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Brooklyn Stars
Even tho you're just a location 
You took me away and gave me a revelation 
I made many mistakes that  were oh so bright 
But you came along and made things right 
You're as old as the dusk of time 
And I'm younger than this written line
We live in two different worlds
And yet we came to be friends 
Or was all that an illusion 
Created from the depth of my imagination 
I miss all the talks and the late night conversations 
They didn't last long but they had all of my attention 
We talked about life, our dreams and all
But sometimes we'd end up hitting a wall
You recharge your batteries so worn out
I'd get bored waiting throughout 
You were as genuine as life itself
But in the end I kept doubting myself
What can I do to talk to you again
Cause I can't handle all this pain
Without you all it does is rain
But I know all my efforts are all so vain
 I wish deep down that I went to Mars
Cause then I'd avoid these Brooklyn Stars

Moonlight walks
We've never actually met 
And yet talking to you feels so great
I was getting tired of all those superficial talks
Then you came along to set me free from thise locks
You are truly beautiful 
And the energy you give is so plentiful
Our friendship so pure and true,
It wipes away all fear and gloom,
Compassion forever grows between us two,
It's never lost and stays in view.
We lend our hearts and lend a hand,
To make this bond of friendship grand,
Sorrow fades as joy appears,
Our loving bond for many years.
Our friendship's strong and ever fair,
Forever united in hearts we share,
When one just needs an ear to hear,
The other is always there to cheer.
In thine heart don't hesitate,
For the love that resides here doesn't abate,
Compassionate hearts show us how love should be seen,
Joyful laughter is shared so sweetly in between.
A candle in the night, for two friends filled with light,
Our games and laughter fill the room, a private sanctuary no one can consume
Within these walls of laughter lies a compassion for each other that never dies
Finding solace in their friendship, moments of joy found by surprise.
Not of substance or wealth but the ties that bind, letting those around them know they’ll be alright
Confidence carries them through all storms to come, side by side, until setting sun
Help and encourage both to reach great heights, a flame kept alive throughout nights
This bond forged between two cannot tear or fail, so long as love and friendship will prevail.
I want to get to know you more and be by your side so we can talk
Then maybe one day we can finally go on one of those Moonlight Walks.

Falling again

Falling raindrops from the sky
whispering in her ears
That she's not the only one
Who's falling and feeling lost

Dark clouds in the sky
Whispering in her ears
That she's not the only one
Who's gloomy and carrying the burden

Thunder storms from the sky
Reminding her
That she's not the only one
Who's been shattering and screaming

The Lightning strikes from the sky
Reminding her
That she's not the only one
Who's been broken and torn apart.

~Reema Faarath Rasmi~
What Will You Say?

When I was little, I used to sit by the window and watch the world go by
And my, oh my, did the world go by
Because time flew, yes time flies
And it carries us all to the day we're six feet deep with services by graveside
And all we ever really want is for it to be a great ride
So I used to sit in the backseat on the driver's side passing time
And I'd watch every single car that passed us by
Or at least I'd try
And at ten years old, all I could think was I wonder where they're gonna go on the day they die
And still to this day I look out my window
And sometimes I roll it down and I let the wind blow
And I close my eyes and I listen to the sound of travelers traveling by
With the Sun on my face as it illuminates the sky
And I could still hear the sweet voice of my mom from those long Sunday drives
She'd say, "Son, you can be anything that you want to be
And if it were up to me, I'd make you believe that God's plans for you aren't make-believe, they're reality"
And Mom I've been out here living those dreams and I hope you're proud of me
Because you taught me what it's like to live life powerfully

Everlasting future

Time may pass, people may change 
But my feelings will always stay the same 
I've watched you grow right before my eyes
Into a woman so genuine  and devout of lies
We barely chilled and talked most of the time
And yet our time ended up being so divine 
I miss what we were and who we used to be
I hope we get it back before I flee
You came into my world and changed my ways
Even now I'm thankful for all those days 
You always know what to say 
Even if I'm a mess who lost his way
You always leave me speechless 
Without you life is pointless 
I want you by my side past, present and future
Otherwise my heart will definitely rupture
The way I played with your hair during class
The way I would get caught staring at your ass
The way your smile would fix a broken glass
Oh how I wish those memories wouldn't pass
I've changed and learned to be
But will you still stand by me
You came into my life and changed it all
Don't ever think the impact you had is just small
I want us to travel and experience different cultures
So that one day we end up building an everlasting future 

We come together with pen in hand,
To create worlds and stories so grand,
Each word and phrase a precious gem,
That sparkles and shines like a rare diadem.

