...
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Spanischer Forscher sagt: โ€žFremde Spezies beherrscht die Welt"

Ricardo Delgado Biostatistiker vom La Quinta Columna erklรคrte kรผrzlich in Madrid, dass die Welt nicht von Menschen regiert wird, sondern von einer anderen Spezies, die Mikro- und Nanotechnologie in Menschen implantiert.

Diese Spezies lenkt unsere Gesellschaft und nutzt Impfungen, um fremde Technologie zu kontrollieren.
Dr. Josรฉ Luis Sevillano ergรคnzt: โ€žDiese Spezies beherrscht uns seit Jahrtausenden und wurde als alte oder falsche Gรถtter beschrieben. Sie wirken aus dem Verborgenen durch Priester und heutige Schattenregierungen.โ€œ

Jetzt beitreten: XFilesUnveiled
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2024/06/25 02:11:29
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