هُ๋͜ـৡ͡͡مًّس ✮ المٰٓعانيٰۜ͜͜͡͡من أجمل وأروع القنوات
1⃣ @alasdiqa0
2⃣ @saraab2
3⃣ @hammsa1
4⃣ @hammss
5⃣ @asdqaa1
6⃣ @almahab
7⃣ @hayahamal
8⃣ @qloobb
❌ ممنوع التبادل أو الاعلانات❌
لتواصل @salah_c
1⃣ @alasdiqa0
2⃣ @saraab2
3⃣ @hammsa1
4⃣ @hammss
5⃣ @asdqaa1
6⃣ @almahab
7⃣ @hayahamal
8⃣ @qloobb
❌ ممنوع التبادل أو الاعلانات❌
لتواصل @salah_c
هُ๋͜ـৡ͡͡مًّس ✮ المٰٓعانيٰۜ͜͜͡͡
هُ๋͜ـৡ͡͡مًّس المٰٓعانيٰۜ͜͜͡͡ Telegram | DID YOU KNOW?
Date: | هُ๋͜ـৡ͡͡مًّس المٰٓعانيٰۜ͜͜͡͡
A Telegram spokesman declined to comment on the bond issue or the amount of the debt the company has due. The spokesman said Telegram’s equipment and bandwidth costs are growing because it has consistently posted more than 40% year-to-year growth in users.
هُ๋͜ـৡ͡͡مًّس المٰٓعانيٰۜ͜͜͡͡ from USSingapore SG telegram Group & telegram Channel 10
Telegram هُ๋͜ـৡ͡͡مًّس ✮ المٰٓعانيٰۜ͜͜͡͡
From: USA and USA
Telegram هُ๋͜ـৡ͡͡مًّس ✮ المٰٓعانيٰۜ͜͜͡͡, 16323 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel USA, SGTelegram هُ๋͜ـৡ͡͡مًّس ✮ المٰٓعانيٰۜ͜͜͡͡, 16323 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel, USA, US
TG هُ๋͜ـৡ͡͡مًّس ✮ المٰٓعانيٰۜ͜͜͡͡