We share our thoughts and dreams and fears,
In a place where we can be sincere,
And find in each other's verse,
A kindred spirit and a lifelong friend, no worse.

Our words are like a symphony,
Each line and verse in harmony,
Creating beauty with every stroke,
And weaving tales that make us choke.

Together we stand, a poetic tribe,
Linked by the love of language and vibe,
And though we come from different lands,
We're bound together by our creative strands.

So let us celebrate our bond,
As poets, as dreamers, as one,
For in this group we have found,
A place where we can truly belong.

To be nobody but
yourself in a world
which is doing its best day and night to make you like
everybody else means to fight the hardest battle
which any human being can fight and never stop fighting
Falling again

Falling raindrops from the sky
whispering in her ears
That she's not the only one
Who's falling and feeling lost

Dark clouds in the sky
Whispering in her ears
That she's not the only one
Who's gloomy and carrying the burden

Thunder storms from the sky
Reminding her
That she's not the only one
Who's been shattering and screaming

The Lightning strikes from the sky
Reminding her
That she's not the only one
Who's been broken and torn apart.

~Reema Faarath Rasmi~
Your lips on mine, a sweet delight
The warmth of your touch, sets me alight
In your embrace, I am complete
My heart and soul, are yours to keep

Our bodies entwined, like a perfect fit
My every desire, you seem to intuit
With every breath, I feel your passion
Our love, an endless satisfaction

Your eyes like stars, they shine so bright
A window to your soul, full of light
In your gaze, I find my home
A love so deep, I've never known

Your body curves, a work of art
In my hands, you are my sweetheart
Every inch, I want to explore
To love and cherish, forevermore

I wrote a best-selling book that had never been read'n,
Where my thoughts creat a soul with no person being
and the words made a feeling
Where never emotions seen
I left alone in the sea of stories in a book that never been published

I need your traces to leave off my body cause it’s suffocating me…. I wish the shower I take while the water is running all over my body could erase all your traces of my body…. I need your traces wiped away from my body so I can start over fresh and clean….. I need to introduce to my body new beginnings that doesn’t need to be erased but rather stay all the time…. I need your traces to set me free so I don’t see any flashbacks of us while I can’t sleep….. I need your traces to set me free so it doesn’t come haunting me while I’m with him…. I need your traces to set me free so I’m able to enjoy new traces other than yours…. I need your traces to back off so I yearn to a trace that I never experienced….. I need your trace to just leave my thought like a permanent alcohol drink does to the brain…. I need your trace to wipe off my body so I could restore my robbed body back…. I need your trace to wipe off so I don’t be your property anymore…. I need your trace to wipe off so I regain the ownership to my body…..I need your trace to wipe off so I regain my concentration back…I need your trace to wipe off so I don’t find any piece of you while I change my clothes…. I need your trace to leave my body the same way an evil spirit leaves a human body…. I need your trace to wipe off my body the same way soap cleans dirt from the body….. I need your trace to wipe off my body the same way a heavy rain swipes up everything in front of it…. I need your trace to wipe off my body like the first time a new born takes shower…. I need your trace to wipe off my body so I don’t remember all the pullings and don’t touch me again conversation I constantly have…. I need your trace to leave so I don’t zone out when I’m surrounded by my close friends…..

I am an African girl, strong and free,
Rooted in the land of ancient ancestry.
With golden sunsets and vibrant hues,
I dance to rhythms only Africa can fuse.

In the heartbeat of the savannah's wild,
I find my spirit, untamed and undefiled.
The lioness within me roars with pride,
As I walk with grace, by nature's side.

From the flowing Nile to Victoria's Falls,
I am connected to nature's ancient calls.
In the wilderness, I find my sanctuary,
Embracing the wild, a creature contrary.

