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Free Games and Giveaways

A gaming community sharing free games & updating you with current giveaways.

Mind Field

TV Show exploring interesting aspects of human behavior, particularly the brain and the influences of consciousness.
Astrophysics for people in a hurry audiobook

's no better guide through mind-expanding questions such as what the nature of space and time is, how we fit within the universe, and how the universe fits within us than Neil deGrasse Tyson.
PC Gaming & Memes Chat

chat for all things related to PCs and PC Gaming (with a side of memes)


User selected news from the world of technology

Star Citizen Chat

Imagine a universe that combines the freedom of exploration, the thrill of combat, and the unique challenge of building a life in space. Star Citizen puts ultimate control in the hands of the player...

DigitisedReality Chat

A chat for anything and everything. Share and discuss ideas, articles, media and more about games, movies, music, TV etc.

SpaceX Chat

A chat for all things SpaceX

EverythingScience Chat

A chat for all things related to science


News about the amazing space company from Elon Musk (Unofficial)


The best science facts, news, discoveries, videos and more! Daily!

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