Telegram Group Search
Channel created
Channel name was changed to «Ton hash»
Announcement: 📌

✔️Recently we deleted our old bot cause there's was issues no withdrawal received and more issues so fixing that and your data is safe your same account will be replaced but before that send us 1ton donation fast as possible so we will done this bot at all and you can earn or mine more again 🌐

Ton- ✔️

Address- UQA9iRkAnbal8P5wlHflm0LDoZrdkPRFsfROphoa7Kjze2UE

Tag if needed ✔️

Send 1ton we will refund your 1ton later after bot fixed refund will be received on your mineton bot wallet

👀We are facing high rates📈 and hard to handle who sent us 1ton so❗️

Send screenshot+ adress where you tried to make a withdrawal + username of telegram account with which you tried miner bot

Send mentioned details on our Instagram account.
2024/09/15 04:46:24
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