❣"يِّـٌِ✺ًّ๋͜͡ـوٌمًـْــہيِّأّت عٌأشٌُِّـًًٍٍَُِّ๋͜ـ❥ـٌـٌقُ"❣
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كلماتي عجبية فمن قرأها ظن أني أعشق
ومن فهمها ظن اني مجروح ومن لم تعجبه ظن أني بلا مشاعر
لاكن تبقى الحقيقة وراء كواليسي فلا أحد يعلم مايخطر ببالي
الاداره ↙↙
❣"يِّـٌِ✺ًّ๋͜͡ـوٌمًـْــہيِّأّت عٌأشٌُِّـًًٍٍَُِّ๋͜ـ❥ـٌـٌقُ"❣
"يِّـًٌِّ๋͜͡ـوٌمًـْــہيِّأّت عٌأشٌُِّـًًٍٍَُِّ๋͜ــٌـٌقُ" Telegram | DID YOU KNOW?
NEWS: Telegram supports Facetime video calls NOW!
Secure video calling is in high demand. As an alternative to Zoom, many people are using end-to-end encrypted apps such as WhatsApp, FaceTime or Signal to speak to friends and family face-to-face since coronavirus lockdowns started to take place across the world. There’s another option—secure communications app Telegram just added video calling to its feature set, available on both iOS and Android. The new feature is also super secure—like Signal and WhatsApp and unlike Zoom (yet), video calls will be end-to-end encrypted.
The STAR Market, as is implied by the name, is heavily geared toward smaller innovative tech companies, in particular those engaged in strategically important fields, such as biopharmaceuticals, 5G technology, semiconductors, and new energy. The STAR Market currently has 340 listed securities. The STAR Market is seen as important for China’s high-tech and emerging industries, providing a space for smaller companies to raise capital in China. This is especially significant for technology companies that may be viewed with suspicion on overseas stock exchanges.
"يِّـًٌِّ๋͜͡ـوٌمًـْــہيِّأّت عٌأشٌُِّـًًٍٍَُِّ๋͜ــٌـٌقُ" from USDeutschland DE telegram Group & telegram Channel 10
Telegram ❣"يِّـٌِ✺ًّ๋͜͡ـوٌمًـْــہيِّأّت عٌأشٌُِّـًًٍٍَُِّ๋͜ـ❥ـٌـٌقُ"❣
From: USA and USA
Telegram ❣"يِّـٌِ✺ًّ๋͜͡ـوٌمًـْــہيِّأّت عٌأشٌُِّـًًٍٍَُِّ๋͜ـ❥ـٌـٌقُ"❣, 7280 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel USA, DETelegram ❣"يِّـٌِ✺ًّ๋͜͡ـوٌمًـْــہيِّأّت عٌأشٌُِّـًًٍٍَُِّ๋͜ـ❥ـٌـٌقُ"❣, 7280 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel, USA, US
TG ❣"يِّـٌِ✺ًّ๋͜͡ـوٌمًـْــہيِّأّت عٌأشٌُِّـًًٍٍَُِّ๋͜ـ❥ـٌـٌقُ"❣