🔹Download Tidus Wallet from Chrome webstore or appstore or playstore 🔹Connect your Tidus wallet to the airdrop page 🔹Complete the other tasks to earn points 🔹Everyone will receive a rewards from the total reward pool of 6% TIDE Supply based on points earned
Note: Airdrop will end in September and rewards will be distributed to the participants after TGE.
Disclaimer: Please do your own research (DYOR) before joining to any airdrops project, also airdrop is 100% free. Don't send any fee for receiving airdrop tokens.
🔹Download Tidus Wallet from Chrome webstore or appstore or playstore 🔹Connect your Tidus wallet to the airdrop page 🔹Complete the other tasks to earn points 🔹Everyone will receive a rewards from the total reward pool of 6% TIDE Supply based on points earned
Note: Airdrop will end in September and rewards will be distributed to the participants after TGE.
Disclaimer: Please do your own research (DYOR) before joining to any airdrops project, also airdrop is 100% free. Don't send any fee for receiving airdrop tokens.
BY Airdrop Inspector
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Telegram is a free app and runs on donations. According to a blog on the telegram: We believe in fast and secure messaging that is also 100% free. Pavel Durov, who shares our vision, supplied Telegram with a generous donation, so we have quite enough money for the time being. If Telegram runs out, we will introduce non-essential paid options to support the infrastructure and finance developer salaries. But making profits will never be an end-goal for Telegram.
Unlimited members in Telegram group now
Telegram has made it easier for its users to communicate, as it has introduced a feature that allows more than 200,000 users in a group chat. However, if the users in a group chat move past 200,000, it changes into "Broadcast Group", but the feature comes with a restriction. Groups with close to 200k members can be converted to a Broadcast Group that allows unlimited members. Only admins can post in Broadcast Groups, but everyone can read along and participate in group Voice Chats," Telegram added.