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V3 & Concentrated Liquidity Are Live With Active Pools!

Hello Spiritors,

The moment we have been waiting for since the arrival of the POWER team in October has come: Aglebra v3 and concentrated liquidity has arrived!

We are so excited to share this moment with everyone. It has been a long-time coming. The advent of v3 really is indicative of many more positive changes coming to SpiritSwap. Before we get into all of that in Quarter 2, let's discuss some things to be mindful of for SpiritSwap in these first few days!

v3 is newly deployed, meaning things like, rewards, and values can be displaying inaccurately, or slower than expected. It will take a few days for data to catch up to the displays as the back-end of the algebra contracts do not have enough swapping data to pull the most accurate information. Things like LP values are also not displaying yet, as these values come from Debank, and Debank has not yet picked up our contracts on their radar. Please be patient with us as the system catches up to this massive upgrade.

If you see a bug, PLEASE report it in (ticket channel). We want SpiritSwap to be the cleanest, easiest, most reliable and legible DEX on the market, and we cannot do that without users like you.

Farms are coming. We are putting the finishing touches on the farms upgrade for v3, so do not worry, more on Farms will come shortly.

In the Spirit of getting v3 out as soon as absolutely possible, we pushed the product out before the paperwork. This is to say, GitBook documentation is in progress currently, and should be published shortly to replace all of the existing documentation links. We apologize for this minor issue, but we ensure you we did this because we wanted to make good on our word to have v3 out as soon as possible for everyone.

5. Share with everyone you know that SS is the new hub of faster, safer, and easier trading, with great APRs!

6. If you have any issues understanding providing CL (Concentrated Liquidity) please make a ticket in (Ticket Channel) so we can assist you. The documentation we are working on will also have an overview of how to provide CL.

7. Please refer to our newest landing page link: to begin your v3 experience, as some of our webhooks have changed with this update.

8. We have proved liquidity already for the following pools:


9. Please always trade responsibly, learn about how to protect yourself when utilizing CL, as it is incredibly powerful, but if misused can be much more potent for impermanent loss.

We are so excited that we can be on this journey together! Step by step we will pave the way forward for SpiritSwap to claim its rightful place atop the mountain!



Fix post V3 launch 🔧

Hi Spirit fam, hope you enjoy the first V3 release 👀, i know we miss some feature as farms or change for inSpirit but be patient...
Else we added USDC.e into the bridge and within a LP ! You can now route your foreign chains funds into SpiritSwap or even swap your Spirit for USDC.e

About the V3 liquidity, we fixed a lot of calculation issue if you provide liquidity with custom tickrange 🙂

And last thing, Spirit to the moon ! 📈 🌝

Vote For Our Debank

Hello Spiritors,

Please take a moment to vote on debank so we can get the most accurate data for our Dapp to display more relevant price information so you can make the most informed decisions about your coins!


Medium Monday #6 Out Now!

Hello Spiritors,

You can now go and read the freshly released 'Medium Monday #6: The Rising Tide' on Medium with the article attached below.

We are so excited to be stepping closer and closer to the precipece of change. Won't you join us?


Medium Monday #7 Out Now!

Hello Spiritors,

*Medium Monday #7: New Name, New Game* is out now and ready to read. Go and catch up on our latest info about our upcoming rebrand and tokenomics, and the why behind the reason for this change!

we cannot wait to share more in coming weeks! its going to be AWESOME!


100k Liquidity Added to wFTM/USDC.e & Debank Support For Rabby!

Hello Spiritors,

We are excited to share that we have added ~$100k in liquidity for wFTM/USDC.e on our v3 concentrated liquidity pool offerings. We are also pumped that this is in light of farms progressing nicely and quickly -- it should not be long now, friends!

In addition, as shown on the attached image, if you use Rabby Wallet, it will display your liquidity positions, the value, and even the claimable rewards. This makes SpiritSwap even more accessible than ever for all of your LP farming goals and needs!

We cannot wait for the road ahead!


Medium Monday #8 Out Now!

Hello Spiritors,

*Medium Monday #8: Let's Get Analytical* is out now and ready to read. Go and catch up on our latest exploits on our analytics page and how we believe that the small things are just as important as the big, moon-shot goals!

The future is so bright my lovely friends!


Medium Monday #9 Out Now!

Hello Spiritors,

*Medium Monday #9: Farmers Market* is out! Take a look at how we view the importance of farming on DeFi, what it has meant for our journey, and what the near future has instore for SpiritSwap Farming!

Together we may lay the foundations of greatness!


Medium Monday #10 Calm Before the Storm!

Hello Spiritors,

*Medium Monday #10: Calm Before the Storm* is out now! Take some time to read and join in the discussion about the incoming massive bull-market, and how this particular and short time we are in right now is so important:

We will arise together!


