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我发现好多人在转的那个无神论者注全本圣经 https://www.skepticsannotatedbible.com 我点进去看了一下。怎么说呢,这个注解其实大部分还是用来学习圣经的,而且对于学习圣经来说,还不太够用。但用来反对圣经里面的谬误吧,好像也不太够用。

可惜我手头已经没有类似的资源了。几年前已经把基督教相关的东西从文件夹删光光了…… 在这里就简单推荐一个网站 Recover From Religion。 如果你对你的宗教信仰有所疑问却不知道找谁倾诉,他们有在线志愿者。https://www.recoveringfromreligion.org/resources
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—— 玛拉·内森拉比 source
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父亲举的例子很好的说明了「月经污名化」这种毒性文化是多么常见,又是多么的愚蠢... source
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不要仅仅用“TA的想法是好是坏”来评价一个人,要看TA具体做的事情。 source
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基督徒 vs 跨性别 source
Hello gentiles I come bearing another announcment!

Do not wish Jews a “happy Yom Kippur.” Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year and the Day of Atonement. It’s a day where we fast (if we choose to and are able), and ask for forgiveness from God and those around us for our wrongdoings of the past year. Saying “happy Yom Kippur” is inappropriate due to the nature of the holiday. If you know someone fasting, wishing them an easy fast is appropriate and traditional.

An appropriate thing to say if you don’t know if someone is fasting or not (and it’s not of your business whether they are or aren’t) is “Have a meaningful Yom Kippur”.

Yom Kippur starts on Sunday night, and ends Monday night. (September 24-25th, 2023)Many Jewish holidays are happy. This is not one of them. Yom Kippur is a solemn holiday. Your Jewish friends may be in synagogue essentially the entire day (especially if they’re more observant, or part of the Conservative or Orthodox denominations). There’s a lot of self-reflection and the entire day has a very serious tone.

Reblogging again with this resource for people who want more detail on what to say and whyhttps://jewishunpacked.com/yom-kippur-greetings-what-to-say-to-your-jewish-friends-on-yom-kippur/ https://jewishunpacked.com/yom-kippur-greetings-what-to-say-to-your-jewish-friends-on-yom-kippur/ source
Which is why it’s important to not be mean.

Their cult teaches them that the world is full of scary monster people who hate them for being so good and loved by god. If you swear at them and call them names or get in their face you’re just doing the cults work for it.

I’m not saying you have to listen to their presentation or try to debate them (and really getting into a debate without thoroughly understanding what they’re being taught will just make things worse)… I am just saying to be polite and say no thank you like if they were trying to hand you a flyer for something you don’t care about. source
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在圣约翰大教堂举办的动物赐福活动,你可以带上自己的宠物去接受赐福,祈祷平安‼️ source
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❶ 前期投入:在前期投入精力/时间/金钱/感情之后,一个人更容易认定自己的投入是有价值的,是正确的。比如在下注之前大多数人会认为自己赢的概率是平均概率,但在下注后大多数人会认为自己赢的概率超过平均概率。又比如在接受严苛的侮辱性的测试之后加入某个群体,会让人更有可能认同这个群体的观点。

❷ 认知失调:如果一旦将谬误信息认作核心的基本事实,则大量事实就会在下意识里被用各种方式变成“错误信息”。比如一旦把“某某群体都是坏人”认定为基本事实之后,即便发现了“某某群体的某某人看上去很好”,也会变成“这个人实际上是坏人但假装很好,这个人真的是太坏了”。

❸ 总之我们的大脑可不是什么“客观有逻辑”的机器。一些认定的“基本事实”,可能会成为一些人身份认同的重要的一部分,改变这些认同非常困难。如果在错误的“事实”的不断堆积下,一个人可能会愿意把很多非常荒谬的说法纳入到自己的“事实体系”中去。

❹ 但这不代表传播真实信息没有用,请发声。一个陷入邪教的人可能会通过别的渠道慢慢接触到和自己“知识体系”相悖的信息,可能是一张图片,可能是一句话,可能是一个提问,可能是一段讨论。渐渐的,这些片段信息可能会让这个人从邪教中走出来。

