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『第一色』导航 Telegram | DID YOU KNOW?

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To pay the bills, Mr. Durov is issuing investors $1 billion to $1.5 billion of company debt, with the promise of discounted equity if the company eventually goes public, the people briefed on the plans said. He has also announced plans to start selling ads in public Telegram channels as soon as later this year, as well as offering other premium services for businesses and users.

Pinterest (PINS) Stock Sinks As Market Gains

Pinterest (PINS) closed at $71.75 in the latest trading session, marking a -0.18% move from the prior day. This change lagged the S&P 500's daily gain of 0.1%. Meanwhile, the Dow gained 0.9%, and the Nasdaq, a tech-heavy index, lost 0.59%. Heading into today, shares of the digital pinboard and shopping tool company had lost 17.41% over the past month, lagging the Computer and Technology sector's loss of 5.38% and the S&P 500's gain of 0.71% in that time. Investors will be hoping for strength from PINS as it approaches its next earnings release. The company is expected to report EPS of $0.07, up 170% from the prior-year quarter. Our most recent consensus estimate is calling for quarterly revenue of $467.87 million, up 72.05% from the year-ago period.

『第一色』导航 from TW

電報群組 TW telegram Group & telegram Channel 10

Telegram 『第一色』导航

Created: 2021-10-22

From: 電報群組 and USA

Telegram 『第一色』导航, 751983 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel 電報群組, TW

Telegram 『第一色』导航, 751983 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel, USA, US

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