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🎙 Interview with ThreeFold Veteran, Sabrina

Sabrina Sadik, Operations Lead at ThreeFold Tech has been with the ThreeFold project since the beginning and has played a key role in bringing the vision to life.

Sabrina prioritizes people and fosters an inclusive workplace culture transcending gender and ethnicity. As a single mother, she balances her career with family responsibilities. Her multicultural background brings a unique perspective on embracing diversity and inclusion.

Sabrina's remarkable journey and dedication make ThreeFold a better, more inclusive working environment. Take a look at this interview for more on her story.

Very proud. Thanks for all you do, Sabrina! 🫶
April Project Update Tonight @ 5pm CEST

Friends, join us tonight for our April Project Update. We'll be talking about TF Grid 3.x and TF Grid 4.x, tech updates (including Mycelium), and on the ground activities by the business development team.

Join on Zoom (if you'd like to follow with the slides) or on Twitter.
🍿 April Project Update Recording is Live

In April's general project update, we shared about tech updates, validators / guardians, Mycelium (our end-to-end encrypted IPv6 overlay network), a "block" concept to improve how cloud capacity is offered and rented, grants, TF Grid 4 (our commercial DePIN launch), updates on partners, and an update on biz dev / on the ground activities.

You can watch the video here and leave your comments, questions, and feedback here.
🗓 Announcing: May Community Calls

Friends, we've got four community calls lined up for this month:

Discussion & Demo: Gateway Domains
Tue May 07 @ 19:00 CEST | 13:00 EDT

Community Discussion
Thu May 16 @ 17:00 CEST | 11:00 EDT

Discussion & Demo: Mycelium
Tue May 21 @ 19:00 CEST | 13:00 EDT

Project Update
Thu May 30 @ 17:00 CEST | 11:00 EDT

Find all the details here. Hope to see you there!

We are looking into adding an events plugin for the forum (example here) which will make it easier to track upcoming events, and where community members can add their own events as well.
💡 Today: Learn About Gateway Domains

Join in for a discussion and demo on gateway domains today at 19:00 CEST | 13:00 EDT. Scott and Mik will demonstrate how to deploy a VM on the grid and link a gateway domain to it, so it is running on the ThreeFold Grid but still accessible from the public Internet. A very neat and relevant functionality for grid users!

Since the session will rely heavily on visuals, we'll host this one on Zoom. The video will be recorded, edited, and shared later this week.
👀️️️️️️ Watch the Gateway Domain Discussion & Demo

In this week's call, Scott and Mik talk about and demo gateways, and specifically gateway domains, a relatively new feature where users can attach a gateway to any generic VM deployment from the dashboard. This brings flexibility to the system for people that want to do DIY deployments. Gateway domains allow deployments to run on the grid while remaining accessible from the public Internet. Watch the recording here.

Based on call feedback, we are planning a demo on the Wordpress application. We will cover how to deploy it with and without IPv4 network. This will be scheduled for the first week in June. You can take a look at other upcoming calls here.

Is there something you want to see tested on the grid? Let us know and we’ll be glad to explore this in a subsequent community call demo session.
🧪 How We Test the ThreeFold Grid

Testing is a key aspect of maintaining a reliable cloud infrastructure. Because testing is such a thorough process, we can catch and correct bugs before they make their way to mainnet, our “production” environment. Learn more about the testing process:

Part I: Ensuring Quality for Users
Mostly covers why testing is important and the three networks used for testing – Devnet, QAnet, and Testnet – before we release anything to mainnet.

Part II: Overview of Manual & Automation Testing
Focuses on two key types of testing – manual and automation – which combine to ensure a strong and dependable grid. Also, how to report an issue found while testing.

A big thanks to all those who have contributed to testing the grid to date, and we invite anyone to join the testing community and take part in ensuring a smooth and reliable ThreeFold Grid.
🗓 ThreeFold Events Calendar

With more calls happening each month, we have created a public ThreeFold Events calendar where we will continually update new calls, meetups, and other events.

This allows anyone to follow / subscribe and should make it easier to stay on top of what’s coming up.
Reminder: Community Discussion Tomorrow

Join us tomorrow to discuss TF Grid 4 and any topics or questions on your mind.