Scam Token Sent Out: DO NOT INTERACT


A scam Spirit/InSpirit token has been sent out and minted within the past 2 hours. this is not in any capacity from our team. Do not swap it, send it, or approve any contracts in relation to it, simply bury and move on.

This is a sign, a sign that SpiritSwap is coming back. If they want to fake being us, that means there is something worth faking!

We’re only at the bottom of the staircase that will take us to the top!

Stay safe!

Medium Monday #11: A New Look!

Hello Spiritors,

*Medium Monday #11: A New Look* is out now! Jump in to this blog sharing the details so far on our rebranding journey, and why we believe it will make SpiritSwap the next big thing in Fantom DeFi.

Let's make SpiritSwap beautiful


New Farms Are Live for V3 Concentrated Liquidity!

Hello Spiritors,

We are so excited to announce that the V3 concentrated liquidity Farms are live and active on the SpiritSwap Dapp. Now you can earn $SPIRIT by depositing your liquidity NFT into the farm of your choosing. We currently have the below farms available to choose from on launch day:


These pools were especially picked based on market safety, ease of accessibility, and their heavy demand. *We have space to offer to new projects/memes/other new offerings on Fantom that would like to be incentivized with our farms.*

We highly recommend moving your liquidity from V2 to V3 for multiple reasons:

1. You can receive better trading APRs from V3 concentrated liquidity.
2. You will have access to the new V3 farms offering excellent APRs.
3. V2 farms have been wound-down. To make way for V3 farms, emissions to many V2 farms have been shut down.

If you have not ever used concentrated liquidity, we advise you to do the safest possible option for mitigating the potential for 'Impermanent Loss' that is possible with all forms of liquidity providing (even found in v2). To better avoid this you can select the 'Full Range' button when making your concentrated liquidity position. If you do not do that, you will have to monitor the position more closely, but your APRs may be substantially higher.

To read about concentrated liquidity, check out our documentation on it:

Please ensure you understand concentrated liquidity, have to read and understand token prices, tick ranges, and LP balancing. Never provide more than you are willing to lose

Concentrated Liquidity V3 is far superior to V2, but with great power comes great responsibility!

Get out there, get providing liquidity, and** GET FARMING! 🌾🌾**


Dev updates!

Fix of the data update on DAPP

We recently hear that some of our users got issue with data not refreshed like the balance of tokens that doesnt get updated after a swap of like liquidity that doesnt show up after adding liquidity, it's an old time now it get refreshed immediatly !

Hope you liked our new farms, are you ready for some new staking system 👀 ?

Update On Rebrand & Tokenomics:

Hello Spiritors,

As we push deeper into Q2, we are moving quickly through our internal plans of rebranding SpiritSwap, and also the new tokenomics. Both of these updates will be MASSIVE as far as scope and scale of sweeping changes that will be coming.

We will be announcing our new brand sooner than later, and shortly after that we will be deep-diving into breaking down the tokenomics. We wanted to take a moment to share this update with the community to go over a few advisements as we move forward with these plans:

We advise our community to stop locking their $Spirit for InSpirit at this time.
Spirit will stop minting in/around Q1 of 2025.
Our tokenomic designs we are building will have a consistent 9-year runway.
Please continue to trade, farm, and provide liquidity for $Spirit.
without the coming changes, and the inevitable stoppage of $Spirit minting, rebranding and tokenomics is an absolutely necessity.

We believe in this project, this community, and our team. We are rebranding not just because we have to (which we do, because Spirit needs a face-lift and new life) but also to show that we are here for the long-haul. We aren't going anywhere. We will live and die on this hill.

Rebranding and new tokenomics is the first step to bringing real value to this community again. *We will be the largest, fastest, most profitable exchange on the network.* We cannot do that without your support, patience, and promotion. We will become the behemoth we always should have been, we may look a little sleeker and ride a little faster, but it will be the same group of people and community in the car.

We look forward to sharing more in the very near future. This is only the beginning. Strap-in, because the other exchanges are going to start SWEATING very soon.


Medium Monday #12: SilverSwap

Hello Spiritors,

*Medium Monday #12: SilverSwap*. We have waited so long to announce this change! This is only the beginning. The future is Silver

Peep the new X(Twitter) handle: @SilverSwapDex


Medium Monday #13: Consensus 2024

Hello Spiritors,

*Medium Monday #12: Consensus 2024*. Come have a read about our core focuses of conversation at Consensus 2024, and why it was so beneficial to us, and how our team brings in different ideas to make SilverSwap the true first premium DEX.

The future is Silver!


2024/06/08 08:49:11
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