My skin, a tapestry of ebony and gold,
Holds stories untold, of legends of old.
A canvas painted with resilience and might,
A testament to Africa's eternal light.

In the rhythm of drums and joyful song,
I find my voice, fierce and strong.
Through adversity and struggle, I rise,
Like the Phoenix soaring through the skies.

I am an African girl, unbreakable and true,
Endowed with wisdom passed down through
Generations of queens and warriors bold,
Whose stories and strength forever unfold.

I carry the dreams of my ancestors past,
Their hopes and aspirations, a flame to last.
With every step, I honor their legacy,
For I am an African girl, destined to be free.

So, let the world hear my vibrant voice,
A celebration of Africa, my eternal choice.
I am an African girl, resilient and pure,
Forever connected to this sacred allure.

In the African soil, she finds her roots,
A resilient spirit, she proudly loots.
Struggles may come, but she'll always rise,
An African girl, a beacon in disguise.

Through poverty's haze and injustice's sting,
An African girl, determined to bring
Change and hope to her land's embrace,
Her resilience shines, an eternal grace.

In her eyes, a fire burns so bright,
An African girl, a guiding light.
With dreams in her heart, she takes her stand,
Conquering struggles, she'll paint the land.

An African girl, a warrior strong,
Through adversity, she'll sing her song.
With grace and courage, she'll face each day,
In her spirit, Africa's strength holds sway.

Please don't bring me this far to fall
Because sometimes I have this feeling inside of me that I'm about to lose it all
And I pick up my phone, but I have no one to call, no one at all
Sitting alone in the bathroom stall, listening to happy customers as they shop at the mall
Pressure on my chest, I slump on the wall
Too afraid to move, too embarrassed to crawl
I'm curled up in the corner with a panic attack
Praying God will take away these lows and bring the mania back
My sanity's jacked, and my haters just laugh
My ammo is stacked, so if you give it to me, then I'll give it right back
I guess if it's like that, then it's like that
We can keep it going, and it'll probably never end
Sometimes, in life, it's hard to make amends
And for me, it was always hard to make a friend
Not because I wasn't social, but because I didn't fit in
Felt uncomfortable in every class I'd sit in
So if you're like me, listen
It's time we as a generation break the chains of this twisted tradition

Infinite Lives
We each live with our own destined paths
Unfortunately we don't have clear maps
We get lost every now and then
But we always find our way even in the rain
Life can be so cruel and unexpected 
But it can also be kind and elated 
Am I living, surving or existing 
Neither I'm just peacefully hoping
That I find something worth holding 
I'm consumed by all the darkness that lie within
So I'm not sure if I can overcome therein 
My mind is in a petrified state
I have no energy to be so great 
I'm just going along for the ride
Then hopefully something tangible will be mine 
I'll keep searching, hoping and living 
So that I can create a memory worth reliving
Something so genuine and clear of lies 
I'll do so even if I it takes Infinite lives 

#depthofmyloneliness #Adnan A
Useless faith
I did like her;
Took bets;
Drew straws;
For our love I even swore..
Still she scored her goal;
She made me cry;
No  hard feelings ;
She ripped out my soul..
I did like her:
Vested my all
Prayed to always soldier on;.yet ;
In the end ;
She shot an arrow;
But she missed my dying soul

Welcome to my life
There's a lotta pain hidden behind these blue eyes
And there's a lotta rain covering up blue skies
Twenty-nine now, and it feels like my childhood just flew by
And I wish I could stop and press rewind
I grew up chained to a clock with no free time
I was a slave to the ticks and the stocks, but I believed somehow I'd be fine
And my little hands couldn't turn back the big hands on that clock when I was a kid
I grew up with a lotta pain, and I tried shoving it in a box and closing the lid
And it worked
Somehow it always got out and came back to haunt me
I grew up a loner, and my peers used to taunt me
Nobody understood me or cared to even listen
I grew up in a small town but never let small minds throw me off mission
People around me settled, but I was different because I was driven
And I remember those nights with mom at the table in the kitchen
I'd tell her I was gonna grow up to be great
I couldn't have been any older than eight
But I already despised the thought of living life with my foot on the brakes

