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Thrilled to share that PoP Planet and Marlin will be collaborating to enhance SocialFi and AI using TEE coprocessors
op 🤝 TEE to secure off-chain computing!

Looking forward to scaling blockchains and enhancing the web 3 ecosystem with a16z crypto backed OpenLayer. TEEs complement crypto-economic methods by providing faster finality, reducing cost and reliance on fishermen. Together they increase the cost of attack by deterring compute nodes from returning incorrect results while still providing end users a seamless experience.

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Hello Athens! 🇬🇷

We're in town for zkSummit11. Excited to share more about Kalypso, our ZK coprocessor during the event.

Swing by Ingonyama's ZK Accelerate tomorrow as Roshan dives deeper into Kalypso and discusses zkML's use cases and challenges along with =nil; and Brevis.

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On-chain verification of AWS Nitro Enclave attestations is now possible on Ethereum at a cost of 70m gas (20m if the cert chain is verified).

Code executed in a TEE is only secure to the extent it can be verified that the code was indeed run inside a TEE. Attestations play an important role in guaranteeing this.

Unfortunately, different TEE implementations use different curves and hashing algorithms, not all of which have optimized precompiles on Ethereum.

In particular, AWS Nitro Enclaves use the P-384 curve for their signature scheme and the SHA384 hashing algorithm.

A naive implementation would take about 400 million gas. In this article, we describe a few optimizations to make them practical on Ethereum today!

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Excited to announce that Marlin is partnering with NuLink, a ZK Provable data privacy solution for dApps backed by Binance Labs.

Together, we're building the future of decentralized computing, driving innovation in AI, automation, and beyond.

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Marlin is thrilled to announce a partnership with Lighthouse, a decentralized perpetual data storage protocol built on IPFS and Filecoin.

This collaboration aims to supercharge the adoption of decentralized, trustless frontends by leveraging Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) and ensuring affordable storage.

What this means:

- Faster and more secure frontends: TEEs will enable complex computations to be performed off-chain, leading to faster and more secure user experiences for decentralized applications.

- Reduced storage costs: By integrating with Lighthouse Web3, applications can benefit from affordable and perpetual data storage solutions.

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Marlin is excited to announce a collaboration with Kontos, a cutting-edge zk-powered omnichain infrastructure project by Zecrey Labs, which is supported by Binance Labs. This collaboration will focus on exploring zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) generation technology.

Key aspects:
- Advancing ZKP technology to boost transaction efficiency.
- Exploring the potential of ZKPs to enhance scalability and performance.

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Oyster coprocessors are built on Nitro Enclaves, a TEE implementation that ensures the security of your code and data by protecting against tampering and leaks, perfect for securely outsourcing computations.

But, enabling network access in enclaves is an engineering challenge.

Nitro Enclaves are isolated with no direct network access, relying on vsocks instead of IP sockets.

This requires apps to be rewritten to communicate with RPCs, APIs or expose endpoints from within this secure environment.

Oyster's goal is make existing apps run inside Oyster without modifications.

Check this piece to learn more about the journey of bringing seamless Internet connectivity to Nitro Enclaves as we delve deep into Oyster's networking stack!

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Thrilled to announce our strategic partnership with Assisterr to explore the potential of verifiable data provenance for community-owned Small Language Models (SLMs)!

Assisterr's network of Domain-specific Models democratizing AI development aligns with our vision for secure & scalable decentralized infrastructure.

Marlin's verifiable computing protocol, powered by TEE & ZK based coprocessors, will provide a secure foundation for deploying & running Assisterr's AI models. This will unlock exciting new use cases for developers & the AI community.

Together, we are focusing on empowering developers with access to secure, potent and cost-effective AI tools on a verifiable computing platform.

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Excited to announce Marlin’s strategic partnership with Talus, the leading platform for building and deploying AI smart agents. This collaboration brings secure and verifiable compute to Talus for their agentic workloads.

Why does verifiable compute matter? It lets developers train & deploy AI models without revealing the underlying data. This unlocks a whole new world of secure, censorship-resistant AI applications.

The Talus Smart Agent Hub provides developers with the tools they need to build powerful agents. They can select the level of privacy and verifiability for each scenario, ensuring that their AI models are both secure and transparent.

This is where Oyster TEEs come in! Oyster offers cheap, scalable compute capabilities for even the most sensitive data. By leveraging the Oyster platform, developers can access reliable, high-performance computing while protecting their data from unauthorized access.

Together, Talus & Marlin are paving the way for the next generation of verifiable compute for smart agents.

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Important Announcement:

The relay network migrated from Ethereum to the Arbitrum network in January 2022. Users are requested to unstake and bridge their tokens to Arbitrum to continue participating in the Marlin network. The UI for the Ethereum network will be deprecated by 15th June 2024 and users on Ethereum are encouraged to complete this process before that. After the due date, this would need to be done directly via smart contracts.

Note: No action is required from users on the Arbitrum network


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We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with Hylé

This collaboration equips developers with the tools required to generate and verify ZK-proofs more efficiently and securely, all while ensuring cost-effectiveness.

Hylé’s settlement layer, specifically designed for ZK proofs, gives developers the freedom to leverage any execution engine, proof system or prover with Hylé handling the proof verification.

This integration between Hylé and Marlin unlocks a new landscape of possibilities for verifiable applications.

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Marlin is excited to collaborate with Exabits, the AI Compute Base-Layer. This brings together Marlin's verifiable computing protocol with Exabits' extensive GPU network, unlocking a new era of secure and scalable solutions within the decentralized cloud.

What does this mean for developers?

a. Train AI models without sacrificing data privacy using Marlin’s Oyster & Exabits’ GPUs

b. Conduct confidential inferences on your trained models.

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Marlin is pleased to share that Kalypso, the ZK proof marketplace, will be collaborating with Symbiotic in a first of its kind partnership to secure decentralized prover networks with restaked ETH.

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Marlin is excited to announce a partnership with ZKM, an open-source general-purpose zkVM. The partnership unlocks a new level of scalability and efficiency for ZK proofs generation. Kalypso, the ZK proof marketplace, will provide ZKM with a platform to connect with users and protocols demanding cutting-edge ZK capabilities.

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Exciting news! Nimble Network is working with Marlin to explore leveraging Oyster's Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) to build and monetize their AI agents.

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2024/06/25 11:50:39
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