Hope to see you there – 17:00 CEST | 11:00 EDT! We will also host as an X Space.
👀 Watch May's Community Discussion on v4

In May's community discussion, we focused on TF Grid 4 and its implications. The call featured commentary from Kristof (ThreeFold co-founder) as well as Michael (Green Edge, v4 Team) and Maximilian (v4 team) followed by questions and conversation.

Watch the recording here and bring your comments on the forum.

Please note this is an unedited recording of a community discussion. Information and outcomes are subject to change.
🍄 Mycelium Demo & Discussion Today

Join us today at 19:00 CEST | 13:00 EDT. Scott and Mik will host a discussion around Mycelium and showcase the basic functionalities and setup of ThreeFold’s end-to-end encrypted IPv6 overlay network.

Call link here. And as a reminder, we've created an events calendar to make it easier for you to follow along with ThreeFold calls and meetups.
📺 Watch the Mycelium Discussion & Demo

In this week's call, Mik and Scott dive into Mycelium, a super exciting end-to-end encrypted IPv6 overlay network that builds on the concept of Yggdrasil, created by the ThreeFold team. Mycelium enables P2P communication at a planetary scale. 🤯

Call topics include: what is Mycelium, Mycelium vs IPv4 and IPv6, how to use Mycelium, how to install Mycelium inside a VM, and more.

- Watch the session here
- Mycelium on GitHub
- Mycelium on the Manual
🎓 ThreeFold @ Zanzalu

This weekend, some of the team will be joining Student Weekend at Zanzalu, a five-week pop-up city event in Zanzibar spun off from Zuzalu in Montenegro last year. It aims to connect African builders, explore alternative forms of city organization, and foster a growth ecosystem.

At Student Weekend, we will show the audience how to deploy workloads on top of ThreeFold's decentralized cloud infrastructure and participate in an ideathon, which then leads to a hackathon in mid-June where participants will try to build and deploy their ideas on top of ThreeFold nodes.

An exciting opportunity to interface with local builders and showcase ThreeFold technology!
🇹🇿 On the Ground Activities in Tanzania

Take a quick read as we recap two events from this past weekend – Zanzalu Student Weekend in Zanzibar and the 8th GenAI Meetup in Dar Es Salaam – and look ahead to the Transformative Impact Summit in less than two weeks.
🗓 Announcing: June Community Calls

Friends, we've got four community calls lined up for June:

Discussion & Demo: Deploying WordPress

Tue Jun 04 @ 19:00 CEST | 13:00 EDT

Community Discussion
Thu Jun 13 @ 17:00 CEST | 11:00 EDT

Discussion & Demo: AI Workloads
Tue June 18 @ 19:00 CEST | 13:00 EDT

Project Update
Thu Jun 27 @ 17:00 CEST | 11:00 EDT

Find all the details here. Hope to see you there!
Reminder: May Project Update Tonight @ 5pm CEST

Friends, join us tonight for our May Project Update. We'll be talking about TF Grid 4 and INCA, as well as sharing some tech updates and ecosystem activities.

Join on Zoom (if you'd like to follow with the slides) or on Twitter.
🍿 Watch May's Project Update: Introducing INCA

In yesterday's project update call, Kristof shared about the phases of ThreeFold and the differentiators between v3 and v4, and Mike from Green Edge gave a strong introduction to INCA, which represents the future of the grid starting with v4 and the continuation of TFT on Solana.

In time for the weekend, dive into these exciting updates and more here.
Tomorrow: Deploying WordPress Demo

Join Scott and Mik tomorrow (June 04 at 19:00 CEST | 13:00 EDT) as they discuss WordPress, the most popular CMS on the market, and demonstrate how to deploy WordPress on the grid. See you there!

This session is a nice follow-up to the Gateway session held in May.
🇹🇿 On the Ground in Zanzibar

Yesterday, some of the team and friends of the project visited IIT Madras Zanzibar Campus to meet and explore possibilities of collaboration.

Afterwards, at Zanzalu, ThreeFold co-founder Kristof spoke alongside Matthew Schutte of Holochain on public goods and how to build a new application layer on top of a sovereign infrastructure co-owned by us all.
2024/06/08 20:56:32
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