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Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come. 🌱

"But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you, and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah knows, while you know not." 🍁

- Quran 2:216

Jangan kerana dia selalu ada, bukan bererti dia hanya untukmu. 🍃

Never underestimate the power of dua'. 🌱

Don't be afraid of losing people. But be afraid of losing yourself by trying to please everyone. 🪴

Sometimes you just need to distance yourself from people.
If they care, they will notice.
If they don't, you know where you stand. ❄️

If you really love someone, there will be no place for anyone else. It will always be the same person over and over again. 🪴

Losing a good friend is never easy. Especially when you don't understand why you lost them in the first place. 🌾

I wish I could share my feeling with no one. 🌿

If there is even a slight chance at getting something that will make you happy, risk it.

Life is too short and happiness is too rare. 🪴

If you never turn the next page, you will never know what the next chapter holds.

When someone said you can't succeed, prove them wrong. The point is not them, it is all about challenging your limitations. 🍁

Giving someone a second chance is like giving someone another bullet because the first one missed.

Remember to trust patterns and not apologies. 🌿

Just because the wrong man didn't see your value, doesn't means you're not worth it. 🌱

Stitches may leave a scar. But scar is the reminder that human are not perfect.

Loving is not just looking for each other, but it is looking for the same direction.

The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.

And to be brave is to love someone unconditionally without expecting anything in return. 🍂

When your love is real, it's hard to just stop loving someone. Even after they've proven to you over and over again that they don't deserve your love. 🌱

Allah already planned your life.
If something goes wrong, it went wrong for a reason. ❄️

I didn't ask, because I'm not ready to know the answer. 🌱

I forgive people doesn't mean accept their behaviour or trust them. But forgive so then can move on with the life. 🪴

2024/06/25 10:14:56
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