They say “time will heal”
Feelings we cant conceal
Those we cram within
Deep beneath our skin
What was once a castle of steel
Is now a tent of ordeal
But if time ever heals ..which it won’t
For a fact i know scars remain
And the only companion left is pain
Bright side pain is clingy stays
Keeps you warm with dismay
Spice things up adds despair
And in the end we find comfort in feeling the crusty layers
Feeling our scars we find relief
And that by itself is a gift
As crazy as it sounds knowing where it hurts
Feeling your scars most days and some days peeling
Is a journey along the way to healing
So when words don’t utter what u feel
Lay back feel ur scars hoping someday you’ll heal
Or if u don’t then one day u won’t feel

There i saw a kid behind a tree
A tree not typical as we know or see
Branches from far,limbs from near
Screams so loud so painful to hear
River down the hill yet not clear
As i got close,the agony I couldn't adhere

There sat a kid behind a tree
Not the typical tree or a child that you would see
Blood flowing non stop pouring
Is it a nightmare or is it really happening
Scenes from a horror movie
Too cruel to be a constant reality

As I stepped further
To the kid as i get closer
I noticed snowflakes, how could it be in the middle of summer
As they touched my skin ,it started to burn,snowflakes from hell what a bummer

As i went further i started hearing a sound
A sound so hedious my ears started to bleed all of a sudden
Too evil to be true i presumed
Certainly it's just a nightmare I assumed

And there was the kid behind the tree
Speechless from the images that i see
I asked the kid how does it feel
The kid with trauma, a trauma that may never heal

He was smiling covered with blood and ash
As he spoke in a hurry in a rush
As if somebody is going to twist his tounge make him go hush

He said with tears down his cheek
This is what it feels like when cruelty reaches its peak
I'm not the typical kid you know
Who dreams to be a doctor all grown
Me ,no i can't even dream
I was born in a world of shadow without a gleam

I live every single day as if it is my last
Cause all of a sudden I could be part of the past
I play,I laugh,I smile as if it my last
Cause all of a sudden their hell on me they can cast
Too loud,too painful, too fast
Too quickly turned into the rubles of the past
I dream to just exist,where my breathe isn't a burden
Where i amnt a corpse all of a sudden
Where I don't feel thousands of shattered pieces in despair
With those innocent eyes he asked is it possible for all of this to be fair
Don't I matter he pledge to me as he stare
As he continued to tell me his story
One that's painful so scary

I look up at the sky,the sky that was once calm
Yet now it's melody changed, a merciless slam
I wonder if i wake up,if i could still lift up my palm

They say I am a human animal,that I am a monster
All the evilness,all the filth,I foster
Maybe cause they see my face
Covered in ash dripping in blood, they think I'm a lost case
You can see right,the light that is with in
Maybe you don't, maybe it's trapped in the glooms of the rubble never to be seen

They say children are colorful flowers when they bloom
But our petals were always painted red,picked apart from the womb

Speechless stuttering, I asked why are you sitting here
Behind the shades of bodies,overflowing blood and bursting sounds you hear

He smiled again these aren't bodies or limbs
This isn't just a tree as it seems
Here I laughed with my sister and brother
Heard stories like mine from my mother and father
This was a peaceful, happy place for us
Our own spot where nobody steals joy from us
Where we felt free ,not like s subhuman class

In dread of the answer I might get
I asked where are they now ,have they left
They are scattered he replied
Scattered on the river side
Scattered in the ground a land so wide
Scattered with no where to be found

You were asking me why
Why I am sitting here,behind these tree
I am here waiting to be taken
Taken to a better place a safe heaven
Where I am not punished for being a kid
Where I am not pictured as a rotting seed
Where I am not covered in ash,where i don't bleed
I am waiting to be part of these rivers
Where my body never shakes nor shivers

I was so eager to help him
As his sound was fading becoming so dim
His last words he uttered
You have seen how i suffered
You have seen how my body is battered
You have seen how my family is scattered
You have seen how my dreams where shattered
Yet to come to my aid nobody bothered
This is my story the kid behind the tree
For they have made me body-less
I beg you not to make me voiceless
I beg you not to make my tragedy nameless
In your prayers REMEMBER ME
How a child grew up in conditions he wasn't supposed to be
#Šk #istandwithpalestine
2024/06/05 17:50:27
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