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#прокорк #анонс

Для всех жителей и гостей Корка. Приближается наша неделя исторического наследия. Как обычно, будут бесплатные экскурсии от нашего экс-мэра, доктора географии, автора колонки Our city, our town - доктора Кирана Маккарти (Kieran McCarthy).

Мы были на нескольких, и это офигеть как интересно. Корк, его история - страсть, любовь, жизнь и работа этого человека. Он кладезь знаний, он провёл и проводит кучу времени в архивах. И теперь история Корка - через жизни и истории его жителей, домов, улиц, мостов - разворачивается в его рассказах живописнейшим полотном.

Вот с его странички в фб программа:

First Call Out: Kieran’s August 2024 Historical Walking Tours as part of National Heritage Week:

Saturday 17 August 2024, A Tour of Cork City Hall as part of Cork Heritage Open Day, with Cllr Kieran McCarthy, 10am, meet at entrance at Anglesea Street (90 minutes, booking required at Cork Heritage Open Day website with Cork City Council).

Sunday 18 August 2024, Cork Through the Ages, An Introduction to the Historical Development of Cork City with Cllr Kieran McCarthy; meet at the National Monument, Grand Parade, 6.30pm (free, 2 hours, no booking required).

Monday 19 August 2024, Shandon Historical Walking Tour with Cllr Kieran McCarthy; explore Cork’s most historic quarter; meet at North Main Street/ Adelaide Street Square, opp Cork Volunteer Centre, 6.30pm (free, 2 hours, no booking required).

Tuesday 20 August 2024, The Northern Ridge – St Patrick’s Hill to MacCurtain Street; Historical walking tour with Cllr Kieran McCarthy of the area around St Patrick’s Hill – Old Youghal Road to McCurtain Street; meet on the Green at Audley Place, top of St Patrick’s Hill, 6.30pm (free, 2 hours, no booking required).

Thursday 22 August 2024, The Lough and its Curiosities; historical walking tour with Cllr Kieran McCarthy; meet at green area at northern green of The Lough, entrance of Lough Road to The Lough, Lough Church end; 6.30pm (free, 2 hours, no booking required)

Friday 23 August 2024, Douglas and its History, historical walking tour with Cllr Kieran McCarthy in association with Douglas Tidy Towns; Discover the history of industry and the development of this historic village, meet in the carpark of Douglas Community Centre, 6.30pm (free, 2 hours, no booking required, circuit of village, finishes nearby).

Saturday 24 August 2024, The City Workhouse, historical walking tour with Cllr Kieran McCarthy; learn about Cork City’s workhouse created for 2,000 impoverished people in 1841; meet just inside the gates of St Finbarr’s Hospital, Douglas Road, 1.30pm (free, 2 hours, on site tour, no booking required).

Sunday 25 August 2024, Sunday’s Well historical walking tour with Cllr Kieran McCarthy; discover the original well and the eighteenth century origins of the suburb, meet at St Vincent’s Bridge, North Mall end, 1.30pm (free, 2 hours, no booking required).
Last Update:

#прокорк #анонс

Для всех жителей и гостей Корка. Приближается наша неделя исторического наследия. Как обычно, будут бесплатные экскурсии от нашего экс-мэра, доктора географии, автора колонки Our city, our town - доктора Кирана Маккарти (Kieran McCarthy).

Мы были на нескольких, и это офигеть как интересно. Корк, его история - страсть, любовь, жизнь и работа этого человека. Он кладезь знаний, он провёл и проводит кучу времени в архивах. И теперь история Корка - через жизни и истории его жителей, домов, улиц, мостов - разворачивается в его рассказах живописнейшим полотном.

Вот с его странички в фб программа:

First Call Out: Kieran’s August 2024 Historical Walking Tours as part of National Heritage Week:

Saturday 17 August 2024, A Tour of Cork City Hall as part of Cork Heritage Open Day, with Cllr Kieran McCarthy, 10am, meet at entrance at Anglesea Street (90 minutes, booking required at Cork Heritage Open Day website with Cork City Council).

Sunday 18 August 2024, Cork Through the Ages, An Introduction to the Historical Development of Cork City with Cllr Kieran McCarthy; meet at the National Monument, Grand Parade, 6.30pm (free, 2 hours, no booking required).

Monday 19 August 2024, Shandon Historical Walking Tour with Cllr Kieran McCarthy; explore Cork’s most historic quarter; meet at North Main Street/ Adelaide Street Square, opp Cork Volunteer Centre, 6.30pm (free, 2 hours, no booking required).

Tuesday 20 August 2024, The Northern Ridge – St Patrick’s Hill to MacCurtain Street; Historical walking tour with Cllr Kieran McCarthy of the area around St Patrick’s Hill – Old Youghal Road to McCurtain Street; meet on the Green at Audley Place, top of St Patrick’s Hill, 6.30pm (free, 2 hours, no booking required).

Thursday 22 August 2024, The Lough and its Curiosities; historical walking tour with Cllr Kieran McCarthy; meet at green area at northern green of The Lough, entrance of Lough Road to The Lough, Lough Church end; 6.30pm (free, 2 hours, no booking required)

Friday 23 August 2024, Douglas and its History, historical walking tour with Cllr Kieran McCarthy in association with Douglas Tidy Towns; Discover the history of industry and the development of this historic village, meet in the carpark of Douglas Community Centre, 6.30pm (free, 2 hours, no booking required, circuit of village, finishes nearby).

Saturday 24 August 2024, The City Workhouse, historical walking tour with Cllr Kieran McCarthy; learn about Cork City’s workhouse created for 2,000 impoverished people in 1841; meet just inside the gates of St Finbarr’s Hospital, Douglas Road, 1.30pm (free, 2 hours, on site tour, no booking required).

Sunday 25 August 2024, Sunday’s Well historical walking tour with Cllr Kieran McCarthy; discover the original well and the eighteenth century origins of the suburb, meet at St Vincent’s Bridge, North Mall end, 1.30pm (free, 2 hours, no booking required).

BY Me Cork

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Telegram Gives Up On Crypto Blockchain Project

Durov said on his Telegram channel today that the two and a half year blockchain and crypto project has been put to sleep. Ironically, after leaving Russia because the government wanted his encryption keys to his social media firm, Durov’s cryptocurrency idea lost steam because of a U.S. court. “The technology we created allowed for an open, free, decentralized exchange of value and ideas. TON had the potential to revolutionize how people store and transfer funds and information,” he wrote on his channel. “Unfortunately, a U.S. court stopped TON from happening.”

What Is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that you can buy, sell and exchange directly, without an intermediary like a bank. Bitcoin’s creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, originally described the need for “an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust.” Each and every Bitcoin transaction that’s ever been made exists on a public ledger accessible to everyone, making transactions hard to reverse and difficult to fake. That’s by design: Core to their decentralized nature, Bitcoins aren’t backed by the government or any issuing institution, and there’s nothing to guarantee their value besides the proof baked in the heart of the system. “The reason why it’s worth money is simply because we, as people, decided it has value—same as gold,” says Anton Mozgovoy, co-founder & CEO of digital financial service company Holyheld.

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