❺ 我们大脑的知识体系的建构,常常把“自洽”放在“事实”之上。一旦一个错误信息嵌入其中,就可能会造成整个体系的重构。为避免这样的情形,我们应该注意几件事:不断审视信息中的逻辑和证据;对自己不确定的信息保持不确定而不是过早去下判断;了解邪教的“灌输错误事实”的运作体系。

❻ 当“很想相信”的时候格外要加倍警惕加倍检查:当“很想相信我没有浪费时间”的时候一定要提醒自己“我有时候就是会做浪费时间的事情”,当“觉得我一定没错”的时候一定要提醒自己“有时候我会犯错的”,当“我一眼就看穿/认定了某个人”的时候一定要提醒自己“有时候我看人可能会不准”,当“我绝不可能被操纵”的时候一定要提醒自己“有时候我是会被人摆布的”。

Recent discourse reminds me of that cult indoctrination trick that’s often used to weed out more difficult marks early on, where they tell you all that you aren’t allowed to eat rice on Tuesdays and then if you protest they go “wow SOMEBODY likes rice a little much huh” as if you’re the fucking weirdo who cares too much about how much rice is consumed between Monday and Wednesday instead of them.

And this forces you to decide whether your autonomy matters to you more than the approval of the group - while they’ll still act like you’re on thin ice either way, if you give in at this point they know you’re theirs forever, because now they’ve established a foothold, you’ve shown a moral weakness, which they will brand you with so it can be used against you in the future (“hey RICE-addict here doesn’t want help break into the city records office”) to force you to double-down and isolate you further.

And if instead you do decide to push back further, after your abrupt departure from the group (“You’re seriously leaving us over RICE?!? Seriously?”) and subsequent ostracism, you can then be used as a demonstration to the others who were more pliable, of how the outgroup is full of people like you who are obsessed with violating the No-Tuesday-Rice rule to the point where they’ll abandon all their friends, who cared so much for them, so it clearly isn’t an arbitrary restriction, you’re the kind of monster these rules are intended to protect them from, thus all the other wise and esoteric precepts of the charismatic leader are implied to be equally justified.

This isn’t just for cults either! Shitty partners, bosses, friends - they all do variants of this where if you kick back the first time they make an unreasonable request, it proves you weren’t ever committed since you’d let such a small thing ruin everything. And of course, if it’s the third or the tenth unreasonable thing they ask of you, it’s SUCH A SMALL THING to be a deal-breaker at this late point in your relationship!

Every time I see something like this I feel obligated to recommend this video:


It is the most comprehensive resource on indoctrination I have ever found, covering it from induction to excommunication, the numerous tactics indoctrinators use to coerce people and keep them within the cult/group, including the trick you mentioned, and the psychology of the indoctrinated person itself. The creator of the video cites several psychological studies and real-world cases to corroborate his points.

If you want to learn more about one of the most insidious and destructive forms of manipulation in the world, PLEASE watch this. source
Welcome to the Protestant Work Ethic where if you are not working for 16 hours a day you are a Sinner that will Burn In Hell. Unless of course you are rich in which case you are Blessed by God and can go to Heaven without lifting a finger.

heard a story on a podcast that some Christian missionaries showed these rural Cambodian farmers how to double their crop yields. the missionaries came back a year later and were surprised the Cambodians had grown basically the same amount of crops but the farmers were like “yeah this is great, we got everything we need for the year and only had to do half as much work”

and if that doesn’t tell you everything you need to know about the current North American work environment I don’t know what will source
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教会与教区在陷入性侵相关索赔案之后申请破产的事情经常发生,我这边随便就能举出近20个例子来(视频内有详细列出)。现有法律法规的漏洞使得大量受害者难以维权,相关法律法规应当及时修正,保护那些在宗教团体内遭到性侵的受害者的基本权利。 source
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相关背景:对美国政治有极大影响力的福音派基督教团体常常会以“生命的神圣性”为由推动限制堕胎权的法律。 source
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所有这些都是中国政府加强控制穆斯林群体的一环。这些政策违背了公民的基本宗教自由权。 source
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2024/04/28 11:48:32
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