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Dedicated to Ilya Sutskever.

Текст большой, но любопытно.

Table of Contents
Each essay is meant to stand on its own, though I’d strongly encourage reading the series as a whole. For a pdf version of the full essay series, click here.

History is live in San Francisco.

I. From GPT-4 to AGI: Counting the OOMs
AGI by 2027 is strikingly plausible. GPT-2 to GPT-4 took us from ~preschooler to ~smart high-schooler abilities in 4 years. Tracing trendlines in compute (~0.5 orders of magnitude or OOMs/year), algorithmic efficiencies (~0.5 OOMs/year), and “unhobbling” gains (from chatbot to agent), we should expect another preschooler-to-high-schooler-sized qualitative jump by 2027.

II. From AGI to Superintelligence: the Intelligence Explosion
AI progress won’t stop at human-level. Hundreds of millions of AGIs could automate AI research, compressing a decade of algorithmic progress (5+ OOMs) into ≤1 year. We would rapidly go from human-level to vastly superhuman AI systems. The power—and the peril—of superintelligence would be dramatic.

III. The Challenges

IIIa. Racing to the Trillion-Dollar Cluster
The most extraordinary techno-capital acceleration has been set in motion. As AI revenue grows rapidly, many trillions of dollars will go into GPU, datacenter, and power buildout before the end of the decade. The industrial mobilization, including growing US electricity production by 10s of percent, will be intense.

IIIb. Lock Down the Labs: Security for AGI
The nation’s leading AI labs treat security as an afterthought. Currently, they’re basically handing the key secrets for AGI to the CCP on a silver platter. Securing the AGI secrets and weights against the state-actor threat will be an immense effort, and we’re not on track.

IIIc. Superalignment
Reliably controlling AI systems much smarter than we are is an unsolved technical problem. And while it is a solvable problem, things could easily go off the rails during a rapid intelligence explosion. Managing this will be extremely tense; failure could easily be catastrophic.

IIId. The Free World Must Prevail
Superintelligence will give a decisive economic and military advantage. China isn’t at all out of the game yet. In the race to AGI, the free world’s very survival will be at stake. Can we maintain our preeminence over the authoritarian powers? And will we manage to avoid self-destruction along the way?

IV. The Project
As the race to AGI intensifies, the national security state will get involved. The USG will wake from its slumber, and by 27/28 we’ll get some form of government AGI project. No startup can handle superintelligence. Somewhere in a SCIF, the endgame will be on.

V. Parting Thoughts
What if we’re right?
Кстати, кому не интересно 150 страниц про AGI в ближайшие годы, как альтернатива есть 510 страниц про темную материю:

Dark Matter

We review observational, experimental and theoretical results related to Dark Matter.
Картинок вам в ленту.

Странно, правда, что BERT всего 3k. Мне кажется по старым ценам должно было быть сильно больше
gonzo-обзоры ML статей
Кстати, кому не интересно 150 страниц про AGI в ближайшие годы, как альтернатива есть 510 страниц про темную материю: Dark Matter We review observational, experimental and theoretical results related to Dark Matter.
А вот вам ещё прекрасного про физику, но теперь на 3 страницы вместо 510.

The forest as a neutrino detector

The primary challenge in detecting ultrahigh energy (UHE) neutrinos with energies exceeding 10^16 eV is to instrument a large enough volume to detect the extremely low flux, which falls as ∼E^−2. We explore in this article the feasibility of using the forest as a detector. Trees have been shown to be efficient broadband antennas, and may, without damage to the tree, be instrumented with a minimum of apparatus. A large scale array of such trees may be the key to achieving the requisite target volumes for UHE neutrino astronomy.
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В дополнение к английскому и китайскому поддерживает ещё 27 языков.

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В будущем обещают мультимодальность с видео и аудио.
Сергей Марков дописал свою большую двухтомную книгу про ИИ «Охота на электроовец: большая книга искусственного интеллекта»! Поздравляем!

Я читал ранние версии и знаю, что Сергей проделал огромную работу по сбору исторического материала. Абсолютно разумно и без хайпа, с технически достоверными обзорами архитектур. Рекомендую.

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Algebra, Topology, Differential Calculus, and Optimization Theory For Computer Science and Machine Learning

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