♔₎ٰٰٛ:ِٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖ:: ↵ٴ⁽̯ ٖڪــــــــبريٲٳ..غــــٲٳوَوَي🇾🇪 🇵🇸 ‹♛⁾ ❥
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مــــــــــــــدير , ـٳآلقنـٳآه , <
ۦَٰ❥┊⁽ ☻
قــبڵ المــغادرﮪ. تـاڪد اننـاا لانحتـاججكك
- روابط قنواتي )>
♔₎ٰٰٛ:ِٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖ:: ↵ٴ⁽̯ ٖڪــــــــبريٲٳ..غــــٲٳوَوَي🇾🇪 🇵🇸 ‹♛⁾ ❥
₎ٰٰٛ:ِٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖ:: ↵ٴ⁽̯ ٖڪــــــــبريٲٳ-غــــٲٳوَوَي🇾🇪 🇵🇸 ‹⁾ Telegram | DID YOU KNOW?
Dump Scam in Leaked Telegram Chat
A leaked Telegram discussion by 50 so-called crypto influencers has exposed the extraordinary steps they take in order to profit on the back off unsuspecting defi investors. According to a leaked screenshot of the chat, an elaborate plan to defraud defi investors using the worthless “$Few” tokens had been hatched. $Few tokens would be airdropped to some of the influencers who in turn promoted these to unsuspecting followers on Twitter.
Tata Power whose core business is to generate, transmit and distribute electricity has made no money to investors in the last one decade. That is a big blunder considering it is one of the largest power generation companies in the country. One of the reasons is the company's huge debt levels which stood at ₹43,559 crore at the end of March 2021 compared to the company’s market capitalisation of ₹44,447 crore.
₎ٰٰٛ:ِٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖ:: ↵ٴ⁽̯ ٖڪــــــــبريٲٳ-غــــٲٳوَوَي🇾🇪 🇵🇸 ‹⁾ from USUSA US telegram Group & telegram Channel 10
Telegram ♔₎ٰٰٛ:ِٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖ:: ↵ٴ⁽̯ ٖڪــــــــبريٲٳ..غــــٲٳوَوَي🇾🇪 🇵🇸 ‹♛⁾ ❥
From: USA and Singapore
Telegram ♔₎ٰٰٛ:ِٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖ:: ↵ٴ⁽̯ ٖڪــــــــبريٲٳ..غــــٲٳوَوَي🇾🇪 🇵🇸 ‹♛⁾ ❥, 86744616 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel USA, USTelegram ♔₎ٰٰٛ:ِٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖ:: ↵ٴ⁽̯ ٖڪــــــــبريٲٳ..غــــٲٳوَوَي🇾🇪 🇵🇸 ‹♛⁾ ❥, 86744616 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel, Singapore, SG
TG ♔₎ٰٰٛ:ِٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖٖ:: ↵ٴ⁽̯ ٖڪــــــــبريٲٳ..غــــٲٳوَوَي ‹♛⁾ ❥