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In the sacred twilight of Ramadan's closing days, it is incumbent upon us to earnestly seek atonement for our sins and beseech Allah's forgiveness.

With fervor, let us seize the opportunity to gain spiritual rejuvenation and firmly grasp onto the invaluable lessons that this hallowed time imparts and aspire for excellence. May our good deeds be accepted and our transgressions be pardoned.

"O Most Merciful Allah, You are the epitome of forgiveness and Your compassion knows no bounds. With utmost humility, we implore You to bestow upon us Your divine forgiveness, for You are the quintessence of love and mercy."


Ramadan, you were the bearer of peace and devotion, the season of spiritual abundance.
Though we bid you adieu with a tinge of sorrow, our hearts overflow with gratitude for the blessings and profound growth you have graciously bestowed upon us.  May the wisdom gained in this sacred time illuminate our path in the days ahead.Until we reunite in the coming year.

"O Divine Creator, we have placed our trust in You during the sacred month of Ramadan. May this period not mark the conclusion of our sacred bond with You, but instead herald a new dawn that extends across countless years and lifetimes. Permit us to depart from this blessed month only upon being embraced by Your boundless mercy, liberated from the anguish of Hell".



As the crescent moon gracefully adorns the night sky, marking the culmination of Ramadan's sacred fast, Eid emerges like a gentle zephyr, carrying with it the essence of prayers and blessings. This joyous occasion is a celebration in full bloom, a symphony of vibrant hues and harmonious melodies that reverberate with gratitude and devotion.

Let us not turn a blind eye to our brothers and sisters who endure the shackles of tyranny in Palestine and across the globe. Let us remember them in our thoughts and prayers, and strive for a world where freedom and justice reign supreme.

Let us unite, hand in hand, beneath the radiant canopy of Eid's luminous embrace, and exult in the magnificence of our shared humanity.  Eid Mubarak!


It's really magical to bask in the warmth of cherished moments spent with loved ones. Time seems to freeze and all our concerns vanish. The days days seem to be shaping up wonderfully and everything seems to be panning out. Each passing day unfolds like a beautifully scripted story, filled with moments of connection and joy that seem to effortlessly align. The once uncomfortable areas now feel like elysium fields. Exactly, the corners of our lives  radiate with a sense of peace and contentment, transforming into blissful oases of sheer bliss and pure unadulterated serenity. As we immerse ourselves in the company of those who hold our hearts, any traces of lingering negativity effortlessly dissipates , replaced by an overwhelming sense of appreciativeness and elation that permeates the very air we breathe.The beauty these treasured moments is truly a gift that brings joy and gratefulness to our hearts. May we keep reveling in the warmth
of love and closeness that will eternally be etched in our souls . Truly, life is an amazing tapestry woven with threads of love and togetherness. 🤍🤍🤍

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As the ominous clouds of aggression loomed overhead, foreshadowing an impending storm, the once thriving city began to crumble, descending into a state of despair. The infrastructure suffered severe damage, with many civic structures collapsing. Yet, just when all seemed lost, a new day dawned, bringing a renewed sense of hope and liberty . Inspired by the sacrifices of the fallen, the people cast aside their enemies and embraced a spirit of resilience, prepared to confront any challenge that crossed their path. With the firm belief that there are no limits to what they can achieve, they embarked on a journey towards a future defined by independence , triumph and greatness.


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In the vast mosaic of existence, each and every individual of us is a masterpiece of unparalleled uniqueness, a symphony of individuality that shines with special rejoicing melodies and radiates all its own.Each possessing a special array of passions, gifts, talents, quirks and idiosyncrasies that add depth and color to the rich tapestry of diversity.

Your innate gifts and life experiences are treasures exclusive to you, capable of bestowing upon the world a richness that only your unrivaled presence can provide, for you are one-of-a-kind art work imbued with your own distinct light that propels you towards your loftiest dreams and aspirations.

Stand out , and embrace your uniqueness with pride and revel in the qualities that distinguish you from the multitude , for it is the sacred flame that ignites the boundless potential within you and guides you towards a destiny as magnificent and incomparable as you are.


Mosaic = a group of different things that exist next to each other or together

Innate = an innate quality or ability is something you are born with.

Array = a group of people or things, especially one that is large or impressive.

Quirks / idiosyncrasies = the peculiarities and the unusual or unexpected features that something has.

Unravilled = unparalleled

Propel = make someone move in a particular direction, especially by pushing them.

Smile, don't sulk, don't pout.
In life's journey, there's no need to doubt.
Take it easy, don't complain, don't shout,
With each challenge, we can surely figure it out.

Stay positive, for without a doubt,
Every trial will eventually pan out.
With patience and hope, the right path will come about,.

Even in darkness, there's a glimmer of light, so don't flout.
For things undoubtedly will work out.
With resilience and faith, we can conquer any dispute and find the right route .

With a brave heart and a mind that's stout,
Embrace the journey, for everything will work out.

In the ancient lands of grace and lore,
Our hearts are shattered, wounded to the core.
Where painful sights haunt us more and more,
Conflict and animosity, breeding thuggery and a reality sore.
Bloodshed, despair, and violence galore.
Calamities, cruelty, divisions that we deplore.
From Sana'a to Gaza, from al-Khurtum to Tripoli,
From Damascus to Baghdad's door,
Scenes of terror and war that we abhor.
Forlorn wails that we cannot ignore.
Enough is enough, we cannot endure.

It's time to unite, collaborate and restore,
The perfect, glorious days of yore.
Fight in each mountain, each plain and every shore.

Let us acknowledge our true foe and embrace unity,
To usher in an era of peace and prosperity.
Conquer the desperate plight of war's calamity,
Bask in a new dawn of hope and positivity ,
And hoist the banners of triumph and liberty .

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Embrace the adversities and trials that cross your path, for they are the crucible in which your character is forged and your inner strength tested.

Just as a rose ascends from the rugged soil, so too can you emerge resplendent and empowered from your tribulations. Embrace the rocky terrain of your challenges as gateways to personal growth and metamorphosis, realizing that they are sculpting you into a more robust and radiant rendition of yourself.

With courage in your heart and determination in your soul, step boldly into the unknown, for the journey ahead is yours to conquer with valor and poise.

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Always remind yourself that there exists no one in the entire cosmos quite like, for you are a manifestation of exquisite beauty, endowed with an inexhaustible wellspring of formidable strength and boundless potential, yearning to be unleashed.


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In the quite corners of our world, there reside souls who bear unseen burdens,
Carrying the weight of their struggles and pain in silence.

They are engulfed by despair, deeply upset.
Yet, their smiles belie their turmoil and unrest.

To those who suffer in silence, unseen and unheard of ,
Let us extend a hand of compassion and love.

For in our gestures of kindness, we can alleviate their agony.
Like a gentle breeze that quites the turbulent sea.

Let us be the voice that amplifies their muted cries.
Let us be a pillar of comfort and pleasure to their eyes.

Together we can create a world of mercy and tenderness ,
Where no soul suffers, no heart feels soreness .

2024/06/19 22:01:05
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