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Top frameworks to avoid losses & make KILLER PROFITS in Option Buying -

1- For Option buyers 'Timing' matters most. You enter too early - choppiness will kill your trade ; you enter too late - IV starts falling & kills your trade.

2- As an option buyer not much is there which you can do 'after' you enter any trade - only before it.

3- Always have a fixed 'daily loss limit', which can be 2-3 % of your total account.

4- Always have a fixed "per trade loss limit' ~ not more than 20-25% of your daily total loss limit, thus you'll be risking < 1% of your total account in one trade.

5- Remind yourself of your max loss limits every morning.

6- Never exceed these two limits. Shut your system when they reach & don't look back for the day.

7- For every trade, SL is different but the 'loss per trade' is fixed, so change your quantity accordingly.

8- Try to initiate your trades from important S/R levels, so that SL is small & R: R is high.

9- Have an idea about the direction of the index/stock you're trading but also keep in mind other factors like IV & Theta which bleed us money.

10- Do not take random trades based on just 'gut feeling'.

11- Every trader has an 'edge' that separates him/her from others : find what's yours & play to it only.

12- Discard ruthlessly the trades which don't fall in your comfort zone bracket.

13- If you face losses in two consecutive trades, stop trading for an hour. Take a break, relax, clear your head & then come back.

14- We tend to lose maximum when we do revenge trading. Avoid that completely.

15- If you face losses for two consecutive days, stop trading for that week. Come back fresh next week

16- If you face losses for two consecutive weeks, stop trading for that month : introspect, improve & then come back.

17- Whenever you enter any trade, the first question you should ask is - "How much I can lose" not "How much I can earn".

18- You can't have Rewards without Risks : the key is to balance them in your favor.

19- Market tests your patience to the extreme by bringing lots of choppy days before giving a trending day.

20- You can make big money in trending days only if you survive the choppy ones.

21- Plan your trades in advance & always have a clear-cut point in sight where you'll declare your trade as 'failed'.

22- Don't hesitate to kill a trade if you realize you are wrong.

23- Your trading style is generally an extension of your personality ; don't go against your basic instinct.

24- If you are conservative by nature, there's no reason you should take unnecessary aggressive trades.

25- Never let your emotions drive your trades ; be it 'fear' or 'greed'.

26- Never pressurize yourself to make money in the markets : the more you do that - the more you'll lose.

27- Shut yourself from outside noise completely. Play only on your strengths.

28- Your strength will come by mastering your set-ups completely & testing them thoroughly in all market conditions.

29- Avoid those set-ups which don't provide you an 'edge.'

30- Don't 'Size up' unless you've mastered your trading set-up completely.

31- Every losing trade is a learning opportunity - just make sure it doesn't ruin you completely.

32- For initiating any trade, there should be a proper data-backed reason. Once the reason gets fulfilled, think of exiting.

33- Buy Options of 'outperformers' while market looks strong & 'underperformers" while market is weak.

34- Keep track of the major events which can affect the IV; so you save yourself from Volcrash.
2024/06/01 04:10:51
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