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Collectif Nemesis, a French group of female nationalist activists, crashed the Cannes Film Festival with a banner reading: FOREIGN RAPISTS OUT.
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The official anthem of White Boy Summer 2024
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Trump is roasting Lolbertarians at their own event.
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Germans sing “Ausländer Raus” from atop a bus while circling Afro-Arab invaders.

It is inevitable.
Pox Populi pinned «Eternal City Blues, my latest Substack article, is now published.»

As I wrote in “Population Doom” the argument that Western birth rates are “too low” and therefore we need to import fecund foreigners is rapidly falling apart.

This also dismantles other poorly conceived notions, such as:

Westerners must engage in a breeding war with our replacements.

Westerners are unique in having fewer children, because we are godless heathens or something.
Forwarded from ᛉ Sagnamaðr Stark ᛉ
A German pro-pagan stamp from 1925.
“Defense against the Asiatic poison! - Germans, maintain your native beliefs!”
The readiness is all.
The X account “Abolish Direct Provision Campaign” goes full mask-off, comes right out and says that migrants and “asylum seekers” are in Ireland with the explicit intention of disenfranchising the native Irish and thwarting their desires.

We cannot tolerate these people any longer.
Forwarded from Red Ice TV
Media is too big
Europeans have to come together and defend ourselves to survive the genocidal immigration policies of our treasonous governments. Neither the police nor the media will ever stand up for us. It’s up to us. See something, do something.

Here is French youngster on his motorcycle who saved an elderly woman from a migrant’s abuse (and possible rape and/or murder - who knows).

This is a GREAT start and should obviously be commended … but it’s also clear that this is not strong enough. This invader will do it again, to some other elderly French woman …until someone makes sure that he cannot do it again.

ChatGPT: how can I help you?

Can you generate an image that sums up modern Birmingham?

ChatGPT: Sure thing!

But this isn’t an Ai generated image. This is real.
European Asylum Data

Share it far and wide.
2024/05/28 15:56:28
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