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Xiaomi Watch S4 Sport launched.

- Hengxuan BES2700BP MCU chip
- 32MB RAM
- 32GB ROM

- 1.43 inches OLED display
- Round dial
- peak brightness 2200nit
- 60Hz refresh rate
- Sapphire glass

- Support eSIM
- All-day automatic monitoring (heart rate/blood oxygen)
- Automatic night sleep monitoring/stress index/breathing training
- Women's health function/skin temperature detection
- Suunto sports algorithm
- HyperOS
- Support car key function 1.0
- Gesture operation
- 586mAh battery
- Support eSIM up to 9 days of battery life
- Bluetooth mode up to 15 days of battery life

- Weight: 49g
- Titanium alloy bezel
- Titanium frame
- Strap materials: fluororubber, liquid silicone, and titanium Milanese.

- Basic Strap : 1,999 CNY
- Titanium strap : 2,599 CNY

Last Update:

Xiaomi Watch S4 Sport launched.

- Hengxuan BES2700BP MCU chip
- 32MB RAM
- 32GB ROM

- 1.43 inches OLED display
- Round dial
- peak brightness 2200nit
- 60Hz refresh rate
- Sapphire glass

- Support eSIM
- All-day automatic monitoring (heart rate/blood oxygen)
- Automatic night sleep monitoring/stress index/breathing training
- Women's health function/skin temperature detection
- Suunto sports algorithm
- HyperOS
- Support car key function 1.0
- Gesture operation
- 586mAh battery
- Support eSIM up to 9 days of battery life
- Bluetooth mode up to 15 days of battery life

- Weight: 49g
- Titanium alloy bezel
- Titanium frame
- Strap materials: fluororubber, liquid silicone, and titanium Milanese.

- Basic Strap : 1,999 CNY
- Titanium strap : 2,599 CNY


BY Xiaomi Global™ News

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