: ن͜ــ๋͜ـس͜ــ๋͜ـي͜ــ๋͜ـم͜ آل͜ــ๋͜ـب͜ــ๋͜ـح͜ــ๋͜ـر ⚡️ֆ₎
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1••[شخص] لأجل كلام الناس يخليك
2••[شخص] يجاملك وأهو أصلا مايبيك
3••[شخص] وقت المصالح يدور عليك
: ن͜ــ๋͜ـس͜ــ๋͜ـي͜ــ๋͜ـم͜ آل͜ــ๋͜ـب͜ــ๋͜ـح͜ــ๋͜ـر ⚡️ֆ₎
: ن͜ــ๋͜ـس͜ــ๋͜ـي͜ــ๋͜ـم͜ آل͜ــ๋͜ـب͜ــ๋͜ـح͜ــ๋͜ـر ️ֆ₎ Telegram | DID YOU KNOW?
A project of our size needs at least a few hundred million dollars per year to keep going,” Mr. Durov wrote in his public channel on Telegram late last year. “While doing that, we will remain independent and stay true to our values, redefining how a tech company should operate.
Tata Power whose core business is to generate, transmit and distribute electricity has made no money to investors in the last one decade. That is a big blunder considering it is one of the largest power generation companies in the country. One of the reasons is the company's huge debt levels which stood at ₹43,559 crore at the end of March 2021 compared to the company’s market capitalisation of ₹44,447 crore.
: ن͜ــ๋͜ـس͜ــ๋͜ـي͜ــ๋͜ـم͜ آل͜ــ๋͜ـب͜ــ๋͜ـح͜ــ๋͜ـر ️ֆ₎ from USDeutschland DE telegram Group & telegram Channel 10
Telegram : ن͜ــ๋͜ـس͜ــ๋͜ـي͜ــ๋͜ـم͜ آل͜ــ๋͜ـب͜ــ๋͜ـح͜ــ๋͜ـر ⚡️ֆ₎
From: USA and USA
Telegram : ن͜ــ๋͜ـس͜ــ๋͜ـي͜ــ๋͜ـم͜ آل͜ــ๋͜ـب͜ــ๋͜ـح͜ــ๋͜ـر ⚡️ֆ₎, 5917 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel USA, DETelegram : ن͜ــ๋͜ـس͜ــ๋͜ـي͜ــ๋͜ـم͜ آل͜ــ๋͜ـب͜ــ๋͜ـح͜ــ๋͜ـر ⚡️ֆ₎, 5917 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel, USA, US
TG : ن͜ــ๋͜ـس͜ــ๋͜ـي͜ــ๋͜ـم͜ آل͜ــ๋͜ـب͜ــ๋͜ـح͜ــ๋͜ـر ⚡️ֆ₎